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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Version 17 Update 11

This controlled release is applicable for Planview Enterprise One release 17 only.

Note: SQL Server Reporting Services tier has Service Pack 1 + Cumulative Update 5 deployed.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 11

  • Currently a column set model contains a dimension called 'Column Set Model Information' which holds the date/time-stamp of when the model was last processed. 
    This update adds 3 new fields to that dimension.

  1. Database name the model is sourced from
  2. Column Set Model name
  3. Primary financial management model name - assuming financial management measures exist in the model 

These fields will help administrators and report designers determine source details for models they are designing content from.



  • With this release we have enhanced the database copy functionality so that it will clear out url's related to the Projectplace integration, disable the sync flag and clear external keys

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 11


  • The following features have been modified so that they can do all of these actions when maintaining structures.:
Feature Name Read Create Edit Delete Display Settings
admin_workflow Architect PDC
mod_struc Maintain Structures
setup_sys Set Up System

Therefore, users with the Maintain Structures feature, but not Architect PDC or Set Up System, are to modify ranges for Fields.

  • 00225650 - When a name is changed in the Resource structure level this change is now also reflected in the display of the Org Res structure.
  • The field for changing the structure number when sharing an alternate structure found in Administration > Manage Attributes > Shared Use of Alternate Structure is now read-only prevent assigning an invalid number to the structure. 
  • 00222991 - Manage Rate Sets screen found in Administration > Rates > Rate Sets no longer receives a long-running script error when attempting to use the Search filter option for an Oracle user.

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00217729 - Column set data models with time phased financials did not seem to know how to convert the time periods for internationalization of dates.  Since it didn't know what to do with these dates, it failed to run the column set tabular model job stream.  If you looked beyond the failed job stream into the Iogs, you would find a date conversion error.   But who wants to do that?  The date now converts correctly.  For clarity, the failure occurred when all of the following conditions existed:

    1.  The column set used to build the model included financial time-phased columns.
    2.  The PRM system did not use English-US locale.  The dbconnection.ini file specified alternative locales in the replace_locale and replace_language settings.
    3.  Either the start or end period of the financial time horizon included a date where the value of the day was greater than 12 (example: 13/10/19 for October 13, 2019).

  • 00233439 - A problem was fixed in column set tabular models that caused quarterly data to be grouped together across years.  For example, Q1 2019 and Q1 2020 would be combined and displayed only as "Q1".

  • 00233214 - The security feature in column set tabular models has been modified so that users that have proper grants to outcomes can now see data for strategies associated to those outcomes even if they lack explicit grants to those strategies.  This helps users understand how the outcome data rolls upwards through the strategy hierarchy.

  • 00205582 - Corrected an error in the Content Pack that would cause data visuals to return an error.

Cross Product Integration

  • If you are using the Agile Costing job stream to schedule the automated timesheet load from LeanKit board activity, we changed the description of one of the parameters in the job stream.  It was "Previous Reporting Periods to Load" but now it will be "Previous Time Reporting Periods to Load" as it will be less confusing to end users when translated into other languages.   Yes, we care about all languages!


  • 00236049 - Administrators can now archive certain projects without encountering a syntax error about an extra parentheses.
  • 00239995 - In order to correct an issue in E1 17.10.0 to not have assigned tasks with zero remaining effort show up on future timesheets for resources, we introduced a new trigger.  That trigger had unfortunate consequences of trying to update every resource record, which for our larger customers caused various deadlocks.  We have quickly identified the issue, updated the trigger, and are getting you a fix ASAP.
  • Modified queries used in  global search for primary entities in order to avoid potential deadlocks.
  • 00221946 - Default timeout for stored procedures has been increased from 25 minutes to 15 hours.

Financial Planning

  • 00215654 - According to the psp_refresh_rates stored procedure which executes the Refresh Labor Cost process, the process checks the first editable period on the financial version to determine the range for which the Refresh Labor Cost process can be run. The Refresh Labor Cost job type in Job Streams has been changed the page to display editable periods rather than loadable periods when determining the parameters of the job.
  • 00219693 - Discounted ROI values are no longer incorrect for Browser settings in Spanish.
  • 00228939 - Financial calculated attribute found under Planning > Portfolios > (Portfolio) > ICP / Analyze Pivot now displays value correctly in ICP with browser language set to German.
  • 00221335 - Modified the IRR algorithm so that it is now calculating as expected when viewing IRR in a strategy portfolio with a 26 year planning horizon on the financial model.
  • 00224576 - Storage capacity has been increased for entry records in Financial Plan Detail with an id greater than  2,161,091,190.
  • Database errors from making financial columns available as fields now display in an error in a pop-up box instead of just giving a SQL error. 
  • 00174360 - Financial columns can now be sorted when clicking the column header after enabling Variance with Comparison Version.
  • Performance improvement for banner menus. Reduces possibility of menu being slow because of database locks.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00236767 - For those using Investment and Capacity Planning and are making decisions and publishing approvals (OpCapAppr) for programs (lowest level in strategy) you can see the history on the strategy detail page if your administrator has enabled it. There was a bug where the history was not showing the change to 'Accepted' state on the Strategy Detail page after a Publish of a shared scenario. This has been corrected in the cases when demand is strategy and when demand is work. This can be seen by going to the Investment and Capacity Planning > Analyze pivot > change investment approval while using the Shared Scenario > Publish the Shared Scenario > Go to entity detail page and click History button > click on Investment Approval and verify all expected changes are shown.
  • 00220317 - Investment and Capacity Planning  will now display scenario/shared scenario data without having to refresh the browser when switching between scenarios.
  • 00223897 - Calculated attributes which add 2 (or more) fields together is now calculating correctly in ICP when value type of the field(s) is 'Number'. 
  • Improvement was made to how rows are grouped when calculating prior demand, enabling the Shift pivot to have a faster page rendering.  
  • 00196749 - Users are now able to create planning portfolios with strategy capacity level set to any level that allows strategy financial plans.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • 00163876 - Date filtering on Analyze Table Tile will now work correctly for different time zones.
  • 00032363 - When total effort/duration is very large, the Strategy Portfolio page was not loading.  Now an empty row is returned, an exception is captured and logged in this case to allow the page to load.
  • 00239707 - If you aren't using Strategic portfolio to help fund and measure your strategic performance, you should!  Which is why we want to ensure that you can create new alternate structures and make them available in strategy column sets without issues.  However, we found a bug that we had to zap.  

    We know you don't do this every day so in case you forgot how to do this:  Administration > Attributes and Column Sets > Manage Attributes  >  Alt-Structure > Strategic Hierarchy > Select Display Setting for an attribute  > Check Available as Column

  • 00182444 - Project Overview tile on Work View ribbon no longer requires user role based on System Administrator User Type.

  • 00234352 - An error message and failure to change status has been fixed.  This error was encountered under Work > Portfolio > Portfolio View and by changing the Work Status field of any available project.

  • When using the Reserve Profile page (accessed from the Assignments Graph and My Scheduled Assignments tile), we resolved a bug where extra records (sometimes with zero effort profiles and the wrong dates) were incorrectly added.  This occurred when the work and resource calendars differed from each other, when the user did not have a US date/time format and also when using certain resource calendars such as 37.5h.

  • 00186889 - When "Available as Column" setting of attributes has been disabled, the custom tiles that use attributes will now notify users the setting change.  The custom tile creation page will indicate the invalid expressions with associated attributes and ask users to delete them.

Resource Management and Assignments (RMA)

  • 00234554 - In RMA, when in the fill requirement modal and setting a resource utilization, the effort value is now updated when saving even if the user does not click off the cell first before saving. 


  • 00229857, 00202393 - The duration calculation for the Strategy Schedule page has been corrected.
  • 00227595 - The Work View link found on the Strategy tab under Strategy View and then by clicking on the Project Name is now navigating to the Work View.

Time Reporting

  • 00227075 - Administrators are now able to set the Timesheet Granularity Global Option (1911) to a value of 1 minute.  Previously, users could only report time in 3 minute increments.
  • 00175363 - Timesheets with zero hours and remarks will no longer disappear after timesheet approval.

Turbo Scheduling Engine

  • 00214297 - Performance improvements have been made when clicking "Schedule" in Work and Assignments.  The CPM scheduling will run faster, particularly for large projects with lots of closed work.

Work and Assingments

  • 00032083 - Work and Assignments now consistently displays a pop up warning message when changes to the assignments tab when closing the window before changes are saved.
  • 00239908 - converting a partially complete activity to a milestone would leave an actual start but no actual finish and 0% complete.   that was never supposed to  happen and caused additional problems if you subsequently set the milestone status to complete.   

    now when you convert a partially complete activity to a milestone, the milestone will be 100% complete and there will be both actual start and finish dates.   the actual start and finish dates will be the same.

  • 00239962 - Previously, when in Work and Assignments, on the Schedule and Assignments pivot, in Monthly view, you are not able to clear out an effort profile cell without the value coming back after refresh.  This release fixes the issue where the profile effort could not be deleted / removed from a cell in Work and Assignments or Resource Management and Assignments (RMA) grids with timescale set to Months.

  • 00217401 - Work and Assignments > Notes window will now keep focus in larger text editor until users cancel or save changes in that window.  

  • 00238538 - In this release we fixed a problem that caused profile cells prior to Time Now to be read-only and there were also problems if you edited a period that contained time now.  Monthly values for profile cells are now editable prior to Time Now through both Work > Work and Assignments and Resource Management and Assignments (RMA).

  • 00230066 - Using the delete icon on a grant on the Review Grants admin page (for an entity other that Work) no longer results in a spurious message that the ESE was unavailable.

  • 00234167, 00235724, and 00235398 - An error was fixed that was previously encountered when creating a Change or a Risk or an Issue, then loading the project portfolio and clicking on the corresponding CRI tab (change, risk or issue).

  • 00199788 - An issue with a duplicate entry created when clicking once to enter a number in a cell in the effort profile of WRM on the Resource and Assignments pivot has been corrected.

  • 00226307 - Reserve schedule start and schedule finish dates will now be adjusted to remove any leading or trailing zero total profile segments (similar to allocations) when making edits to the reserve.

  • 00220668 - The Action Item description is no longer being removed from the long text table when applying 16.X upgrades.

  • 00239908 - converting a partially complete activity to a milestone would leave an actual start but no actual finish and 0% complete.   that was never supposed to  happen and caused additional problems if you subsequently set the milestone status to complete.   
    now when you convert a partially complete activity to a milestone, the milestone will be 100% complete and there will be both actual start and finish dates.   the actual start and finish dates will be the same.

  • 00234599 - An error message that was occurring in Work and Assignments when clicking on the Action item has been resolved.


  • 00179649 - If a folder is created in Content Management, associated with a project, and that folder is given a Content Access "Granted Users / Granted Access" rule, users with RW grants to the project can now see the content folder and read or edit any documents within it.
  • 00219516 - Support Tickets drop down menu found in My Overview > My Support Tickets and Project > Support Tickets > work view > support tickets tab is now working correctly.
  • 00225306, 00210396 - Users can now enter an actual start or finish date with the year of 2000 in any grid without it being changed to current year.
  • 00206462 - The PlanviewMSPAddIn_readme.txt file has been updated to reflect the most recent updates to Known Issues, Planview Success Center and support for 64 and 32-bit versions of MS Project.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 11

Application Switcher

  • 00231564 - Addressed an issue that prevented a user from getting back to Portfolio and Resource Management (PRM) from the CTM Application Switcher when the PRM user has CTM set as the default landing page, causing a redirect. Users may add a "homeview" setting to the customersettings -> externalapps -> pve portion of configuration (i.e. "/planview/MyPlanview/MyPlanview.aspx?pt=HOMEVIEW"). This is a single setting that applies to all CTM/PRM users.


Data & Types

  • 00212449 - Resolves an issue where relationship types without type constraints cause a 500 error in "Data & Types" object type viewer.


  • 00213927 - Exporting a Policy no longer results in a "999" status code from the server. 

Widget / Layouts

  • 00032034 - Resolves a JavaScript error when committing date properties from widget form popup dialogs.


  • 00228304 - Resolves an issue where exportTUX misses a list property if the list property is the very last property of the resulting TUX file.


  • 00200125 - Resolves a case where object type display names were not being shown in Visio.


  • 00219769 - Resolves an issue when querying reference properties with list properties resulted in a truncated list. The paging limit for reference properties no longer limits the entries returned for list properties.


  • 00207762 - Applicable to On-Prem Customers Only. Multipart Scheme and Multipart Port can be configured via the gateway.bat/.sh and the application.yml file when SSL is being handled by a proxy (i.e. F5) instead of the CTM gateway .

Known Issue for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 11

  • 00226636 - Users must select date values from the date picker when modifying date values in the grid (e.g. lifecycle phase dates, and physical date properties). In previous updates, the grid editor allowed users to type in the date values in lieu of using the date picker. Manually typing in dates is supported in CTM 18 and later. 

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 11


Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 10

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00227404 - Base tabular model PVE_ICP_FastTrack_Work_CBS1 has been modified so that the SQL query syntax executed during model processing should no longer contribute to any locking or contention issues in the PRM database.  The model will need to be dropped and created to take advantage of this change.
  • 00224389  - During creation Odata refresh jobs will be converted to use the time zone of the reporting farm to avoid problems executing if the PRM web server is using a different value.
  • 00223537 - The create and manage subscription pages have been optimized to avoid timeout issues during submission for environments with a large number of report subscriptions
  • Grant based security in column set models traditionally was applied on measure groups only. Now grant based security will be applied to both measure groups and dimensions allowing for dimensional only content to be created (Power BI or Excel) where grant security will be respected.

Database Management

  • The Database Management functionality no longer clears out any integration tokens stored in the target database.  Additionally external keys relating to the PRM LeanKit integration does not remain in the target database.
  • Performing a PRM Database copy from Production to Sandbox in environments that have an integration installed will no longer require a re-installation of the integration. 

Financial Planning

  • 00214706, 00230864, and 00231122 - Importing of excel files with no Seq Id column no longer result in false Invalid Attribute warnings.  Examples of when this occurred were 1) Entity had same description as an attribute and file has no Seq Id or Entity ID column and 2) Entity had an Entity ID that is equal to Seq Id of an attribute and file has no Seq Id column.
  • 00182212 - The Roll Up of a financial version no longer encounters an error on the 4000 character limit.
  • 00219946 - Financial Detail and ICP: Performance improvements have been made to help when extremely large alternate structures are used for line attributes.
  • 00195621 - The 'Default Rate Card' box now remain checked when modifying a rate card.
  • Made performance improvements to FM Excel Import queries.
  • 00227899, 00228897-  Loading Cost Centers financial version no longer returns error on invalid column names.
  • 00034946, 00225142 - Financial Detail page is no longer showing *** for inactive attributes that have no value.

Job Streams

  • A new Jobstream for Agile Costing that will load timesheet records for resources based off their activity in LeanKit.
  • 00206412 - The daily baseline job no longer encounters a timeout after 30 minutes.
  • 00221650, 00221942 - Added the option to select one or 'All' Work statuses on the Work Status Filter of the Financial Repository Job Stream Job.  Also, timeout for the job was increased to indefinite.


