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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Q&As - July 2021 Update

Question Answer
Paul mentioned the continuous cloud customers -- slightly off of the July topic, but any estimates of onboarding customers who are waiting for continuous cloud? Hello Butch - great question and great timing. We are in the process of further expanding the number of slots we can provide for Continuous Cloud updates. Shoot me a quick email ( and I can help coordinate discussions to get you all on the schedule.
Is the ability to export the new Relationship attributes and now Properties still targeted for the August release? Yes, we are working on this next.
RE. Relationship properties in the grid - are there future plans to allow filtering on the relationship properties? Not the search text box, but in filters which are applied to grid tiles. We are considering this capability, but it has not been scheduled yet.
Is there a plan to provide the ability to edit request attributes in the Request Column Sets? At this point that enhancement is not slated, but please remember to add your star rating and comments in Spigit as this helps drive priorities.  
Are there any plans on resolving the compatibility issue for + New CRIs?  For clarification purposes, there isn't a 'compatibility issue' with the + New CRI screen. Currently the +New CRI screen uses only the legacy designer. We are actively discussing this enhancement but have not yet prioritized it.
If a structure is placed in 2 containers can it be set as RO in one and editable in the other? Yes, that is the wonderful part of the enhancement we are releasing in July 2021. This 'one to many' placement of fields and structures on the enhanced screens allows each of those placements to have their own formatting criteria.
Can notification be user to alert a user ot an open lifecycle? Please let me ( know if I've misunderstood, but we do support both in-app and email notifications for active lifecycle steps.
Are there any out of the box reports on E1 now? Yes and No :) we have many Out of the box SSRS/Standard reports in the Fast Track report catalog but the action items powerBI report will be the first  OOB PowerBI Report
Are there any LeanKit/E1 connector enhancements coming...adding attributes that are synced and being able to control card types that are synced as a child We are not done with the E1-LK connector and will prioritize updates as we can.
Is there a plan to have dependencies synct from E1 to LK? Card types and execution type are connected and was a recent update in March or April.