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Planview Customer Success Center

March 2024 Product Roadmap Q&A

Question Answer
How do you enable You initially enable Planview.Me by adding it as a product within Planview Admin.
Take a look at this CSC page to get a view of the steps needed to enable Planview.Me.
Is Planview Copilot an integration to Microsoft Copilot ? No - Planview Copilot is an AI chat offering that is specific to the Planview product/data offerings and is not related to or connected to MSFT Copilot.
Sherrill might cover this in a moment, but when are the Portfolios Overviews going to be available? Yes she will cover this  but we're excited to see the first release of Portfolios Overviews after the April '24 monthly release (should be mid-April, a bit later than normal release day, but so that we can ensure all is completed for Planview Admin and Planview.Me too). Additional content/widgets will be coming in the following months.
For Overviews is there an option to pick a particular portfolio by default for metrics? When on a Work Portfolios perspective/tab the current selected portfolio will set the context for all widgets. When on My Overview the widget will allow for portfolio selection. Initially if you are at a higher level than a specific portfolio (e.g., Planview.Me or Portfolios My Overview), you will have a dropdown list to select between portfolios, but we do want to enhance this so that it will persist your last selection and also be able to add multiple of the same widget with different portfolios selected.
is it too late to request the early access widgets? It's not too late, if you are interested, please contact Sherrill at
On Portfolio Overviews, will the Lifecycle Approvals widget be only Approval steps or any lifecycle steps assigned to the user? Initially it will be key entity approvals, like projects. Lifecycle steps component you saw in the mockups is coming later.
There are things like the metrics (specificly financials) we'd only want a subset of projects displayed. Thanks, we've passed on this feedback to the team. Please stay tuned to upcoming monthly webinars to hear more details on specific widget release timelines and functional details on how they will work. We'll be covering these upcoming components like graphical/visualization for financials in our upcoming UX inner circle meeting on March 27th, one meeting at 9 am Central, one at 5 pm Central. Hopefully you can make one of these meetings to see and discuss! For those not yet members, this is the Portfolios UX inner circle registration link:
ProjectPlace controling the plan was bumped to May now? Is that correct? Yes, for General Availability to make sure we have time to incorporate the early access feedback. However, if you are using in early access and happy with it, we intend to enable you to bring in to production ahead of GA.
Can you populate LogBook with the CRIs already logged in Portfolios? how would you transition to use Logbooks from CRIs as there is no integration between the two? The initial early access and General Availability may not have this migration, but my understanding is that having a way to migrate (once the needed functionality is there) is a goal. There is a Logbook inner circle in case you are interested in finding out more and directly:
Can you populate LogBook with the CRIs already logged in Portfolios? how would you transition to use Logbooks from CRIs as there is no integration between the two? We do not plan to build migration support but will enable the ability to import log items to Logbook via Excel.
Is Logbook also released for PPM Pro to Projectplace in order to make risks or decisions in PPM Pro visibel for the users in Projectplace?  It is possible that PPM Pro would be able to take advantage of Logbook, but I'm not sure if that is on their roadmap yet. There is a Logbook inner circle in case you are interested in finding out more and directly (and I'll bet this question has come up there):
Will moving EA to Planview Admin change the licensing model for it (ie: today it's part of Portfolio's)? No there are no current plans to change the licensing model so there is no impact on this.
Are there any roadmap items for Planview PPM Pro users? This webinar only covers Portfolios and supporting products. We do have a separate roadmap for PPM Pro. We have monthly PPM Pro release webinars where we cover what is coming up next, and will plan to have a roadmap session a bit later in Q2
What was the timing for the financial history again? Hoping to have beta/early access possibility in Sandbox within 1-2 months, for financial history download