  • 00185359 - Multiple Reviewers in Lifecycle Step will now receive e-mail/notifications that a step needs to be completed.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • 00223812 - Tile Resource columns now sort both ascending and descending.
  • 00225925 - Users can no longer select parent nodes of standard activities on a Resource Portfolio data picker.
  • 00191458 - Users are no longer encountering 404 errors when attempting to access Support Tickets via links on Work View.
  • 00212652, 00216161, 00223244, 00226141, 00226193 ,00226197 - An error is no longer occurring when clicking Save button at the bottom of Request View in the Action section of a Request Portfolio.
  • 00224902 - A Request Portfolio built with 'Requests Start' date parameters with the code fix for Case 00032463 was not working properly once the DB was upgraded. This issue has been resolved with in a database upgrade script with this release.

Strategic Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00217823, 00219894, 00220624, and 00230047 - A Program Portfolio will now load when the List view is active and if there are no entities at the active List view level from the previous portfolio viewed.
  • 00215622 - Fixed the strategy duration calculation that appeared to triple the number of days.

Time Reporting

  • 00219126 - When selecting payroll codes on the Enhanced Timesheet, the drop-down list no longer displays parent levels if there are no children that can be selected.  
  • 00209658, 00232664 - Corrected an issue where tasks marked as complete would still be added to users' timesheets the following week.

Turbo Scheduling Engine

  • 00177423 - CPM scheduling would set approved effort on some allocations incorrectly.   When CPM moves a planning entity that has allocations, the allocations all move.   If the person doing the scheduling has authority to approve the allocations, the approved dates and effort will be updated.   otherwise the requested dates and effort will be updated.  the effort was being set to be the remaining effort.  the approved effort should be actual + remain.  if actual is > 0 for the allocation, the approved effort was set to the wrong value and that could cause out of tolerance notifications.  

Work and Assignments

  • 00211708 - Users can now delete a project expenditure record successfully after removing the planned effort.
  • 00213889 - The capacity for resources will be 0 prior to the progressed time now.   Previously it was 0 outside the resource employment dates but it wasn't 0 prior to time now.   For example, if you have a month period and time now has advanced past 3 weeks of the month, the capacity for that resource will be 1 week rather than the capacity for the entire month.
  • 00194640, 00216265 - The system will now automatically set the first resource rate card in a rate set as the default.
  • 00206217, 00227422 - Users no longer encounter an "Variable is undefined" error when deleting a master baseline.
  • 00228932 - Implementation of new Set Status feature was modified to tolerate Work entities with null Status (code20).
  • 00213827 - Allowed bookmarked and recent resources to be visible in the data picker for both the Team and non-Team use cases.
  • 00203221 - An issue on the requirement tab with values entered as whole numbers changing to decimals has been resolved.
  • 00145641 - Allocation reserves no longer become unlinked when dragging activities to each other.  This fix also requires Turbo Enterprise Scheduling Engine (TESE) version
  • 00201453, 00215458 - It is now possible to select Team level nodes from an authorized resource data picker when no grants to the team's resources is required. (Previously this worked only when a grant was required.)
  • 00222950 - An issue has been corrected where profile segments were being incorrectly created when editing the profile or splitting the profile via the action menu on the Assignment Profile screen.


  • 00217473 - Rate screen no longer loses focus or clears text filter when trying to update information for existing or new rate.
  • 00229271 - Clearing of editable fields will no longer cause a FinancialPlanService Upsert command to fail when using a Financial Plan ID to identify the financial plan.
  • We decreased the probability of deadlocks occurring across many areas of the product by adding SQL Server performance improvements.
  • The login redirects no longer takes users to external URLs that do not appear on the URL whitelist.  The Planview application host has also been added to the whitelist.
  • 00224918 - You can now search and sort by Work ID when using the data picker to select associated work for an Outcome.
  • Code was added to improve memory usage in the following pages:

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 10

Internal Read Schema

  • 00218464, 00227943 - TIRS rebuilds would fail in certain cases due to a column type mismatch in the Parent view. The mismatch in column type has been resolved. 


  • 00215400 - Resolved issue with "no value" counts being incorrect in some cases when grouping. This occurred when grouping by components that had ancestor components of different types.


  • 00182810 - Component 'Parent' types will now be correctly accounted for when opening a template.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 10

  • 00215781 - the call to update daily_sch where appropriate during report execution has been added back into the FTA database objects
  • 00221425  - RES08 - "Auto-approved" timesheets are no longer displayed as Missing in the report

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 9

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00177588, 00208814, 00203349 - The column set model creation process has been enhanced to accommodate for larger data volumes which previously prevented a successful loading of models.
  • 00212549 - The Report Subscription Management screen has been modified to support the display of internationalized date formats based on browser language.

Financial Planning

  • 00216418 - Financial Planning Detail Variance: If working version has line items (lines with attributes) and the comparison version has only an account line (line with no attributes) then the comparison account total was not being shown.
  • 00179226 - Financial Detail: An issue was fixed where changing custom period viewable range would sometimes require a page reload before the new range would be fully populated.
  • 00206346 - Financial Planning Download: Excel files have been changed to respect user preferences for Decimal Precision.
  • 00208365, 00217382 - Financial Detail: Level descriptions could be shown as "null" when structure level has no name. The level descriptions are now shown as a blank value instead of "null".


  • 00219366, 00220881. 00221059, 00221822, and 00222308 - An "Uncaught Type" console error is no longer encountered when attempting to Search on Lifecycle tab when re-assigning user.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • 00184614 - An issue with saving a tile to Excel on a MAC where the upper first section of the file has variables instead of the file details has been fixed.

Strategic Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00214434 - Corrected issues when dragging items to rank in ICP where items would not appear in the right place for the number 1 priority.
  • 00214370 - Effort values of zero are no longer being generated when exporting from Excel after selecting the Balance pivot.

Resource Management and Assignments (RMA)

  • 00211591 - Performance improvement made to updates within the Resource Management and Assignments grid.

Time Reporting

  • 00199981, 00219317 - Improved timesheet auto-add to better filter completed assignments.
  • 00167344 - Timesheets now allow time entry on the resource's termination date.

Web Services

  • The FinancialPlanService no longer fails an entire request just because a required attribute is missing from all of the FinancialPlanLineDtos where it is required.
  • 00216288, 00218887 - A performance enhancement aimed at the use case where order is not specified (or has not changed) has been made to ActionItemService. 

Work and Assignments

  • 00202441, 00213998  - After adding a new Shared Use of an Alternate Structure to Planned or Actual Expenditures, you no longer receive an error on the Work & Assignments page. The newly added alternate structure will not be available on the Expenditures grid until IIS has been reset.  Also, The "Use Database Column Name" field is now disabled when editing Shared Alternate Structures with Planned or Actual Expenditures.


  • A performance improvement has been made to how Roadmap data is retrieved for Strategy and Product portfolios.
  • A performance improvement has been made to the FinancialPlanService to increase the capacity and speed of financial imports. 
  • 00215203 - A change has been made so that disabling structures and making them unavailable as columns will be handled properly in the database.  This was affecting the ability to render downstream configurable table tiles on the ribbon.
  • 00209059 - A database stored procedure has been modified so that it is less likely to cause negative performance impacts on other parts of the application during execution.  This procedure was being called during processing of tabular models through job streams.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 9

Metamodel Management

  • 00213597 - Resolves a case where minCardinality settings can be lost when importing custom content.

Note: The server will respect minimum cardinality defined on the relationship type as the lowest common denominator and not the cardinality defined on the connection override.

  • 00191040 – Deleting relationships via bpserver now removes referenced RPDs for the relationship. 

Customers should follow these guidelines for removing a relationship type:

  • Before deleting relationship type, remove any related reference property references from existing column sets, portfolios, and tiles.
  • After deleting the relationship type, remove the following:
    •  any type constraint from configuration/type_constraint.
    • any calculated properties that refer to either the relationship type or its RPDs
      • Note: RPDs related to the relationship type are automatically removed.

    • Widget forms that refer to the relationship type
    •  Modify reports or visualizations that refer to the type
  • Navigate to Administration / Data and Types / Utilities / Internal Read Schema Custom Content Import/Export
    • On that utility page, click "Reload Metamodel"
  • Navigate to Administration / Jobs
    • On the Jobs page select "Admin Jobs" and "Rebuild Internal Read Schema"
  • When the rebuild job is complete, the process is complete.

Note:  It's possible you may experience errors in the UI when you are in the process of deleting types depending on how deeply embedded the type is in the configuration of the user interface.  The errors should go away after you have finished the cleanup noted above and the rebuild.  If you experience any errors after this process, please contact Planview support.


  • 00214784 - Resolves an issue where display names are not showing correctly from the banner’s "+ New" button drop down menu.


  • 00217533 - Resolves an issue where clicking the "Exit Details" link after a global search can navigate to an incorrect return URL.


  • 00205867 - Resolves an issue where "FUTURE" and "PAST" filters in CTM were hard coded to the current date rather than dynamically looking at the present date (today).

Column Set

  • 00200125 - Resolves an issue where type name is showing in the column set dialog rather than the type's display name.


  • 00214688 - Resolves a problem with link property type editing where encoded urls in the link entry box can cause the browser to freeze.


  • Improved performance of Oracle purge processing.

Excel Round Trip

  • 00222947 - Resolves a condition where Excel round trip can fail to export if length of a cell is outside of the max cell length (32767 characters).

Note: If an Excel spreadsheet exceeds Excel's cell length limit, the value is truncated and that excel spreadsheet cannot be imported in this case.

  • Resolves a case where importing an Excel spreadsheet with no expected changes erroneously showed changes being made.

Ribbon and Tile Management

  • If a tile does not have a scope set it's not possible for the tile to be placed correctly into portfolios. In previous versions this condition caused an error to occur client side. With 17.9.0, tiles that are misconfigured without scope will be suppressed from the client.

Troux Client

  • 00222620 - When running a job that runs statistics like ETLStats, the job manager no longer reports an UnrecognizedPropertyException.
  • 00221911 - Resolves a case where trouxClient can return a 400 response when a Job Name includes a backslash character.  Backslashes can be part of the job name if the user submitting the job has a backslash in the username (e.g. ABC\username..ETL).
  • 00220378 - Resolves a case where  trouxClient -c <filename> disregards the alternative config file. trouxClient now respects -c <file>.


  • The out of the box template, Technology Architecture template has been updated. When using the included data graphic, there is no longer a prompt to select the Manufacturer Disposition* property.

Known Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 9

Metamodel Management

  • Calculated properties that join two or more tables against a primary object type should be careful to use a "left join" from the primary type to supporting tables such as RPDs. If this is not used, then components where all RPDs used in the calculation are removed may not update.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 9

  • 00212327 - an underlying query in the FastTrack Analytics database views has been corrected to avoid a problem executing work report tiles.  The problem could be identified by the error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string" being displayed in ADM01.
  • 00210668 - WRK14 - a problem was fixed that could cause the values in the "Filter Milestones By" parameter drop down to be duplicated.
  • 00144140 - WRK12 - an incorrect calculation in order to determine duration in Business Days has been fixed

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 8

  •  A new "Export only" function is available on FastTrack Analytics report tiles which will download a raw csv data extract to the users desktop eliminating rendering processing time. This new capability is recommended for use cases where only the raw data is needed versus a fully formatted report.
  • Users can now download the Planview Enterprise One Add-In for Microsoft Project directly from the application.

For information about how to download the installation file from the application—including the necessary system requirements and other prerequisites required to enable the download—see Installing the Planview Enterprise One Add-In for Microsoft Project.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 8

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00209123 - An improvement was made to the structure of the time dimension in column set tabular models to support chronological sorting of Month Description and Year Month attributes in systems with non-standard fiscal calendars
  • 00202175 - A problem displaying the correct Utilization Percentage in the T113 - Pending Assignments tile has been fixed.

Configuration Migration

  • 00206446 - An error, 'Migration terminated prematurely', is no longer encountered when trying to migrate a very small alt structure of only 3 values which does not yet exist in the target Database.
  • 00174753 - Prior versions of Configuration Migration did not properly handle alternate structure migrations where the root of the structure had a structure_code ending in "Rt" rather than "Root". This includes the Work attribute Execution Type, and custom Outcome alternate structures. The failure occurred after deletion of structure_info records on the target database, leaving the attributes unusable until corrected by SQL.

Financial Planning

  • 00210335 , 00205043, 00211712, 00215751, 00220221 - 'Set-up System' is no longer a requirement for accessing Rates pages nor is it required for creating rate lookups, adding new rates under existing rate lookups or modifying existing lookups.
  • 00207221 - Financial Planning Import (both public financial plan web-services and excel import): Unnecessary account lines (having no month values and no notes) will now be deleted when another line is added for same account. 
  • Level descriptions are no longer shown as “null” on the Financial Detail screen when a structure level has no name.


  • 00205642 - When users choose 'No' for a conditional step/sequence lifecycle script dialog, the silent/automatic lifecycle step will now be skipped.
  • 00188572 - Select User page (for delegation of Lifecycle Steps, for instance, or assignment of users to Lifecycle Roles from the Lifecycle Team page, now displays only names and not user IDs unless the current user is a Planview Administrator with certain features.
  • An "Uncaught Reference" error encountered when re-assigning a Lifecycle step in Chrome has been fixed.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • Performance improvements have been made to how Strategy portfolio view retrieves data for Roadmap.
  • Strategy Portfolio Manager: Queries with large number of parameters have been improved to simplify the query execution plans and make it more likely that plans will be reused.
  • 00214729 - Ribbon tiles now load successfully when user's tile preference contains duplicate tile info.
  • When a custom strategic virtual column calculation is created and added to a column set the Strategic portfolio manager now loads properly.

Strategic Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00205809 - An Investment Approval attribute history record is no longer added when saving strategy without applying changes.
  • 00213739 - Changed the date formatting that happens in the hierarchy section of Strategy detail to properly display non-US date formats

Portfolio Timesheet

  • 00210034 - Portfolio Timesheet no longer encounters an error when accessing Select Work for a resource with a large amount of data.

Work and Assignments

  • 00214604 - When deleting a Team Authorization, only the selected Authorizations are deleted, rather than incorrectly deleting all Authorizations which match the Team.
  • 00190376 - Requirements that get zero pending effort from an allocation or reserve change should now be removed from view when the user leaves the row.

    Requirements that were hidden from having zero pending effort and get a positive pending effort from an allocation or reserve change should now be visible in the view when the user leaves the row.

    Both of these things only apply if the "Display Requirements with No Pending Effort" preference is not checked.

  • 00197620 - An issue with the link from RMA to Work & Assignments has been addressed.

  • 00197876 - Available as Column checkbox will now be checked and disabled for all Predefined attributes.


  • 00188979 - An issue where an HTTP 404 error occurred when exporting work to Powerpoint has been corrected. 
  • 00200167 - An issue with Grid Export to Excel using German browser language where incorrect values were exported has been corrected.
  • 00210266 - Issues with navigating to the Sponsorship page from Work or from a configured screen link in IE11 have been resolved.
  • 00200173 - Integration job stream jobs now better handle intermittent network errors.
  • 00207724 - The CRI Summary model now loads properly when accessed from the My Overview tab.
  • 00109105 - The Report Time Feature will now be checked before an Email notification of Overdue timesheet is sent to the user.
  • 00202186 - When certain users made financial columns available as fields for display for Work, an error was encountered in the case that the user's default FM model was set to an invalid model id.  Now, instead of displaying an error, the system default (where owner='U$DEFAULT') will be used.  An error could still be encountered if the FM model system default is not set for a primary structure.

New Feature for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 8


  • Users can now show or hide individual relationships by selecting one or more components and clicking the show/hide relationship buttons in the Display section of the Planview toolbar. Additionally, users can select a container to show or hide relationships associated with components in the selected container.

