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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Q&As - August 2021 Update

Question Answer
Does the action items also show overdue timesheet information? At this time the dashboard will not show overdue timesheet info. The dedicated RES08 FastTrack report will show you the specific overdue timesheet info for a given resource portfolio.
Is the Action Items dashboard real time or does it require a scheduled refresh? Good question, It requires a schedule refresh
Will the resource portfolio view allow managers to see authorizations (at a portfolio level)? Not at the moment but it could be a nice enhancement. I'd love to see this come through a Spigit enhancement request and see what other customers think about it!!
Are updates picked up real time - or is there a data model that has to refresh? The underlying datasource for these dashboards is a tabular model that requires a refresh schedule to be set. The datasource is staged data and is not real time.
Really nice team, do we get the ability to modify these Power BI items Yes that's one of the advantages here is that you can take our starting point dashboard(s), create a copy and edit/modify to fit your specific requirements. We just need to make sure that a copy is made to make sure future updates we may deploy don't overwrite your dashboard.
Is the project collaboration Dashboard all encompassing whereas Action Item Dashboards are Work (board) and Resource Specific? Yes correct. you should be able to analyze action items for a specific work item (project/epic) and the resouces assigned to items in that specific work item
Hello, When you say Action items by Label, where we find this attributes Label? is it information in the action item informations? The label is assigned in the assiciated Projectplace card and it's part of the connection
Are Power BI reports in E1 still restricted only to My Overview tab? Yes as of now PBI dashboards are available only on My Overview. Of interest with the impending Power BI report server update we see some underlying enhancements there which gives us an opportunity to expand to other tabs in to the future.
I'd like some financial rollups on the dashboard It could be a nice enhancement. I'd love to see this come through a Spigit enhancement request and see what other customers think about it!!
Does the oData change access change mean that authentication tokens will no longer be required? No. Everything remains the same. We are just removing that commercial barrier.
Being able to filter by related component/relationship properties in the grid would be a huge benefit for us - is that on the roadmap? Also the ability to update them would be very useful. The ability to update relationship properties in the grid is on the roadmap. You should be able to filter by related component property already. I am considering filtering by relationship property as well, but that is not yet scheduled.
On the new Power BI dash, I see Action Items in a treemap by Label. Can we also get a treemap by Tag? I'll need to look at the underlying reporting model to see if the tag attribute comes over or not. Will update the Q/A when we can get that answer for you.
Update from AWS on Chromium update affects on Edge/Chrome  on 3rd party Power BI reports? This is currently documented as a Known Issue. There is an incopatibility issue with the PowerBI Report Server version that the teams are working on resolving. A workaround for this would be to publish the report in instead of the report server
When a resource is assigned to a project, does he receive a notification so he can start filling his timesheets? No, new assignments do not generate an email notification.  There are some in-app notifications (displayed through tiles) for new assignments which may help.
With Overdue Timesheet notifications, are there any updates to the logic that determines what is overdue? Not yet but I'd like to add some flexibility there. Did you have anything specific in mind?
Will all notification emails receive a "facelift"? They are on the list. We are starting with the most common ones first. The next category that makes sense to tackle will be work lifecycle notifications.
Is there any hint to when we might see OKRs in Planview E1?  Keen to see it and how it works over the LeanKit connector Our initial timeline has changed. We are now looking at next year for E1.
What is in-app notifications? Just the tile-driven notifications
You mention timeshare approval notification presumably all company timesheets would need to be created within plan view? This notification is only for timesheets submitted through E1 that require an approval.
Regarding the notification uplift shown, this is something that is planned as part of the September 2021 release? I believe that is what I heard, but would like to confirm Yes, we're targeting September for the first release - although if we find an issue, there's always a chance it could slip.
Can subject of email notifications be edited now? At this point, we cannot edit the subject of the email notification.