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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Q&As from July 2020 Release Webinar

Will the “Add Screens and Details screens be tested with the Web API? The API's are not being changed so I would not envision there would be any impact. I will be sure to circle back with our two teams that work in that area to help ensure that we have not overlooked anything.
Multiple governing structures for a single configured screen? Single governing structure for a screen. Each screen though that is using the enhanced designer can have its own governing structure.
What is the tentative timeline for Add New Work enhancements? Target is September 2020 update.
Does May 2020 Power BI new feature (hierarchy slicer) supported in current Planview system? I have been requested to use PBIDesktopRS -May 2019 version till now. This will be supported in Power BI desktop May 2020 version which you will be able to download following the server upgrade. Look out for messaging coming this week for details.