  • Modelers can save time in their initial queries by toggling how much property information they get when components and relationships are queried and drawn. Toggles include:

    • A new Query Preference setting that throttles how much component information is initially queried. 

    • The "Draw relationships between existing components" checkbox on Query and Get Neighbor dialogs will determine if relationships are queried as part of the action. Modelers can shave some time if they do not want to autodraw relationships by not querying these relationships in the first place.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 8

  • 00211790 - Resolved an issue where some UI configuration elements in CTM were limited to 100. There is no set limit.

Metamodel Management

  • 00204465 - Users in the Core Enterprise Architects can now access Metamodel Management in read-only mode. 
  • 00202718 - Resolved an issue where system name generation was causing conflicts with long enumeration values.
  • 00201741 - Metamodel Management will now adhere to changes in the active state of a Component Type. A defect was fixed where http post to activeStates was being canceled. 

Excel Round Trip

  • 00214218 - Excel round trip now reports a warning and provides details if duplicate components are found which interfere with commit.  Previously it reported an error which proved confusing to most users.

Troux Client

  • 00200964 - Resolved a case where job names were not being URL encoded/decoded from trouxClient.


  • 00203376 - An error message no longer appears when adding a container to a template. This issue was seen when using a European language pack other than English.Users should no longer get prompted to upgrade when opening a template in use mode. 
  • Visio add-in users should no longer get prompted to upgrade when opening a template in use mode. 


  • Fixed a REST API performance issue that existed in all versions of CTM 17.

Known Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 8


  • Users using Troux Architect and Metamodel Management should take caution when editing an enumeration set of a custom physical (non-computed) enumeration property from Troux Architect. Re-importing changes from Troux Architect will override the changes in Metamodel Management.
  • Metamodel Management changes to property names, display labels, and descriptions maybe reverted for custom physical (non-computed) properties when used in conjunction with Troux Architect. Troux Architect users are advised to make these changes in Troux Architect instead of Metamodel Management. A future update to Metamodel Management will lock down changing a property names and description of a custom physical property.
  • "ERROR RP0053: Constraint Violation" may appear when committing changes against a reference property definition where maxCardinality from custom content exceeds the maximum cardinality defined on the relationship type in Type Constraints. Conversely, the minimum cardinality constraint from the relationship type is respected and overrides minCardinality defined in custom content.
  • 00210179 - In some cases, a data error may cause a 500 error when attempting to enter Metamodel Administration. If this occurs, please contact Planview support, who will execute a database update query to fix the issue as needed.
  • 00191040 - Planview recommends caution when deleting metamodel elements, such as component and relationship types, from BPServer. There are cases where dependent system data is not deleted, which can cause TIRS rebuild issues. In the coming updates, Planview will provide guidance on how to delete metamodel elements. Until then, you can inactivate the types so that they are not accessible through the CTM UI.

Excel Round Trip

  • 00195655 - Spreadsheets downloaded from CTM can become aged quickly and as a result some of the objects in the spreadsheet can be deleted. Normally components in the spreadsheet will be recreated if they are missing from the system even if the URI of the object is not found. In these cases its possible that a Foreign Key error can be experienced. If recreating the components is desired, then remove the URI from the first column so that the component will be recreated with a new objectUuid.

Column Sets

  • 00211933 - There may be a lag after creating a new column set or modifying an existing column set and when it is viewed in the UI. This may appear that the selected column set does not match the column set displayed. When this occurs, click into the grid or scroll to update the column set.


  • 00210024 - Sharing options are not available when creating new portfolios. By default, portfolios are created private. To specify a different sharing option, edit the portfolio and modify the sharing option after the portfolio has been created.  


  • Users applying data graphics that use calculated properties maybe be prompted to select new fields to display. This is the case with the out-of-the-box data graphic provided with the Technology Architecture template. When prompted click, Yes and select the property with an asterisk like Manufacturer Disposition* instead of Manufacturer Disposition. The out of the box template will be corrected in a future update. 

New Features for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 8

  • EFFORT01 mixed use report (serving reports: MY24, MY26, RES24, RES25, RES26, WRK24, WRK25, WRK26) was enhanced to support using either the standard calendar or a specific resource calendar in report data calculations.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 8

  • 00201395 - Mixed use report EFFORT01 was modified so that NULL descriptions for fiscal periods would not result in report failure.  Reports based on EFFORT01 include  MY24, MY26, RES24, RES25, RES26, WRK24, WRK25, and WRK26.
  • 00118703 - Incorrect chart labels in REQ02 have been fixed.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 7

Portfolio Manager tiles now support the ability to sort data by multiple columns at one time. Sorting in this manner lets you select multiple columns on which to sort data, with the last-selected columns acting as tiebreakers if the values on the previously-selected sort columns are equal.

For more information, see About the Portfolio Manager Tile.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 7

Database Administration

  • An invalid disk space error no longer happens when the target server's root directory is a different drive than the target database's file path.
  • Changes have been made to reduce likelihood of error when trying to get exclusive access to target database.
  • 00207754 - Database Management Improvements: 

1. Data Mart database will now only be copied if global option in source database says that it is used.
2. Fixed error with repairing users after restore of Data Mart.
3. Content Management file copy is now faster.
4. Content Management file count and total size columns have been added to admin page.
5. Fixed problem that could show empty error popup.

Financial Planning

  • A performance improvement was made related to copying financial versions and scenarios.
  • 00199203 - Manage Labor Rate Sets will now use the standard currency format for rates regardless of user preference.
  • 00207730 - Calculated columns that use fields are now allowed for capacity. Anytime a field has no value it defaults to zero.
  • 00188667 - Financial plan load will now work on oracle servers that are configured to reject unused parameters in SQL statements.
  • 00182977 - Financial Plan Detail Quarter sub-total is now recalculated automatically when making a change to a monthly column and tab to next column.
  • 00171466 - Users are now able to export Line Notes to Excel from the FP Detail page.
  • 00197517 - FP load will no longer encounter an error when loading a requirement with two allocations, each with different teams.
  • 00201742, 00208055 - Start date in Admin Enterprise and Fiscal Calendar is no longer changed if the time zone of the server is different from the local time zone.
  • 00203352 - Fixed an issue where labor account restrictions were mistakenly applied to non-labor accounts.
  • 00206343 - An issue with units rounding showing many decimal places when editing a value on the Financial Detail page has been fixed.
  • Financial Planning Services and Excel Import: An improvement has been made to a delete query that make sure that we don't leave unnecessary entry records with zero values in the database.

    For Financial Planning Service the problem started in PRM 17.3. For Excel import the problem started in PRM 17.0. Slowness would only be noticed by some customers who have millions of entry records in one financial version.

  • 00206258 - Financial calculated attribute values no longer indicates a different value between the column set and where the related field is included on the project's configured screen.  To make them consistent, a view was changed to use the Horizon Start period year as the basis for whether to apply a cost of money discount, rather than using the first Forecast period.

  • Introduced a performance improvement for SQL Server customers when copying a Financial Management Version.

  • 00202139 - Financial Detail load for a Cost Center (Capacity) financial plan now correctly uses the rate card associated with the Cost Center, if there is one.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00203973 - Fixed an issue in which unranked investments were incorrectly getting ranked based on a drag and drop re-ranking in the Rank pivot.
  • Changing the case of a virtual column ID is no longer causing ICP to not load.
  • Improvements were made to how calendars are used by Planning portfolios. This should help ICP to load faster when the portfolio has a large horizon.
  • A change to how grant checks are done has improved performance of loading large portfolios that include a few thousand entities.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • 00166194 - When clicking a link to Standard Activities in a tile, an error is no longer encountered.
  • 00186821 - Using excluded or not equal operators in filter on configurable table tile will now return consistent records.
  • 00199694 - Some fields with values greater than ~2 Billion are no longer causing the Work Portfolio Manager to not load.
  • 00182483, 00195198 - Notifications listed now match metric counts on Notifications Total tile.
  • 00030942 - Updating a strategy no lnoger redirects to the Strategy Detail page instead of the Strategy View page.
  • 00210637 - This release contains a fix for a "System Out of Memory" exception occurring when loading a substantially large Strategy Portfolio.
  • 00208108 - Fixed an issue with an error message occurring when editing an existing Outcome Portfolio definition.

Work and Assignments

  • 00204171 - Fixed issue with Work Changes tab when using non-EN browser language where currency field shows NaN.
  • 00174693 - Numeric (integer) fields in the Portfolio View are now validated for input range  (between -2147483648 and 2147483647).
  • 00190314, 210176 - When updating existing projects via the Work Detail Update button and changing / adding some required fields info, if not all required fields are completed before re-saving, then the governing structure, ie. Investment Category, is no longer rendered twice on the Basic Info section.
  • 00208636, 00209546, 00209821, 00212019 - Corrected logic in the the 17.6 New Work page that, if Requestor or Internal Priority was marked as Required with a defined default, and also marked to be Hidden on New work, caused the default to be lost and redisplayed the page flagging that priority as a missing required field.


  • 00198989 - The consolidation of separate pages for Custom Fields and Alternate Structures in PRM17 inadvertently blocked access to the new Manage Attribute page for limited administrators who had the Maintain Structures feature, but not Setup System. This has been corrected.
  • Web Services:  Previously it was not possible to set inactive alternate structure values using IAttributeService2.  With this release we provide a new option CanSetInactiveValues which allows for inactive single-select or multi-select attribute values to be set.
  • 00208966, 00208958 - Corrected a failure in dispatching a request by creating a new project, when the "Different screens by-attribute" option was enabled for Work.
  • 00200117 - When exporting from Resource Management and Assignments to excel, the color gradient is now correctly transferred for each cell.
  • 00193986 - An issue with FinancialPlan2 Services generating a "Creating a proxy instance failed error" has been addressed.
  • 00205557 - the report subscription form has been modified to support global domain e-mail addresses.
  • 00172852 - A problem where entering date values could cause other field values to be removed has been fixed in the manage report subscription form.

New Feature for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 7


  • The Planview Visio add-in now supports deleting relationship instances. A "Mark for Deletion" menu option is now available on relationships as a context menu within Visio models. Modelers can highlight and review what is marked for deletion before committing to the CTM server.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 7

  • 00205510  - Addressed an issue where the number of lingering active sessions in the UAA would eventually lead to an out of memory condition.
  • 00202953 - Resolves a condition where switching from portfolios to the "My Tasks" tab and back sometimes would not allow the user to switch back.
  • 00200041 - Resolved an issue where CTM portal would appear blank under certain conditions.

Metamodel Management

  • 00206231 - In certain cases, custom relationship properties would result in a 500 error when entering Metamodel Management.  A correction was made to ensure unique URIs for relationship properties to resolve this issue.
  • 00207569 - A vertical scrollbar has been added to property definition dialogs in Metamodel Management. This resolves an issue where some properties where out of view in the UI.

Export Source Data / Excel Round trip

  • 00196485 - Corrected the string representation of component hierarchies in Excel exports with related components.
  • 00186914 - 'Caught an unhanded error' no longer appears when exporting source data from a grid filtered by the combination of default filters with a type ahead search added.
  • Resolved an issue where overridden component type names (display label) would cause an excel round trip import to fail.


  • 00202232 - Resolved an issue where duplicate history actions were recorded when Person components are copied across blueprints.
  • A missing query error that would cause the history tab to remain blank for certain types of changes has been resolved. 

Governance and Workflow

  • 00210672 - Lifecycle promotion, depending on the number of phases, can take up to a minute to complete. This process now occurs in a non-blocking thread so that the client can continue to operate without blocking. Please be aware that the promoted lifecycle will show in the editor until promotion is complete.


  • Improved performance of CTM Portal Services (e.g., drop down menu under the three dots) in the CTM UI.

UI Management

  • 00202231 - Resolves an issue where an error would appear when accessing Ribbon and Tile Management.


  • 00209892, 00197015  - In some cases, grid configurations with high numbers of columns can experience out of memory errors in the Internet Explore. By default, grids show 500 rows on each page. It is now possible to modify the default page size by setting a configuration setting "ngGridPageSize" in the "customerSettings" section of configuration which will modify the page size to the number specified.

Note: You must refresh your browser for the new settings to take effect.


  • 00201458 - Corrected a condition in Internet Explorer where layout of tasks panel as well as, in some conditions the widget layout, can result in inaccessible content (e.g. the Edit and Delete buttons are off screen).

Hierarchy Map

  • 00203702 - Hierarchy Maps under some data conditions can cause browsers to run out of resources. As a result, the Hierarchy map now can be configured to display only the first n nodes at each level. Users can then drill into the visualization to see more details. The default number of nodes in the Hierarchy Map is 50. Administrators can set this to a lower level by setting a configuration setting in "customerSettings" called "hierarchyMapTruncationLimit" to a lower value. For instance, if you set this setting to 5, then only 5 elements will be shown at each level.

Note: You must refresh your browser for the new settings to take effect.


  • 00210483 - Resolved an issue where a BIRT exception would appear when running the following reports:
  • Stale Component and Relationships by Collector Source
  • Stale Component and Relationships by Type and Date

Note: This issue only impacted CTM/Oracle configurations. CTM/SQL Server configurations should continue to run these reports without any BIRT errors. 

  • 00196563 – Corrected drop-down lists for parameters in "Explorer" reports to show selectable values. Previously these drop-down lists were blank and unselectable.

Known Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 7


  • 00191040 - Planview recommends caution when deleting metamodel elements, such as component and relationship types, from BPServer. There are cases where dependent system data is not deleted, which can cause TIRS rebuild issues. In the coming updates, Planview will provide guidance on how to delete metamodel elements. Until then, you can inactivate the types so that they are not accessible through the CTM UI.

Column Sets

  • 00211933 - There may be a lag after creating a new column set or modifying an existing column set and when it is viewed in the UI. This may appear that the selected column set does not match the column set displayed. When this occurs, click into the grid or scroll to update the column set.


  • There are cases when Visio templates will not populate all expected components and relationships. This will be fixed in the next update.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 7

  • 00148012 - The Payroll Code column now displays Overtime properly in EFFORT01.  Reports based on EFFORT01 include RES24 | RES25 | RES26 | WRK24 | WRK25 | WRK26.
  • ADM01 has been modified to support custom fields attached to requirements.
  • 00187693 - RES03 when exported to Excel now correctly displays the Detail Table in a separate tab on the worksheet.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 6

  • A new Report Subscription Management screen is available to administrators to view, modify, remove, and/or export information related to all report subscriptions defined within a given environment. Navigate to Administration|Reporting|Report Subscription Management to access this information.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 6

Database Management

  • 00201754 - Database Management log messages were being written to a different location when executing from Job Streams. Path to log file has been changed to make sure both Database Management admin page and Job Streams both write to the same DatabaseCopy.log file.
  • Database copy performance was improved for customers with large numbers of files in content management.  Additional logging has also been added to improve the ability to troubleshoot issues.

Financial Planning

  • 00199758 - Financial Planning Preferences: A performance improvement has been made to how viewable range is applied to the financial detail page.
  • 00176475 - FTE basis hours now supports decimal value when updating enterprise and fiscal calendar.
  • Performance of Financial Review Downloads & Imports page has been improved.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00168720 - When defining the Planning Horizon in a Planning Portfolio the calendar pop-up now displays the correct year.
  • 00206987, 00208019 - Fixed the issue with attribute structures having more than two levels not displaying descriptions in ICP.
  • 00197819 - A performance improvement was made to the Investment Planning Optimize option.
  • A performance improvement has been made to ICP service calls that affects Planning portfolios with capacity coming from cost centers.
  • Corrected the color display for the ICP Shift pivot Gantt bars.

Lifecycles and Configured Screens

  • 00181291, 00182976, 00181291, 00196301, and 00201939 - Lifecycle Role field lengths remain the same size when updating work attributes.  Previously, Screen element value resizes when select a new value from the Data Picker for alternate structure.
  • 00189006, 00200092, and 00202038 - Resource criteria effective dates page correctly formats values.  Previously, there was an html value in the column for the attribute value.
  • 00202658, 00205361, and 00205599 - Resolved a problem with prior special handling of Work Type (Wbs22) that caused it to be duplicated on the Add Work page in certain circumstances where it was marked to be shown in Add Work, and also configured as the Governing Structure for configured screens embedded in Work Detail.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • The values of Numeric fields defined in Planning are now rendering in column sets in a Strategy Portfolio.
  • 00196132 - Fixed an issue where certain numeric fields were not being displayed for association rows of Strategy Portfolio manager.
  • 00183217 - Work capacity versus work demand Planning portfolios now show data on the Investment and Capacity Planning page and on the Demand Portfolio Manager.
  • 00183467 - Clicking on a Portal Invitation link from the 'Notification Informational' tile will now lead users to portfolio view page.
  • 00162107 - Export to Excel from Favorite Projects tile is now working properly.
  • 00030807 - Users can no longer enter more than 50 characters in the name field for a project on the Portfolio screen.  Therefore, users no longer encounter an ESE error when entering over 50 characters.
  • 0018147 - The Project Health and Project Milestones Tiles no longer encounter a 500 error when clicking on the project name link due to deprecated URLs being used.
  • 00197799 - The Office Timeline "Export Button" on a Work portfolio is now working properly when using a IE 11 browser.
  • Made performance improvements to the Strategy portfolio load by modifying  database queries for row labels and grants.
  • 00205664, 00205938  - An issue with columnsets that had roles defined not being available in the columnset list for users has been fixed.

Work and Assignments

  • 00197659 - Users no longer see the planning code instead of the line # in the successor/predecessor columns within Work and Assignments.
  • 00197783 - The Export to Excel from Resource Management and Assignments is now properly showing the resource calendar values.
  • 00202174 - Work and Assignments no longer encounters an error launching the Requirement Criteria dialog when the $Res attribute "Teams" is disabled.
  • 00164021 - Direct project rate overrides at project level are now being applied to reserves below PPL when the rate is displayed in Work and Assignments.
  • 00156162 - Undo scheduling should now affect project with relationships just like scheduling does.  Users need to be careful about changing a project with a relationship after the scheduling but before undoing the scheduling. This can result in clearing dates on some tasks.
  • 00186654 - Changing display settings for fields no longer results in a Server Error.
  • 00180295 – When using the “Import Expenditure Data” feature in Work and Assignments, the Excel Import file no longer adds extra Cost Center attribute when the Cbs1 name has been changed through the application.
  • 00182219 - Fixed issues where users without certain grants could not create support tickets.
  • 00031430, 00168854 – Exported data from Work and Assignments now matches what is displayed in the Planview application.
  • 00163414 - When a Reserve Profile is updated such that the Reserve's Remaining Effort goes to zero, then the dates and duration of the Reserve are removed.
  • 00197096 - Substitute should is now allowed in Resource Management and Assignments if the user has Read-Write (R/W) access to either the resource or the work.
  • 00202654 - Creating filters in Work and Assignments now works correctly when using Internet Explorer 11.
  • 00186194 - Multiple baselines made active at same time is no longer causing issues in Work and Assignments.
  • 00030602, 00174605 - Experience Estimating no longer double counts effort with multiple Reserves against the same Work.


  • 00175713 - Users no longer encounter an error when retrieving a project from an Archive database due to missing columns.
  • 00196529 - Fixed upgrade compatibility issues for older financial repository tables and the new scripts.
  • 00205652 - Fixed a situation where setting strategy type as the governing structure caused it to appear twice on the add strategy and update strategy pages. It was also appearing on the strategy detail page with a possibly incorrect value.
  • 00174580, 00182466, and 00184791 - The Projects link of the Strategy Detail page now redirects to the correct page.
  • 00206881 - You can now perform line edits using the Financial Plan web service that trigger updates to depreciation lines without causing a duplicate line error when you open the Financial Plan in the UI.
  • 00206530 - Previously, when calling the Financial Plan Service, if the version key was provided and the Dto contained multiple lines the service would fail. This release resolves this issue.
  • Improved memory usage and performance when exporting to Excel.
  • 00164410 - Outcomes structure can now properly be deleted if it does not have children.
  • Deactivated columns and structure choices are no longer visible in the CRI grids.

New Feature for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 6


  • The name column will freeze as the first column in view while scrolling horizontally on a grid. 

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 6


  • 00183070 - Resolved server side errors when Troux All Users is removed from the configuration. An Access Denied page will appear when logging in as a user without the necessary minimum ACLs to run the product. 

Note: The Troux All Users group includes important ACLs necessary to run the product. Users need to have these ACLs by some means in order to run the product without client side errors. Recommendation is to assign users to the Troux All Users group explicitly if the group is removed from the configuration.

Metamodel Management 

  • 00205105 - Resolved an issue where the "OK" button stayed disabled when creating a new reference property definition in Metmamodel Management. The validation checker has been corrected and the "OK" button will enable once a property, relationship type, and both sides of the connection (e.g. Name and System Name) are adequately defined.
  • 00195874 - Resolved an issue where setting a display name for certain types of  custom relationship types would cause an error in the Metamodel Management UI.
  • 00171390 - Changing the Display Label of a custom component type no longer generates server side errors.
  • Resolved an issue with committing instance data via clientverse commit on a relationship whose display name has been changed.

Job Scheduler

  • 00205922 - Corrects an issue where some scheduled tasks did not start as expected.


  • 00198078, 00199583 - Improved performance of shared resources (tiles, column sets, and portfolios)

CTM Portal

  • 00200041 - Resolved an issue where CTM portal would appear blank under certain conditions.


  • 00173755 - Complex portfolio filters (e.g. My Applications) that contain nested statements or logical OR operators are now locked down in the Portfolio Manager when editing filters. An informational message alerting the user to contact the Administrator appears when attempting to edit a complex filter. An administrator can modify these filters directly by updating the Filter attribute of the portfolio's TI:NG:Portfolio instance. 

Column Sets 

  • 00173355 - When defining a column set, the reference properties in the column list now shows the display label of reference properties. Previously the name was displayed even if a display label override was explicitly defined.


  • 00194096 - Resolved an issue where the All Information Portfolio was missing.

Node Diagram

  • Resolved an issue where defining multiple node relationships did not persist after saving a node tile. 


  • 00207189 - Corrected an issue where the history tab would appear blank when viewing a component instance's history. 

Export Current View Data

  • 00185640 - Resolves an issue with Excel current data export where highly connected components combine to exceed an Excel's cell content length. In these cases, an error was generated. With this version of CTM, if the content length is exceeded, the value of that cell will be truncated and a warning will be placed in the cell as a comment informing the user that its content was modified.

Export Source Data 

  • 00172244, 00190710 - Resolved an issue where export source data would in some circumstances export the wrong column set.

Excel Round Trip 

  • 00196479 - Resolved an issue where importing an Excel Round Trip job with a related component type with a modified display name causes a catastrophic TUX failure. 

Flex Reports 

  • 00184531 - Flex reports are filtered correctly from context menus. 

Note: You may also need to change parameters for custom created context menu items if you have created them and are experiencing problems with context selection.

In the ng/ctm application, context sensitive menu items in grids are specified with TI:NG:ComponentService elements in Solution Composer. When these component services access visualizations from the Flex based visualization framework (e.g., Strategy Roadmap), context specific parameters are passed to the visualization via a "VisualizationContext" object. In some circumstances, those parameters can be ignored by the visualization rendering engine if they utilize array accessing. In those cases, an alternative access method is available and should be utilized.

As an example, parameters passed to the "Strategy Roadmap" access from the Business / Strategy portfolio prior to 16.8 were passed accessed as arrays as in the following example:

var vc = new VisualizationContext(context);
vc.addQueryParameter("initiativeId", context.components[0].id);
vc.addRequestParameter("initiativeName", context.components[0].name);
return vc.getParametersObject();

In some deployments, these parameters were not correctly referenced and as a result, all strategies were rendered rather than just the selected strategy. To resolve this , we changed the configuration of out of the box visualizations to directly access the "component" rather than the array ("components"), as in the following:

var vc = new VisualizationContext(context);
return vc.getParametersObject();

Governance and Workflow 

  • 00203477 - Resolved an issue where workflow tasks where not being calculated correctly for individuals and groups
  • 00170101 - Resolves an issue where policy manager generates a duplicate asset level remediation when the current remediation is still "In progress" but is past due. The resolution to this issue prevents that addition of duplicates but also removes duplicates if found during Policy Manager official runs keeping the first valid remediation and resetting the start to the day of run and the end date to 30 days hence. The duplicated workflow processes will be removed with the duplicates. Remediations that are truly inactive (status of SUBMITTED, REJECTED, or COMPLETE) will not be affected by this resolution.

Portfolio Management

  • 00186865 - Type ahead search now works as expected when searching for component types in the View drop down list. 

Troux Client 

  • 00189239 -  Resolves an issue where object changes are not correctly attributed to the correct user when collectors and TUX jobs are submitted by an OAuth user via the REST API. This applies to operations undertaken via bpclient/trouxClient

API / Integration 

  • 00191644 - Resolved an issue with API Update requests that specified an alternate key property (other than _id) when a relevant type's display name was modified. In the case of the CTM/PRM integration, a changed display name would cause the integration to fail.


  • 00174998 - Corrected an issue with stale data reports not operating correctly on version 17.


  • If the user's Application ID has changed, the Visio plugin will prompt the user to correct the Application ID in repository settings on startup.
  • Resolved an issue where a relationship to a component in a hierarchy could not be created in certain circumstances.
  • Resolved an issue where the shape view did not persist while performing a query.


  • Resolved an issue when upgrading would result in the following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't get properties key for property with no types.
  • Resolved an issue with upgrades where the process of migrating custom content could cause subsequent errors starting the server in some cases (when there are name/description overrides in custom content that didn't get converted as part of the upgrade process.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 6

  • 00158117 - (RES06) - An incorrect calculation was fixed when resources had a quantity greater than 1 (one).  This calculation affected related totals for Capacity and Scheduled hours.
  • 00196986 - An performance improvement was made in some of the underlying views used by multiple FastTrack reports displaying baseline and actual start and finish dates.
  • 00190334 - (WRK14) - a problem has been fixed whereby sorting on columns in the Milestones section of the report body would generate an error.
  • 00196493 - (MY08 | RES08) - a change was made to allow the correct color values for resubmitted timesheets to be displayed.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 5

  • A "Use Default" option is available for any report parameter when managing a report subscription. This enhances the subscription functionality to respect rolling time horizons that are set in the FastTrack Analytics configuration structure or built within a custom report.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 5

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00198451 - Fixed an issue where a configurable tile's grid might not display the correct formatting depending on which columns were in the current column set.
  • 00190622 - Power BI tiles displaying reports built in Power BI Desktop are now available for role-based distribution via the Menus and Ribbons administration area.
  •  A problem with the Utilization % measures in the ICP FastTrack Cbs1 tabular model has been corrected. The "Utilization % (Labor FTE)" measure has been removed and the calculation for "Utilization % (Labor Effort)" updated.  This would require a re-deployment of the model with the PVE_ICP_FastTrack_Work_CBS1.xmla script located in the Odata\XMLA folder of the release.

Financial Planning

  • SQL Server performance enhancements for Financial Management.
  • 00192938, 00196805, 00198055, and 00198351 - Financial Detail Subtotal pivot no longer has incorrect row totals when the preference is set to include Actuals/Forecast totals.
  • 00184750 - Financial Detail: Viewable Range preference Encompass schedule and cost has been changed to ignore months with zero values.
  • 00197108 - Users no longer encounter a server error when attempting to read log from 'Review Downloads and Imports' in both Portfolio view page and Financial Planning Detail page.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • Investment and Capacity Planning Performance: Database queries used to retrieve financial model accounts, have been improved.
  • Additional performance improvements were made that affect ICP and Strategy Portfolio Manager.
  • Planning Portfolios where the capacity is set to Cost Center, capacity gets split into Standard Activity and Work Related.  Cost Center line items that did not have a value for Cost Center Availability Type were not included in either buckets.   

    Resolution: ICP Balance Pivot will now default Cost Center Availability Type to Work Related. Anything that is not Standard Activity will be treated as Work Related.

  • 00196225 - Periods displayed on the Analyze pivot were showing headers as 'undefined' instead of the period descriptions. ICP is now set to accept lower case and upper case values from the personalization manager without getting an error.

MSP Add-In

  • 00198876 - Planview Enterprise One Add-In for Microsoft Project: Added support for 64-bit version of Microsoft Project 2016. 64-bit MSI has been added to the web server (.\Planview\MidTier\webserver\Setup).

Portfolios and Tiles

  • Fixed an issue where the slip/ahead dates for milestones were being calculated incorrectly in Strategy portfolios.  The slip for milestones are not correctly calculating.  
  • 00179978, 00186661 - Strategy Schedule Target Duration now displays the proper value when Duration Preference is set to Days in Strategy portfolios.
  • 00172068 - When you delete a Planning Portfolio it will no longer be displayed in the 'Recently Visited Portfolio' section.
  • 00189061, 00193713 - Data picker now works properly while choosing a value for specific alternate structure in Analyze tile.
  • 00188120, 00196048 - CRI summary screen now works properly when grouping is active in Portfolio Manager and user clicks on an CRI item.
  • 00030807 - You can no longer enter more than 50 characters in the name field for a project on the Portfolio screen.  Therefore, users no longer encounter an ESE error when entering over 50 characters.
  • 00197799 - The Office Timeline "Export Button" on a Work portfolio is now working properly when using a IE 11 browser.
  • 00195939 - Some performance improvements were made to entity menus to address delays in Action pane on Work menu, and Portfolio Manager grid pop-up menu.
  • 00198052 - Strategy Portfolio Manager now loads properly when using a column set with strategy columns that are shared with work. Previously, users would encounter this situation when these alternate structures are not configured to be used as columns for work but are configured to be used as columns for strategy.
  • 00200097 - Users are no longer encountering an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when loading a Resource Portfolio.

Resource Management and Assignments

  • 00178332 - The Fill Requirements search screen now properly shows FTE effort units when they are enabled.

Work and Assignments

  • Performance has been improved within the Work and Assignments screen  when expenditure columns are included in your column set. Specifically, the vw_exch_rate_change_point database view has been replaced by a database table of the same name.
  • 00186514 - When creating Actual Expenditures in Work and Assignments, the Actual Expenditure's Note value will default to the associated Planned Expenditure.
  • 00180531 - Newly created Work in Work and Assignments now consistently has an Unplanned Expenditure associated with the new work.
  • 00197486 - A bug in Update Work has been corrected that caused Work Type (Wbs22) to not display in the following specific case where it should have been present: Work Type was chose as the governing structure for configured screens, it was marked as required, and did not have a default value.
  • 00180785 - When creating Actual Expenditures in Work and Assignments, the Cost Center will now default to the Cost Center of the Planned Expenditure.
  • Improved memory usage and performance when exporting to Excel.


  • 00033778 - In order to address slowness in processing Datamart via Job Stream management a performance improvement has been added for the view vw_ifm_cube in the stored procedure psp_ifm_cube.
  • Added database performance improvement for project, task, and allocation web services that use BulkLoader.
  • 00174653 - Attributes defined with 'Capture Associated Number' enabled with Numeric Type set to % and Forced Numeric Total set to 100, users now encounter an error that value does not total100% when a value of 0.1 is entered.
  • 00183366 - When setting a role restriction for a column set users are no longer able to select a role on a parent level in the datapicker.
  • 00197097 - CTM as the user's default login page now works properly when using Single-Sign On (SSO).
  • 00187200, 00188705 - 'Not Working Period' is no longer in the drop down list when adding a standard activity.
  • 00188003 - Performance improvement for SQL server when running the update baseline job stream.
  • 00173982 - Users no longer encounter a "Cannot insert duplicate key" error when updating a baseline from a job stream.
  • Administer Financial Planning Models admin page could stop working if one of the primary structures had no default model. This has been fixed.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 5

  • 00198437 - Corrected an issue for users who had upgraded to Chrome 74 (74.0.3729.108) where View Details would fail to render the complete layout correctly.


  • 00198078, 00199583 - Improved performance of shared resources (tiles, column sets, and portfolios).
  • Improved performance of CTM Portal services (e.g., drop down menu under the three dots) in the CTM UI.

Installation and Upgrade 

  • Resolves an issue with upgrades where the process of migrating custom content could cause subsequent errors starting the server in some cases (when there are name/description overrides in custom content that didn't get converted as part of the upgrade process).

Excel Roundtrip 

  • 00196565 - The Excel Roundtrip job no longer creates new relationships without deleting the old ones. This would sometimes cause a constraint violation when a relationship was just being changed (deleted and created). 


  • 00180602 - Resolves an issue where filtering using an enumeration can result in an error.
  • Resolves an error when picking enumeration values from an enumeration property on a related component.

API / OAuth 

  •  Oauth users created without a corresponding troux user account are now able to make API calls successfully. 

This fix resolves the issue where the following error would appear in the CTM logs:

java.lang.RuntimeException: The user profile stack contains no users for this thread.


  • Stencil Generation will no longer fail on a property with an empty description. Stencil Generation will also no longer fail on a single property or component; this issue will be logged and the operation will continue to generate the remaining stencil.

Known Issue for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 5


  • Under the rare circumstance where an Application ID is re-generated by the user, the configure connection button may fail to connect. This can be corrected by deleting  %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft_Corporation\TrouxAddIn and restarting Visio to re-configure the connection. 

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 5

  • 00192580 - For performance considerations, calls to refresh portfolio definitions during execution of FastTrack reports has been suppressed.  When executing from the ribbon, the portfolio refresh has already occurred and is redundant to repeat during report execution.  Note that scheduled subscriptions may be affected if the portfolio definition is modified and never refreshed in the UI before the subscription executes.  This is scheduled to be addressed in FTA 17.6.
  • 00190580  - (WRK14) - Setting 'milestone_type_id=none' in the FastTrack Report Configuration structure for WRK14 will now remove milestone type column from Milestones Table in the report body.
  • 00150941  - (RES08) - Auto-generated timesheets are now displayed as "expected" in the report instead of "missing".
  • 00030857 - (ADM01) - A change has been made to the report to address an intermittent issue during metadata refresh that resulted in an erroneous display of non-existent report configuration problems.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 4

Database Management

  • When database is restored the files were always being placed in same folder as the master database's files. Restore has been changed to relocate source files to same path where target files existed.
  • An error is no longer encountered when the database name was a different case than the names of it's mdf and log files.  Example: Database Name = DB1, File Name = db1.mdf

Financial Planning

  • 00186350 - Schedule bars on Investment Analysis are no longer graphed using whole periods.
  • 00190239 - Financial excel import no longer has a problem with grant checks being done for cost centers.
  • 00190469 - Financial excel import no longer has a problem identifying entities based only on Entity ID.
  • 00196472 - Starting in PRM 17.0 the new Financial export to excel was rounding hours to whole numbers. It has now been changed to always round effort hours to two decimal places as in previous versions.
  • 00182577 - Performance improvements have been made for Update Rates processing via Job Stream Management, particularly when there are large numbers of Direct Rate Overrides.
  • 00190988, 00191578, 00196773- Financial import from Excel no longer encounters an error when importing labor lines that required a refresh of labor cost as part of the import.
  • 00193024 - Financial excel import had a problem with spreading Unit Cost when import file used quarter or year periods. Import is now following same rules as the Financial Detail page:

    1. Calculate total cost (Units * Unit Cost)

    2. Divide total cost by number of months in the period.

    3. Recalculate Unit Cost based on the new cost value in each month.

  • 00193493 - Financial Excel import no longer fails when an attribute structure has multiple levels and the same description was used at different levels.

  • Performance of Financial Planning Detail page has been improved. More efficient queries are now used when retrieving financial data.

  • Financial Management exchange rate performance improvements were made.

  • Users are now able to enter raw or scaled (having k, m, or b suffix) values into the grid cell editors for the Financial Planning Detail screen. The cell will format the value according to the current user preferences.

  • When creating a fiscal calendar where the last fiscal period falls is spread over two calendar years; creating a new fiscal year will no longer ignore the default calendar definition setting.  
    Example: Fiscal Calendar is built to represent a 4-4-5 Accounting Fiscal Calendar.  
    •    Calendar is defined where Calendar Year is 2019, Fiscal Year is 2019, and Fiscal Month is January.  
    •    When a new calendar year is added, the first period start date is spread across the end of December 2019 into January 2020.  
    •    The original calendar definitions will be honored to show that the first period is January with the start date of 12/29/2019 and finish date of 01/26/2020.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • The Balance and Shift pivots no longer require the user to double click in order to update a number in the cells.
  • The red tab is no longer summing up all alert counts across all scenarios rather than the one the user is in.
  • 00195389 - Made changes to improve load time of the Shift pivot.
  • 00184792 - Further Performance improvements have been made to the process of loading ICP.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • The performance of the notification summary page/tile has been improved.  The entity hierarchy information can now be viewed by clicking on the entity name and going to the detail page, rather than in the hover.

Time and Billing

  • We improved the performance of the time approval screens database queries.
  • 00178678, 00185482 - Server error is no longer encountered when navigating to the Portfolio Timesheet with a large number of resources.

Work and Assignments

  • 00194026 - Users are now able to substitute multiple tasks for Resources via Work and Assignments.
  • When modifying the parent level of a project, the inter-project relationships are no longer removed.  


  • 00186214 - Once a user is deactivated and depersonalized, they can not be reactivated.
  • 00189022 - A SQL Server only fix has been made to prevent deadlocks related to Planview login logging to the long_text table.
  • To help improve performance, creating a new column set will now only be enabled for the functional area the user is within by default.  The user can select the checkboxes for other areas they wish to have access to the new column set.
  • 00186538 - The os_user_name value is now removed during GDPR anonymization process.
  • 00192397 - An incorrect feature check was removed that prevented Portfolio Managers from giving grants.
  • 00188477, 00031446 - The Insight Analytics User ID field on the edit user screen is now always visible.

  • 00193453, 00196030 - Setting up a new job stream for update baseline no longer causes an error.

  • Added database performance improvement for project, task, and allocation web services that use BulkLoader.

  • 00186162 - an issue was fixed preventing establishment of a successful connection with the Analytics and Reporting Excel Add-in.  This does not require any change to the client software installed into Excel.

New Features for Capability and Technology Management Update 4


  • Reviewing and committing component and relationship properties to the repository is now supported by the Planview Microsoft Visio add-in. Properties can be updated via the Shape Data panel. Shape data honors metamodel property definitions, such as enumerated values and numeric precision. After installing this update, users must regenerate their stencil to use this functionality. For more information, refer to the documentation for the Microsoft Visio Integration.
  • Authorized users can download the latest Visio Addin from the CTM portal. Users with the readModelingApi privilege can download the Visio add-in by clicking on the Applications menu and selecting the Visio Add-in link. By default, members in the Core Enterprise Architects, Troux Administrators, and Modelers Troux Groups have this privilege. Refer to Installing the Plugin and Connecting to Planview for more information. 

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management Update 4


  • Resolved a CORS issue that occurs when a SAML IDP includes an "Origin" header in its redirected post.  CORS is now configurable to exclude certain endpoints as necessary to work with various IDPs.

Metamodel Management

  • 00175482 - Corrected an issue where the system name fields would remain read-only in a reference property editor even if a duplicate system name was detected. The fields are now editable if a duplicate system name is detected.
  • 00182632 - Resolved an issue where the OK button would remain disabled after changing editable properties of a custom reference property.

Internal Read Schema

  • 00195321 - Corrected a server log message for Internal Read Schema where details where missing from an "Error setting value for computed property" error. The error message now shows the property, component, and query as expected.

Search bar

  • Component name changes are now picked up when searching for components in the Search bar. 

Column Sets

  • 00189008 - Fixed an issue where setting a column set in a Tile or Portfolio manager would set that same column set across the board. Now when you select a column set, it only persists for that specific Portfolio or grid Tile.


  • 00181197 - Resolves an issue where the 'Usage Report' did not pick up on some types of write events. CTM grids and Visio will log write events correctly.


  • The performance of 'Creating Shapes' has improved from previous versions. When adding multiple shapes from a 'Query', the performance of adding the shapes to a drawing has improved from previous versions.
  • 00182810 - Component 'Parent' types will now be correctly accounted for when opening a template.
  • 00192053 - Resolved an issue where a template could remain in 'Template' mode after selecting 'use'. 


  • 00188390 - Resolved an issue where updating the currency tma removes existing configuration values. A new currency tma has been provided in this update. Refer to the Currency module section for more information on updating currency.

Known Issue for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 4


  • The Generate Stencil operation fails when there are custom properties without a description defined in the metamodel. To work around this failure, add a description to the custom property, refresh the metamodel, and re-generate the stencil.  This issue is fixed in Update 5.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 4

  • 00180665 - WRK14 - a problem has been addressed where selection of values in the "Schedule Baseline" parameter would not be reflected properly in the report body
  • 00175025 - a problem has been fixed in the FTA framework that prohibited lifecycle steps from Changes, Risks and Issues from being added to the FastTrack Report Configuration Structure.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 3

  • Confirmation dialogs have been added to the Administrate Progressing page when selecting the Progress button, as well as the Undo button.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 3

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00169207 - .jpg images now render properly in a report tile when the image is uploaded from Reporting Content Management or migrated with the ReportMigration utility.
  • 00189597 - Power BI or Excel reports built off column set models no longer exclude time phased financial measures when an element of the fiscal time dimension was used as a filter.

Database Management

  • Database Management will now only allow database copy when both source and target are on the same Planview Update release (ie. E1 17.3).

Financial Planning

  • 00181342 - Users can now enter decimal values for FTE basis hours in Financial calendars.
  • 00172995 - Sometimes we like to have administrative settings that an end user can override.  When an administrator marks to lock a level in the hierarchy from editing or loading the financial plan, the administrative rollups won't allow editing or loading into that level.  However, an end user that can do financial rollups for their portfolio, they can override this setting by performing a rollup to a level that is locked.  While it may seem confusing, we understand there are different use cases for managing financials at different levels.   We were accidentally respecting this admin setting for the Outcome structure preventing an end user from being able to rollup for a particular group of outcomes (e.g. products or applications).  We fixed this so you can now go ahead and prevent a complete rollup to a level in the Outcome hierarchy but still let the lucky few do the rollups they need.
  • 00183610, 00187312 - Users no longer encounter an issue when typing in K and M to represent thousands and millions currency scale to insert values into the Financial Planning Detail page.
  • 00036106 – When the Financial and Investment Planning user preferences are set to show Currency in ‘Thousands’, then the Rates on the Project Rate Override child window no longer displays with a ‘K’ after them also.
  • The load from the schedule to financials currently has a limitation of 3 work attributes and 5 resource attributes.  The Cbs1 attribute (sometimes called cost center, providing org, etc depending on configuration) was incorrectly being counted as a work attribute.  It is now correctly be counted as a resource, after all, it is loaded in the financial plan based on the resource attributes on allocations and reserves.
  • 00170724 -  When multiple accounts are being shown on the Financial Planning Detail page, unit totals will no longer roll up for account types Balance Sheet and Other.
  • Financial Excel import is now more forgiving when Seq ID is not included in the file.
  • 00183636 - Financial Detail page will now show a warning message if duplicate line items (lines with same attributes) exist. If message is seen, the user should work with customer care to understand the options on how to address the duplicates.
  • 00188231, 00188684, 00190698, and 00190255 - Fixed an issue where columns defined as restricted to actual or forecast dates were causing errors on the financial plan detail page.
  • 00177344 - A performance enhancement has been added which prevents the Financial Plan webservice from the unnecessary process of reading or writing to the pv_process_log table.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00173708 - The Remaining Target calculation in the ICP - Analyze pivot no longer ignores Out of Portfolio values.
  • 00179156 - Publishing is now working for planning portfolios where the capacity is strategy and the demand is associated work.
  • 00183535 - Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP) will now load faster for portfolios that do not need to include information from associations.


  • 00031282 - Copy Paste through Lifecycle no longer populates attribute history incorrectly with pvmaster instead of user that did copy paste.

MSP Add-In

  • 000021991 - Subsequent "Save to Planview" actions will now properly assign a default null instead of an empty value. This will tell the server to continue using the default Allocation State instead of trying to change it.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • 00182828, 00186985 - Users no longer encounter a 500 Internal Server error when selecting a hyperlink within Table Portlets that include an export to Excel option.  Previously, customers were encountering the following error:  

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f4'
    Variable is undefined: 'fExcel'
    /planview/Portal/Portlets/Action/MyPortletTableFull.asp, line 59

  • 00154839, 00156150 - List view button in Strategy Portfolio View now displays menu of selections as expected.
  • 00177760 - Strategy Portfolio View/Portfolio Manager now immediately reflects that inheritance is applied when an alternate structure is changed in a column of a column set.
  • Resource Management Fill Requirement Dialog, from within a Resource Portfolio, no longer has an issue where the hover text could include multiple resources rather than one.
  • 00179293 – Users no longer see an extra blank in the menu dropdown for alternate structure field when choosing a value in Work Portfolio.

Time Reporting

  • 00161555 - Timesheet total lines are no long misaligned when entering numbers with decimal points on a page view of 100%.
  • Performance improvements have been introduced when selecting work to be included on a timesheet.  We removed unneeded calls to the select work query and added a NOLOCK hint to it. Therefore select work from the timesheets will  be faster and contention in the db will be less.

Web Service

  • The TaskService no longer returns historical failures if they were not cleared from the loader table, such as 'StructureCode is not below the Primary Planning Level (PPL).'

Work and Assignments

  • 00099963, 00171853 – Users no longer encounter an error in Work and Assignments when reducing the remaining effort of an allocation to 0 if there is already time reported.
  • 00173976 – Users now receive the appropriate message, instead of a “Server 500” error, when updating the External ID of an existing expenditure.
  • An issue in the Work Portfolio Manager has been resolved where List view flyout included the label 'Work Types' but should have indicated 'Execution Types'.
  • Requirement Criteria Dialog: resolved issue that could result in unexpected error when updating criteria for a requirement where a portion of the Organization Resource was unassigned.
  • 00180538, 00187087 - The team tab will now appear for the Allocation, Reserve and Authorization data pickers when the "Search Only for Granted Resources" global option is not enabled.


  • Administration, Menus and Ribbons Screen: Removed "Roadmap View" from the list of available Work Menu Actions.
  • 00183495, 00183874 - Users no longer encounter an error when exporting from Manage Labor Rate Sets screen.
  • 00183655 - When editing rate profile records in the new Manage Labor Rate Sets grid, the page no longer refreshes after every date or rate change.
  • 00183426 - The Work Type field is no longer duplicated on the Create New Work screen.
  • 00181167, 00184885, 00189211 - Users can no longer submit the Create New Work screen without filling in required Work Type field.
  • 00167750 – Users are now able to select “Users to Notify” after adding content to a folder.
  • The Configuration Migration Tool has been enhanced to allow database names longer than 10 chars for Capability and Technology Management (CTM).  A max of 20 characters is now allowed.
  • 00032477 - Users will now be able to add tickets on the select work page without having to have a ticket on the activity.
  • 00184043, 00184594 - Associate to Programs no longer returns an error if user is does not have any work portfolios.
  • 00188475 - The "Add New Contact" link is no longer missing from the Customer Detail page.

New Feature for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 3

  • Added 'PRM Structure Code' property to 'Application' components. When populated, 'PRM Structure Code' is visible and read-only on the 'Application' widget under 'Contained by Category'. 

    Note: An update to Troux Semantics is required for Troux Architect to work correctly.  

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management Update 3

Metamodel Management

  • 00173437, 00178402, 00177969, 00186063 - Resolved an issue with some customers receiving ‘400 Bad Request’ errors anytime 'Save Changes' is clicked in Metamodel Management.
  • 00168646 – Resolved an issue with updates installation causing display labels and description overrides for non-computed properties to be lost. 

Troux Semantics Upgrader

  • 00182610 - Resolved an issue for customers who have customized assessment.kmd where the upgrader mistypes a property default causing the type to fail while loading the metamodel.


  • 00182959 - Grid instance updates are now reflected in the history as expected. Clearing values clears the value in the database and history. Setting values is reflected in the history. Reverting changes are not reflected in history.


  • 00175234 - Multi-hop filters are no longer lost when editing.
  • 00154344 - Multiple enumeration filters can be applied without error.


  • 00157502 – Corrected unexpected string format exception error when accessing externalID from an OData feed.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 2

  • When a user first signs in to the Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management release 17.2.0 for desktop and mobile applications, they now encounter a notification about the Planview cookie policy. The notification also provides the user the opportunity to review the Planview privacy policy.

    This notification appears on every screen until the user acknowledges that they have read it by clicking or tapping the *Accept* button. Once the notification is acknowledged, the notification will not appear again to that user.

  • The Financial Repository can now be run and updated via Job Streams. The Financial Repository is not to be confused with the in-application financial planning detail functionality, but many customers find the storing of actual time reported in the financial repository useful for tracking changes in time entry over… well… time.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 2

Analytics and Reporting

  • 00159035 - The processing of column set tabular models has been enhanced to force a portfolio refresh in case the portfolio definition has changed, and the portfolio was never reloaded in the E1 UI.
  • 00146265 - A wait indicator was added to the create subscription dialog so users can avoid submitting multiple (duplicate) subscriptions.
  • 00182062, 00183781 - In PRM 17.1.0 a problem was introduced that interfered with the rendering of Power BI tiles if they used a connection via pve.cube to cubes or tabular models. This is now fixed.
  • A regression bug has been fixed that interfered with the rendering of new tiles created using the Analyze | Power BI Tile workflow. Users will no longer need to log out and back into E1 for the new tiles to render.
  • Explicit syntax has been added to the execution of Customized Table Portlet (CTP) tiles to avoid potential contention with parallel system activity in other parts of E1.
  • The scripts for the PVE_FM_EPM cube and PVE_FM_EPM_Tabular model have been modified to be compatible with PRM 17 database changes regarding the deprecation of services.

Financial Planning

  • Importing Financial Planning Data from Excel with an invalid unit description no longer causes the import log to not be viewable.
  • Download Financial Planning Data to Excel no longer encounters an error if the entity name has a comma in it.
  • 00030964 - Configure line attributes now adheres to the three Work and five Resource attribute limitation rules.
  • 00176562 - Decimal precision for Exchange Rates has been changed back to 8 instead of 2 decimal places.
  • 00176517 - Administrators no longer encounter an error when generating Fields from Financial Columns when the column SQL generated is > 4000 characters.
  • 00180530 - Users can now expand rate cards and rate lookups when viewing search results using the Text Filter.
  • A performance improvement has been made to Import Financial Planning Data. The change to the Import for Financial Planning data to be in xls instead of xml was bigger than we expected in r17. While we had tested it and it was more performant, something happened and it wasn’t as good as we wanted. So, we worked on it some more.
  • 00152813 - Planning portfolios will no longer load demand entities if empty budget rows exist for the planning horizon.
  • 00030964 - Configure line attributes now adheres to the three Work and five Resource attribute limitation rules.
  • 00182107 - The expenditure totals loaded to the financial plan are no longer incorrectly increased after applying 17.1. In addition, loading Expenditures using a calendar other than the default fiscal calendar, the load will now update budget data correctly.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 00180264 - A performance improvement has been made to how Investment and Capacity Planning handles associations.
  • 00178739 - The Investment and Capacity Planning page is now loading for portfolios with more than 2100 demand entities.


  • 00003864 - The Work tab menu is now highlighted when editing a Lifecycle from the Work Detail tile in Work View.
  • 00163310 - Fixed issue where automatic financial plan copy lifecycle steps would not be performed if the user triggering the silent step does not have features to perform silent step.
  • 00162108 - Under some circumstances involving manual status changes a Group of lifecycle steps may be left marked as Active even though all steps within the group were complete. This could subsequently "stall" the lifecycle, preventing proper activation of successor steps when predecessors were completed. This has been corrected, checking and updating the status of steps within a Group as when one is encountered marked as Active.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • 00156524 - Outcomes can now be created successfully from the action menu on another Outcome in Edge browser.
  • 00177464 - Custom Alternate Structures and Fields are now displaying data properly in Request Portfolios.
  • 00032463 - Single day date ranges are now allowed in the advanced options when defining a request portfolio and no longer give a misleading message.
  • Explicit syntax has been added to the execution of Customized Table Portlet (CTP) tiles to avoid potential contention with parallel system activity in other parts of E1.
  • 00151741 - Users no longer encounter a “permission error” when running configurable tiles when the user has the correct permissions.
  • 00151236, 00154082 - An issue has been resolved with the display of roles and effective dates on the Resource Attributes page when the resource's role is set back to one that it had previously.
  • 00150302 - A typo in the hover text for the Duration field on the RMA resources portfolio screen has been corrected.
  • 00156904 - Dropdown buttons now function as expected in the My Scheduled Assignments tile when using Edge.
  • 176887, 171553 - Customized Table tiles now support adding a rule to support zero/empty Attributes.
  • 00176947 - The Overdue Timesheets column, shown in the Resources Portfolio Manager, has been adjusted to handle the case when the resources table in the database is set to zero instead of null for resources that have never reported time.
  • 00157761 - The wrench icon for configuring tiles now only displays when the global option for the Analyze tile is on and they have the correct permissions.
  • 00160726, 00161407, and 00162784 - Column sets containing Gantt charts now load as expected in Portfolio and Homeview contexts and Dependency State links function as expected.
  • 00166903, 00169208 - Administrators can now set standard tiles as a default tile under My Overview.
  • Resolved issue with My Schedule Assignments | Assignment Profile page where increases in duration to an existing profile segment would incorrectly recalculate the remaining profiles.
  • Deprecated legacy navigation tile 'RM Toolbox'
  • 00179757 - An optimization for work portfolio data queries has been made which will lower load times for that page.

Time and Billing

  • 00031095 - Users are no longer able to access timesheets prior to the cutoff date.
  • 00182058 - Before the fix if a resource was submitting timesheets in the past but did not submit any timesheet after the Cutoff date its overdue timesheets would incorrectly include periods before the cutoff date. In general, overdue timesheet count should include only periods after the Cutoff Date.
  • 143638 - Remaining planned column correctly reflects the remaining planned value if a progressed record is disapproved.
  • We removed code from Timesheet pages that updated the last_updated_by field due to an existing trigger that performs the updates. This will prevent deadlocks that were occurring due to the code and the trigger updating the same field.

Work and Assignments

  • 00158012 - Users are now able to modify 'Scheduled Finish' or 'Remaining Duration' for an Allocation whose Employment End Dates are prior to the end of the Project Scheduled Finish Date.
  • 00171686 - The Profile column and its Yes/No options have been deprecated from the Fill Requirements screen. Because of this change, when project managers create a reserve using this screen, that reserve now automatically inherits the pending profile—including its percent of utilization—of the requirement.
  • 00154754 - Users without the correct feature will no longer be able to use the Schedule button.
  • 00160947 - An issue with modifying a Requirement in Work and Assignments and performing an OrgRes Refresh was causing the modified requirement to revert back to original status. This issue has been resolved.
  • 00167345 - Values in "Milestone,Late" column now appear similar to other Milestone columns on both screen and exports.
  • 00156308 - Characters are no longer duplicated after inserting a new task or effort in Work and Assignments using the browser Microsoft Edge version 44.17763.1.0 EdgeHTML 18.17763.
  • 00180986 – Work and Assignments page now loads properly after deleting a column set in the Portfolio view which is also used in Work and Assignments.
  • 00032350 - Users are now able to remove a functional estimate from the data picker without error.


  • 00181575 - Manage Labor Rate Sets no longer results in long running script message when using the text filter.
  • Role Rate Override - Requirement Trigger now updates bill rate when you update a reserve and link it to a requirement through task information.
  • 00158744, 00156864 - The Customer Success Center can now be hidden or displayed through a “Use Customer Success Center” global option. As with other global option changes, this may take a few minutes to take effect.
  • 00171462 - Administrators no longer encounter a 500 error when attempting to sort user grants from the Configure Users screen
  • 00157645 - A conditioning leading to occasional failures when updating job stream status has been fixed.
  • The correct MSP version will now be evaluated when attempting to connect to Planview. Previously, users were encountering an error about version mis-match.
  • Users no longer encounter a resource file error when logging in for customers that have modified the configurable text for SPM prior to SPM being deprecated.
  • 00177464 - Custom Alternate Structures and Fields are now displaying data properly in Request Portfolios.

Resolved Issues for FastTrack Analytics 17 Update 2

  • 00149863, 00162885 - EFFORT01 now renders in environments containing multiple fiscal calendars (and associated periods). Reports based on EFFORT01 are MY24 | RES24 | RES25 | RES26 | WRK24 | WRK25 | WRK26.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management Update 2


  • Resolved server side errors when "Troux All Users" is removed from the configuration.

    Note: The "Troux All Users" group includes important ACLs necessary to run the product. Users need to have these ACLs by some means in order to run the product without client side errors. Recommendation is to assign users to the "Troux All Users" group explicitly if the group is removed from the configuration.

Metamodel Management

  • 00185934 - Resolves an issue where changing the active flags in Metamodel Management would show [object Object] when changing the active settings to True/False/Inherit.
  • 00182142 - Viewing custom reference properties no longer results in a 'grey screen'.
  • 00181033 - Resolved issue with metamodel imports from Troux Architect clearing out display labels added via the Metamodel Management UI.


  • 00180332 - CTM Portal no longer generates errors when the server is put into OFFLINE mode. The Portal redirects to the offline maintenance page as expected.

Global Search

  • 00172344 - Clearing the Global Search Results no longer shows empty search result.


  • 00186063 - Opening a portfolio-aware portal content page with no defined portfolios will now cause the portfolio-management dialog to open automatically. This will allow the user an opportunity to create a portfolio.


  • 00176367 - Dates in grids are displayed correctly after editing. Incoming dates are now handled correctly as UTC dates.


  • 00180250 - Resolves issue where type name overrides cause an error when searching for related components on widget forms.


  • 00023739 - Performance of lifecycle promotion improved significantly.

    Note: Lifecycles with very large numbers of phases and transitions can still take some time to promote.


  • Resolves an error that occurs in the Application Stack (a flex based visualization) when the CTM server is running in http and the proxy is running with https.


  • Changes in SSRS configuration settings in customerSettings => ssrsReporting no longer require a CTM server restart to take effect.


  • Resolved an issue with trouxClient where server-side collectors may fail due to a server side exception.
  • 00183772 - Job status is correctly reported while running an ETL job from trouxClient. Previously trouxClient would fail with a ClassNotFound exception.


  • 00174188 - OData queries from TrouxODataService are now limited to minimize impacts to the CTM server.


  • Customers using Microsoft Visio Standard 2016 can install and use the Planview Visio add-in. There will no longer be a distinction between Visio Standard and Pro when communicating supported versions of the Planview add-in.
  • 00172491 - Icons in the 'Process Domain' are now available in Visio Templates. Updated icons will appear for any active components in the 'Process Domain' once the stencil is re-generated.

New Features for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 1

  • In this release we have added a self-service database backup feature to the Database Management functionality. This allows Administrators the ability to backup an existing database that can be used as a restore point for the PRM application. To request a restore of a database backup, please contact Customer Care with the details of the appropriate backup. Please note the following:
    • Content management is not part of the database backup which should be considered prior to using a backup in a restore operation
    • The PRM DataMart is not part of the backup operation
  • Added archiving support for the new Teams resource structure.
  • Administration Financial Load Page and Job Streams now automatically refresh the portfolio (specified) prior to run; ensuring that any new projects that were added since last refresh are now included in the load.
  • 145637 - A new global option (Enable Indirect Access to Configured Screen Lifecycle Steps) is available to support custom tiles with links to active lifecycle steps accessing configured screens. This allows users with read/write work grants to execute this type of lifecycle step via the link even if not assigned.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 1

Analytics and Reporting

  • 166694 - Fixed an issue in OData where editing a dataset in power BI desktop via the Power Query Editor would cause an error while applying the changes or refreshing the data if the data contained null values.
  • 89601, 147297, and 148128 - A problem has been corrected that prohibited the submission of a report subscription with an execution time between noon and 1 PM.
  • Report Migration - The report migration utility has been enhanced to compare the stored paths for datasets and data sources in report definition files and correct them to match the defined path on the report farm database if there is a discrepancy. This helps avoid reports requiring manual adjustment after migration before they can render successfully in the new environment.
  • Report Migration - A condition that could result in duplicate CTM folders being created during report migration has been fixed in the Report Migration utility.
  • Report Migration - Previously during report migration if an attempt to insert a report into the destination farm resulted in an integrity error, the report was discarded from the import. A decision was made to change the utilities behavior to force the insert, despite the likelihood that the report is broken and will fail to render. This event is logged in the utility log file.
  • 175298 - Improved performance on OData refresh operations while getting data from ColumnSet.
  • The Report Upload utility has been modified to add subdirectories for CTM based on the value of a new “CTM_Upload” flag. Refer to the “Steps_to_Upload_Reports” document included with the utility in the ReportsUpload folder of the update for instructions on it’s use.
  • 172478 - The year_desc column in vw_ifm_cube_time_dim has been changed to show the fiscal year rather than the calendar year for months that whose fiscal year does not match the calendar year. This will allow proper rollup by fiscal year for cubes and models.
  • FastTrack Analytics - A simplified version of EFFORT01.rdl (EFFORT01_NoFormat.rdl) is now available for use that is optimized for rendering performance. The only difference from the original is the removal of formatting expressions that exist to support the use of customized fonts in the report body. Note: although the report file will be installed, a tile is not automatically created for the report. If desired to be implemented, a tile needs to be created from the Tile Administration area in E1 Reports based on EFFORT01 are MY24 | RES24 | RES25 | RES26 | WRK24 | WRK25 | WRK26.

Financial Planning

  • 00158395 - Users can add new exchange rate periods and update existing exchange rates in multi-currency exchange rate page.
  • The assigned depreciation template is now correctly displaying in the cost center detail page.
  • 00175425 - When navigating to the Multi-currency Exchange Rates page, Administrators no longer encounter an Internal Server error when no exchange rate set exists.
  • 174525 - Fixed issue of calculated columns containing fields not working under some conditions.
  • 158395 - Users can add new exchange rate periods and update existing exchange rates in multi-currency exchange rate page.
  • 00173782, 00179134, and 00173788 - Fixed the issue of not being able to create a depreciation template the first time.
  • 00155280 - The comparison between the Highest Sponsorship Level and the Lowest Sponsorship level now only returns an error in the correct case. Previously, the Financial Management-Highest Sponsorship Level and Financial Management-Lowest Sponsorship Level (Cbs1) configurations were reversed. If the Highest Sponsorship Level was higher than the Lowest Sponsorship level the system incorrectly returned an error: Cost Center max level should not be lower than Cost Center min level.
  • 31702 - Email notifications for lifecycle steps will now be sent out for users that have all necessary options enabled.
  • Problem fixed where Download Financial Planning Data to excel could get an error if the entity name had a colon in it.
  • Resolved Known Issue: The Labor Rates editing page now allows entry/edit of a Comment on the lowest level Rate lines.
  • Rates are now successfully refreshing from the manage rate sets page and displaying the correct last updated date.
  • Adding a multi-currency exchange rate now allows a user to change the calendar after saving changes.
  • 31358 - SQL Server only. Users no longer encounter an error when attempting to add or delete a year to fiscal calendar in some circumstances when the period_start and period_finish are not in the same calendar year.
  • When a new year is added, split and merge options are now enabled when there is financial data and no longer requires a user to refresh the screen to perform this action.

Investment and Capacity Planning (ICP)

  • 153304 - When the Planning Manager tile is on the last position in the ribbon set of ICP (underneath the Main view), it now displays the Pivot for Rank/Analyze/Balance and the Column set dropdown.
  • Financial export to excel for demand part of a planning portfolio that has capacity of cost center no longer encounters a SQL error.
  • FTE calculations for planned periods (that in specific use cases were not aligning) now align with the fiscal calendar years.
  • 30938 - SQL server only: A Performance improvement in psp_ifm_copy_scenario, for financial models with a large number (7+) of line attributes, has been introduced in this release because previously users would sometimes encounter timeout errors when publishing from investment planning.
  • Investment and Capacity Planning financial columns are now displaying Financials when demand is allocated work and capacity is not the lowest level of strategy or outcome.

Lifecycles, Configured Screens, and Configuration Migration

  • 00176965 - This update eliminates references to obsolete investment status structures (in Lifecycle Modelstep definition) that made it impossible to add a Wait for Investment Approval step in a Lifecycle Model.
  • 00154617 - Financial subtotals now display on the Update window of Configured Screens, however they are not editable from this page.
  • 00156539 - Users are able to enter a dollar sign or decimal in front of a number for numeric fields on Work detail attributes page.
  • 00168747 - Migration of scripted dialogs no longer fails when the scripted dialog contains a test with no assigned structure value.

Strategies and Outcomes

  • 149297 - Users no longer encounter an Uncaught Reference Lifecycle error when creating a program in strategies.
  • 178893 - Users no longer encounter an error on the Strategy View for parent strategies.
  • Fixed an issue where field values represented as short integers in the database were not being displayed in strategy portfolio columns.
  • When exporting all Outcomes at the lowest level users will only see the Outcome parent levels, instead of the Strategy parent levels.
  • 146872 - An issue of an inconsistent financial allocation percent value assigned when associating work from Strategy View > Associated Work > New Association (100%) versus associating work from Strategy Portfolio > Program's action menu > Associate Work (0%) has been resolved. It now defaults to 100% as expected.

Portfolios and Tiles

  • The percent column is now displayed for business capabilities in both Strategies and Outcome portfolios.
  • 157979 - The performance of the "Sign In Attempts Last 30 Days" tile has been improved.
  • 33476 - The default value for the ContentLink column of a CTP tile is now being set to a value that will no longer throw a "potentially dangerous path" error. Existing values in the param_exception table causing this error are also modified with this Update.
  • 33549 - Outcome Portfolio view with a large number of outcomes now loads successfully.
  • 148643 - Export as PowerPoint timeline working as expected when utilizing '\testing' virtual directory.

Time and Billing

  • 27072 - Completed tasks will no longer persist as pinned timesheet items, as expected.
  • 148654 - End Users are no longer allowed to override Timesheet safeguards by manually entering period number in URL.
  • 34913 - Users no longer encounter an error that occurred under certain conditions when clicking on a disapproved time period for a particular resource that had reported time to a standard activity with both a standard and overtime payroll codes.

Turbo Enterprise Scheduling Engine (TESE)

  • Resolved intermittent issue with re-parenting of tasks (due to indent/outdent) where the reference to the parent task could be set incorrectly.

Work and Assignments

  • 161646 - Clarified error message that displays when a user deletes phase/task for which the user doesn't have read/write grants for the work and its children or that the work item isn't marked as completed.
  • 152641 - Required governing alternate structure fields will no longer generate an invalid missing attribute error when trying to reopen a project.
  • 150007 - Users no longer encounter an error message popup “unexpected error” when changing work status to complete on several tasks back to back.
  • 153327 - An unexpected error is no longer occurring when the user attempts to allocate certain resources to a task.
  • 162126 - Requirement pending profiles were computed correctly when a requirement spanned a daylight-saving time change. they were close, and the problems could appear to be small rounding errors.


  • 159915, 166921, 166977, and 166153 - When using Chrome 70+ you can now save rate value changes on the Manage Rate Profile page without seeing the error message “Enter Valid Rate” being incorrectly displayed.
  • 00173782, 00179134, and 00173788 - Fixed the issue of not being able to create a depreciation template the first time.
  • 00171186 - In prior versions, deleting a rate card lookup (one line within a rate card) could leave associated rate card profile records (individual time-slices with associated rates) in the database, with no effect on rate processing. In PRM17, a new Rate page was introduced, but after release was found to fail during loading if any such "orphan" rate profile records existed. This update eliminates any such orphan records and insures that more will not be created.
  • Administrators no longer encounter a “Missing Primary Structure” message when reviewing the “Work ID” attribute from Attributes and Column Sets | Manage Attributes page. Also, the “Invalid structure code. Please go back and try again” is no longer encountered when editing the “Work Type” attribute.
  • Previously the "Available as Column" checkbox could be cleared on the Display Options page for predefined Planview attributes, but doing that would interfere with operation of certain standard displays and stored procedures. That option will now no longer be available for such attributes.
  • 158407 - The Undo button on the Progressing Engine administration page now displays the 'umlaute' (ü and ä) correctly.
  • 00164733 - Database Management now works with named instances of SQL server. In the past it only worked with the default instance.
  • When deleting a newly created Sponsorship period users no longer receive a message that the operation was unsuccessful.
  • 180459 - Hosted customers no longer encounter a “DBANG error occurred” when initiating a database copy operation.
  • 00175772 - Hosted customers no longer encounter an error when performing a database copy from their sandbox to production environments.

KNOWN ISSUES for Portfolio and Resource Management 17 Update 1

  • Hosted customers will encounter the following warning message when looking at Database Management from a PreProd environment: “Databases not shown for Production environment because of problems reading from configuration file”.

New Features for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 1

  • SSRS authentication can now support standalone CTM deployments (including on-premises customers and AWS-hosted customers). A converged Enterprise One deployment is no longer required to set up the SSRS integration. Refer to the E1 Converged Authentication and SSRS FAQ for common questions about converged authentication and SSRS.
  • The Visio add-in will now upgrade ‘Components’ and ‘Relationships’ created by the previous version to be compatible with CTM 17.0.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 1


  • Resolves an issue in header authorization where internally assigned external groups (ExtGroups assigned to ExtUsers) were not correctly being added to the list of possible groups if the header was not correctly specified. Now, both externally specified groups as well as internally specified groups will resolve when a user authenticates.
  • Resolved issue where CTM's UAA can require a restart when a SAML2 IDP communication is interrupted during authentication events.

Metamodel Management

  • Resolved error starting up system when there are enumeration property definitions defined in custom content that reference lifecycle phases as their enumeration set.
  • 00170401 - Resolved future WARNING messages related to property definition /xpm#ServerSupportsOrganization_CR:1; this warning message will no longer appear when the server starts.
  • 00170490 - Resolves an issue where resetting active settings in the metamodel inadvertently changes the status of the property in widget forms making the property "disappear" from widget forms.
  • 00170150 - Resolves a metamodeling issue where changes in display name for a property were erroneously overriding its visibility in widget forms.


  • Resolved an issue where selecting an overflow tile from 'more...' in the tile ribbon did not immediately load into the display pane.


  • 00155628, 00171180 - "Corporate Wide" portfolios, tiles, and column sets were open for editing to any user, and the relevant required privileges were not being enforced. Now only users with "manageTiles", "manageColumnSets", or "managePortfolios" may share these objects as "Corporate Wide” or edit those that already are shared this way. Anyone may duplicate public objects, but the duplicates will be shared privately by default.


  • 149653 - added configuration option under customerSettings => ngFilterQuerySize to allow customers to set the filter query max level; customer can use a value of '-1' to get unlimited query results; default is 1000. Customers should consider performance risks before adjusting this value.


  • 00170829 - Resolves an issue where object picker for related objects would sometimes show fewer than all possible objects.
  • 00163561 - Resizing an accordion in widget forms when "lazyLoadTab" was set to "true" and the tab contained reference properties no longer causes the browser to freeze.


  • 00161438 - Workflow task assignments will now be associated with user’s case-insensitivity with respect to their profile username.
  • 00171174 - Resolved an issue where tasks where hidden after sorting group tasks by due date


  • 00167850 - Resolved an issue where error in configured report parameters can cause the CTM portal to present an error when loading.


  • With 17.1.0, we now support SSRS for non-hosted customers. With this change, hosted and on-prem customers should not need to modify the ssrsReporting Configuration in CTM. The ssrsIntegrationMode is set by the auth type specified in the UAA but can be overwritten through the setting in ssrsReporting. Customers can overwrite the values by specifying:

    E1 (Hosted):

    <setting name="ssrsIntegrationMode" value="E1" />

    Standalone (On-Premises):

    <setting name="ssrsIntegrationMode" value="standalone" />

Known Issue for Capability and Technology Management 17 Update 1


  • Changes in SSRS configuration settings (customerSettings\ssrsReporting) requires a CTM server restart to take effect. This has been fixed in Update 2.

Backup Procedure

Database: Back up the Planview Database and the \midtier\admin directory.

Web Server: Back up the entire Planview\MidTier\WebServer directory.

Note: The Web Server installer will merge any new web.config and Planview.Scheduler.exe.config settings with the custom settings entered by customers. The installer will save a copy of the existing web.config file as Web.config<date> in order to refer to the custom settings before the last update.

Installation Instructions for Portfolio and Resource Management

Note:  You must upgrade the Planview Database in order to login to the webserver after upgrade to E1 17.2.

Planview Database Installation and Upgrade Instructions

  1. Run PRM17.11.0AdminToolsSetup.exe on an Administrator’s client workstation or any server that has the Admin Tools installed. Set the destination directory to one level above the DBA folder (usually c:\planview\admin).
  2. From the /admin/dba directory, edit the RunUPDATE_PRM17_to_PRM17_11.bat file and populate with the appropriate Planview database values.
  3. Execute the RunUPDATE_PRM17_to_PRM17_11.bat file to update the Planview database.

Note: Oracle customers will encounter an "INSERTXMLAFTER": invalid identifier errors during the database upgrade process. This is an Oracle identified bug that has been addressed in an Oracle patch. This error will only affect Ideation Management customers. If you are not an Ideation Management customer, then this error can be ignored. If you do use Ideation Management, then the database server will need to upgrade to or higher.

This completes the Planview database portion of this installation.

Planview Web Server Platform Installation Instructions

Run PRM17.11.0WebServerPlatformSetup.exe on the Web Server. The target path is set automatically based on registry settings entered during the initial Planview 17 installation.

This completes the web server portion of this installation.

Planview Turbo Scheduling Engine (TESE) Installation Instructions

  1. Stop the Planview Turbo Enterprise Scheduling Engine Service.
  2. Uninstall the current Turbo Enterprise Scheduling Engine Service.
  3. On 64-bit Windows Server operating systems, the PRMTurboESE_x64_Setup.exe executable should be run. For more information, refer to the detailed installation instructions available in the Planview Enterprise One – PRM installation documents.

Note: The 64-bit TESE installer must run by a user signed in as “Administrator” or the user must right click on the setup and choose the “Run as Administrator” option.

This completes the Turbo Enterprise Scheduling Engine (TESE portion of this update.

Portfolio and Resource Management MSP Add-In Client Installation Instructions

Note: There are no changes to the MSP Add-In Client in PRM 17.11.0. This section may be skipped if upgrading from PRM 17.6.0.

To install directly on the client:

  1. Uninstall any previous MSP Add-In from the client workstation.
  2. From the Planview Applications button (four_circles_upper_left_circle_white_other_circles_black.png), select Microsoft Project Add-In from the More from Planview section and choose the link to download either the 32-bit or 64-bit Add-In.
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.
  4. Choose the destination folder or accept the default location of C:\Planview, and then click Next.
  5. Click Install.

Note: The .msi installers will NOT install any of the requirements. If the requirements do not exist, the installer will display a dialog indicating a requirement is missing and then abort the installation. This completes the MSP Add-In client installation.

To push the install to clients:

  1. Uninstall any previous MSP Add-In from each client workstation.
  2. If requirements don’t exist on each client, push Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime prior to pushing the Add-In installer to client workstations.
  3. Use the following command line entry to silently push to the C:\Planview default directory without any dialog boxes displayed to the end user:

    PlanviewMSPAddIn = msiexec /i PlanviewMSPAddIn.msi /qn or PlanviewMSPAddIn = msiexec /i PlanviewMSPAddInX64.msi /qn


This completes the MSP Add-In Client portion of this installation.

Planview OData Service Installation Instructions

Note: There are no changes to the PRM Odata Service in PRM 17.11.0. This section may be skipped if upgrading from PRM 17.1.0.

  1. Obtain the updated files for the OData service from the Odata folder of the Update.
  2. Stop IIS on the Planview web server.
  3. Determine the location of the current OData service deployment (typically [Drive]:\planview\midtier\odataservice).
  4. Make a copy of the ODataService.svc, web.config, and bin directory located under the odataservice folder. These can be restored if necessary.
  5. Copy the ODataService.svs file, web.config and contents from the odataservice\bin folder of the update to the odataservice\bin folder of the service deployment, overwriting the files with the same name.
  6. Replace the values in the <appSettings> and <DataSourceSettings> sections of the web.config file with the values from your backup so that the connection information is restored.
  7. Start IIS on the server where the Odata service is deployed.
  8. The connection to the OData service can be tested/validated by putting the service endpoint into a browser (typically and observing the return of the service document listing available tables.

This completes the OData service portion of this update.

Planview SSAS Cube and Tabular Model installation instructions

Note: In 17.2, two XMLA scripts were modified to make them compatible with changes to the PRM 17.x database.  In 17.5, an additional XMLA script was modified.  In 17.10, the same script modified in 17.5 was modified for a second time.

Tabular model:

  • (17.2) PVE_FM_EPM_Tabular.xmla
  •  (17.5) PVE_ICP_FastTrack_Work_CBS1.xmla
  •  (17.10) PVE_ICP_FastTrack_Work_CBS1.xmla

OLAP cubes:

  • (17.2) PVE_FM_EPM.xmla

To deploy the updated cubes/models:

  1. On the Analysis Services server, backup and drop each cube / model being replaced.
  2. Use the modified XMLA scripts from the Odata/XMLA folder to create new cubes and models.
  3. Set the data source values and process the model.
  4. Security considerations: if the PRM Job Scheduler is being used to process the cubes and models, then the PRM application pool identity need the following minimum permissions:
    • Data “Process” level permission to each cube. This can be implemented by adding a role to each cube with process permission, and making the application pool identity a member of the role.
    • Administrator permissions to the tabular instance, so that column set models may be created and deleted. This can be implemented by making the application identity a member of the server/security role on the tabular server.

This completes the SSAS cube/model portion of this update.

Planview SSRS Authentication Installation Instructions

Note: SSRS authentication now has multi-version support for PRM and is not included with PRM updates. The current version, E1 PBIRS 3.2.0, has been released separately and has its own release notes and installation instructions.

Planview FastTrack Analytics Installation Instructions

There are two distinct parts of the installation of the FastTrack Analytics: the database components (Framework and Configuration) and the Report Files.

  1. Database Objects: This includes the installation of the FastTrack Framework and initial report configuration entries. These are the objects installed via the PowerShell script that is covered in this document.
  2. Report Files: This is the directory tree that contains all of the RDL (report) files. These are installed via the Planview Upload Utility. The use of this utility is not specific to the FastTrack reports and is covered in detail in a separate document.


In order to use FastTrack Analytics v17.x the following are prerequisites:

  • Planview transactional database must be on either SQL Server 2016 or 2017. Oracle is not supported.
  • Planview Enterprise One Version 17.

Upgrading from RPM v2 Reports

If you are updating from a prior RPM Analytics v2 catalog you should be aware of the following:

  • FTA 17 reports are installed in a different directory on the report server than before (FastTrack instead of RPM).
  • Existing tiles that use the RPM reports will be repointed to the appropriate FastTrack report.
  • Reports that were previously “derivative reports” are turned into “persona” reports. For example, WRK24-WRK26 and RES24-RES26 were actually copies (derivatives) of the “EFFORT01” report. The WRK26 tile, for instance, will still be called “WRK26”, but it will point to the EFFORT01 report file instead of WRK26. A custom_info entry will set the report_id to WRK26 so the report functions as it did previously. See Appendix “Derivative Report Mapping”
  • Testing out the new FastTrack reports in a dev/test environment is easy – install the report files as normal (since they won’t overwrite the older RPM reports) but ONLY install the database objects in the database that you will test from (dev, test, etc). Keep in mind the reports can only be tested with E1 R17 version of PRM.

From Earlier FastTrack Reports (new version validation)

Because FTA 17.10 is only supported with EI R17.10, evaluation of the reports requires upgrading the PRM web server or temporary deployment of an evaluation PRM v17.10 web server. If you are updating FastTrack v3.x reports installed with PRM15.x and are using the same PRM web server, you should know that the framework and reports will be overwritten and rolling back to a prior version is very difficult to do. It is suggested that you validate the new reports using one of the two PV version specific processes outlined below:

Upgrading from PRM15/16:

  1. Change the name of the “FastTrack” folder in the installer (Portal Files/Reports/FastTrack) to something like “FastTrack_x_y_z” (replacing x_y_z with the version that’s being tested)
  2. Follow the instructions in the Upload Utility documentation to upload this folder into reporting services.
  3. Perform the database install steps but only into the database where you will test the reports from (e.g. PVTEST).
  4. Following the install run the following SQL Statement in the test database (replacing “FastTrack_x_y_z” with whatever you renamed the folder to in step 1):
    exec ip.psp_grs_rpm_repoint_rpm_tiles 'FastTrack_x_y_z', 'FastTrack'
  5. You should now be able to test the reports in that test environment using E1 R17.10 version of PRM.

Upgrading from PVE13 and PVE14:

  1. On PVE13/14 different copies of the reports were loaded into different folders that could be used by different PVE databases from the same web server. In FTA 17.x, a single copy of the reports will be uploaded to the “FastTrack” folder and can be used by all PRM databases.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Upload Utility documentation to upload the reports.
  3. Perform the database install steps but only for the test database (bypassing all other database prompts).
  4. You should now be able to test the reports in that test environment using E1 R17.10 version of PRM.

Impact to Scheduled Reports

Impacts to subscriptions different depending upon the version of PRM and RPM/FTA deployed when the subscriptions were created. Essentially, if FTA 17.x reports are being uploaded into the same folder structure, tile report subscriptions will be preserved. This means the following:

  • If the subscription was created using RPM reports, it will need to be recreated after deploying FTA 17.x
  • If the subscription was created using PVE13/14 and FTA 3.x, it will need to be recreated after deploying FTA 17.x
  • If the subscription was created using PRM15 and FTA 3.x, it will be retained and will not need to be recreated.
  • If the subscription was created using PRM16 and FTA 16.x, it will be retained and will not need to be recreated.

Note that if the original RPM/FTA3.x reports folders remain on the report server, subscriptions created for them will remain active in the reporting services environment even though PRM tiles are no longer linked to them. It is recommended that these legacy folders be dropped as soon as the evaluation period is over to remove any subscriptions linked to the old versions of the reports.

Do Not Modify FastTrack Files/Folders

This is very important!! Files and folders inside any of the FastTrack folders should never be renamed by the customer. Doing so puts the associated tiles at risk of breaking when enhancements or fixes are published.

Custom reports should never be saved inside the FastTrack folder tree and FastTrack reports should never be customized (only configured from the Planview application).

Impact to Existing Configuration

The installation process is specifically built to not modify an existing FastTrack configuration. New configuration entries may be added (in the case of an enhancement to an existing report), but existing entries will be left intact.

Customizations are NOT supported

Customizations to the FastTrack reports are not supported by Planview. The shared framework that allows the configurability of the reports also makes them interdependent. They are not merely a collection of stand-alone reports, they are a full system of analytics. The FastTrack reports should be treated as any other aspect of the Planview application and the only changes should be made via configuration.

If you have any customized any of your FastTrack (or RPM) reports (meaning that the actual RDL files have been modified) or if you have any custom reports built off of the FastTrack/RPM framework, you should be aware that an update could break your customizations.

If the update causes any problems with custom reports they would either need to be addressed by the customer or via a billable/RAS engagement with Planview Consulting.

Installation Steps

The installation package must be unzipped onto a workstation that meets the installation requirements (above).

Step 1: Launch the Installer

When you unzipped the installation package you should see a folder called “FastTrack_Analytics_PRM”. In that folder is a batch file called “00_Install_Analytics.bat”. Double click that batch file to begin the installation.

Step 2: The Interview

The entire installation is performed after a series of questions are answered. Here are details of those questions:

  • Customer Prefix (for log): Please enter an abbreviation for the customer name here.
  • Database Server/Instance: The name of the server (with instance if applicable) that hosts the Planview database(s). If there are multiple databases and they are on multiple servers – choose the database that hosts the prod database here. You’ll have an opportunity to enter other server names in another step.
  • Database User Name: Normally you’d type “ip” (without quotes) here. While you can install under other database user accounts we suggest installing as ip.
  • Password: This is the password for the account you just entered. The value is hashed (hidden) as you type and it is NOT stored in the log file.
  • Database name: enter the SQL database name of the PRM database where FT objects will be installed/updated

Step 3: Let the Installation Begin

At this point the script has enough information to start. It will install the database objects into each database provided. After the SQL database objects are installed you will be enter a loop where you are asked if you would like to install to additional database(s) on the same SQL server. You can either provide additional database name(s) or hit <Enter> to exit the installation.

Step 4: Validating the Install

  1. From PRM, execute the tile for ADM01.
  2. Export this report as Excel or PDF. You’ll want to provide this to the person who will be configuring the reports and dashboards.

Step 5: Install the Table Portlet tiles

In the FastTrack_Customizable_Tiles folder, the batch file "00_Install_tiles.bast" can be used to install the FTA Table Portlet tiles.  The batch file will prompt for 4 pieces of information:

  • DBServer: The name of the Planview database server.
  • Database: The name of the Planview database.
  • Database Account (ip?): Normally you’d type “ip” (without quotes) here. While you can install under other database user accounts we suggest installing as ip.
  • Password: SQL password for the database account above. The value is hashed (hidden) when entered and is not stored in the log file.

Rollback Procedure

If there are any errors encountered during the installation of the database objects, the procedure to roll back these changes would be to restore from the database backup taken in step 1. This is the only part of the installation process that impacts the Planview transactional database. The portal objects (data sets and reports) do not change over time so they can be restored from the backup folders created during the install process (if there was a preexisting install).

Recovery Procedure

Database: Restore the Planview Database and the backup copy of the \midtier\admin directory.

Web Server:

  1. Stop all Planview Services.
  2. Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
  3. From the \webserver\AdminTools directory, Edit the UnregisterAssemblies.bat by replacing %1, throughout the file, with the Planview directory path (i.e., C:\Planview\Midtier\Webserver).
  4. Run the UnregisterAssemblies.bat.
  5. Replace the backup of the entire \webserver directory.
  6. From the \webserver\AdminTools directory, edit the RegisterAssemblies.bat by replacing %1, throughout the file, with the Planview directory path (i.e., C:\Planview\Midtier\Webserver).
  7. Run the RegisterAssemblies.bat.
  8. Restart all Planview Services and the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
  9. At this point, the restore of the Web Server is complete.

Note: There is not a recovery procedure for OpenSuite.

Changes to Environment

For the components listed in the Backing Up Planview Enterprise Components section of this document, changes are logged in the following files. Note: The paths to the files are based on a default installation. If you change the location of Planview Enterprise components during an install, the paths noted in this section will not be applicable.

Database: Review the 17.06.0000Administration Tools.log one level above the DBA directory.

Web Server: Review the 17.06.0000WebServerPlatform.log one level above the Webserver directory.

Installation Instructions for Capability and Technology Management

Unzip CTM Update

Copy and unzip file to a local directory on the CTM application server.

The following directories and files are extracted:

  • CTM_Modules
  • CTM_SSRS_Auth
  • CTM_SSRS_ExecLog
  • OData
  • PVPassword Utility
  • Troux Semantics
  • Visio_AddIn

Update Capability and Technology Management Server

Windows PowerShell with Administrative privileges is required to run the update for Capability and Technology Management server on Windows. Please ensure that your Group Policy allows registry updates.

  • Stop all CTM services.
    • CTM Server Service
    • CTM uaa Server
    • CTM gateway Server
  • Unzip into the /[CTM_Home]/17_0_0/utils directory on the CTM server.
  • You should have the following files:
    • update-17.11.0.tma
    • setup.bat
    • setup.ps1 
  • (Windows)
  • Open Windows PowerShell as a administrator
  • Change directories to /[CTM_Home]/17_0_0/utils
  • Open Power Shell and set the execution policy to bypass for the current process
 PS C:\troux\troux_home\17_0_0\utils> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
  •  Run  the update in PowerShell by running:
PS C:\troux\troux_home\17_0_0\utils> .\setup.ps1

Note: You maybe prompted to login as an Administrative user when running setup.ps1. Please ensure that your Group Policy allows the registry to be updated.

  • (Red Hat/ CentOS)

  • Change directories to /[CTM_Home]/17_0_0/utils
  • Run
  • Restart all CTM services.

Note: When the update is complete, you can remove the files or leave them in place. Future updates will overwrite the files from this update.

Update Visio Add-in for Capability and Technology Management

  1. Back up any stencils (*.vssx) and documents (*.vsdx) prior to updating the add-in.
  2. Uninstall the existing ‘PlanviewVisioAddIn’.
  3. The Visio Add-in msi is available to download from the App Switcher menu on the banner of CTM Portal (for users with the readModlingAPI privilege on Windows clients) or  by copying the msi from the Visio_AddIn directory.
  4. Copy the msito a local directory.
  5. Run the msi file and follow the setup wizard to install the add in.
  6. When you first open an existing document, you will be prompted to update the stencil and document.
  7. Click Yes to update the document and stencil associated with the document. If you click No, some features may not work correctly.
  8. New documents do not need to be updated.

Note: It is recommended that you generate new stencils after upgrading from a previous version of the CTM server.

Update CTM ODataService

For hosted customers only; the CTM ODataService will be updated by hosting.

Contact customer care if you have issues with your OData feed.

  1. Obtain the updated files for the OData service from the OData folder of the Update
  2. Stop IIS on the server running the CTM OData Service (e.g. Default Web Site\TrouxODataService)
  3. Determine the location of the CTM OData Service (e.g. wwwroot\TrouxODataService)
  4. Make a copy of the web.config and bin directory under the CTM OData Service directory. These files can be restored if necessary
  5. Copy web.config and contents from the odata\bin folder of the update to the CTM ODdata Service directory; this will overwrite files with the same name
  6. Replace the server value key pairs in the <appSettings> section of the web.config with values from the backup so that the connection is restored. Do not change the values of 'limit 'or 'refLimit' keys.
    <appSettings><add key="<<CTM OData Server>>" value="<E1_Server>" />
    <add key="limit" value="1000" />
    <add key="refLimit" value="300" />
  7. Restart IIS on the server where the CTM OData service is deployed.
  8. The connection to the CTM OData service can be tested/validated by putting the service endpoint into a browser (e.g. https://<odata>/TrouxODataService). The service should return a document listing available tables.

Currency module

Note: For new and existing Currency module users that have not updated the currency module since CTM 16. If  the currency module has already been updated, there is no need to update the Currency module. 

  • Stop the CTM Server
  • Copy CTM_Modules/Currency/currency-17.4.tma to /[CTM_Home]/17_0_0/utils/modules directory on the CTM server
  • From /[CTM_Home]/17_0_0/utils directory, run the following command:

trouxAdmin install-module

  • Enter the requested information at the following prompts:

input-module: currency-17.4.tma

  • Start the CTM Server

Update Troux Semantics

Note:  There are no changes to Troux Semantics in CTM 17.11.0. This section may be skipped if upgrading from CTM 17.10.0.

To update Troux Semantics, unzip the from the Troux Semantics directory to a temporary directory where Troux Semantics was previously installed installed. Refer to Release_Bulletin_Troux_Semantics.pdf for further instructions.

CTM SSRS Standalone

For On-Premise Customers Only

Note: If you have previously applied updates to your on-premise SSRS, there is no need to update your installation and configuration. CTM will automatically detect a standalone SSRS configuration.

  • CTM_SSRS_Auth and CTM_SSRS_ExecLog are included in this update for new standalone configurations.

Further Assistance

If you have any questions or require further assistance, contact Planview Customer Care.