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Enterprise One Q&As from April 2020 Release Webinar

Those are on different projects not in the same milestone plan but marked as dependencies so you see them all? We're using the predecessor/successor relationships, created within Work and Assignments, to determine the connections (similar to what is used by the scheduling engine).
I heard you say that the Dependency Management screen is read-only, so you would update your project schedule and assignments from the Work and Assignments screen of the individual project correct? Yes, that's correct.  Longer-term, we want to add editability, but this release is read/only.
This is not a question...just excited to see the functionality coming soon - Dependency Management - This is pretty awesome Scott! This is a good start!!! Thanks!
My apologies, if i missed this,...  but if Scott can go back and show where or how those 4 projects were connected, or co-dependent, etc. If not, no worries. Thanks regardless. The connections are made through predecessors/successors (within Work and Assignments).
We are currently not in Continous Cloud platform of PV and we have scheduled an upgrade in April. When we move to Continous Cloud in April, would that include these new features for Cpril update as well? The April release will contain the same features and fixed issues whether you're a Continuous Cloud customer or not. The main difference is with automatically and on a schedule taking these updates vs. the current request based mode of submitting cases to apply updates.
Can she please kindly say 'meta model management' 5 x fast ? MetamodelManagementMetamodelManagementMetamodelManagementMetamodelManagementMetamodelManagement
In the mobile timesheet, is there a limitation to the number of items that display in the view and/or in the Select Work list? Or is there a performance hit if the quantity is excessive (as in let's say 100 items)? We tried to mitigate performance issues by having user select work slightly differently.  Rather than show everything you can pick, we show planned items for that period, std activities and we have a search feature - which let's users find things where they're allowed to report time but it's not planned.
We have 2020.03.01 installed in our sandbox due to the emergency fix, prod has not been scheduled yet for this fix. We are a continuous cloud client. How does this emergency release impact our ability to receive the April release? I believe a case should have been opened for you to get your production environment updated to apply March 2020 patch 1.  That said you should now be back on your previously agreed schedule for Sandbox and Production deployments for April 2020. That schedule should not have changed.
So, to be clear, these new privileges will be added to all roles, even custom ones, by default?  And then we can remove them as desired? By default, all three privileges are mapped to the "All Users" and "System Administrator" roles, giving access to all CTM users and administrators.
To restrict users, you would remove the privileges from the "All Users" role, which will restrict non-admins from creating the portfolio items.

A new "Portfolio Managers" role is also provided with these privileges so you can map the role's privileges to specific Troux Groups to specify particular access.
The privilege changes are only for CTM? Not for PRM? Yes, only for Capability and Technology Management.  It doesn't currently have the grant framework that Portfolio and Resource Management has.
Will Kodi also support CTM stuff, or is this once again only PRM focused? At time time, Kodi is tailored to automate business processes around resource capacity/allocation tasks. If you have an idea for a CTM bot, we would love to hear about it! Feel free to create a Spigit idea for this.
Can you share the inner circle page? Search for Inner Circle on CSC. First page that comes up but here you go. 
Is Flex license available for E1 on-prem customers? FLEX licenses are enabling access to our cloud-only work management experiences. These products were built in the cloud and cannot be offered on-prem.This also means that we can not integrate Enterprise One with them unless in the cloud. Therefore, we are unable to offer FLEX licenses to on-prem customers.
What happened to the inner circles that were put on hold? There are currently two inner circles on hold.  Notifications and Roadmapping.  We, in Product Management are just as disappointed as you are!  Difficult decisions led us to doing this. However, we are working hard on figuring out when to restart them again. We may need to restart them to validate how we can begin to break down these large themes to deliver smaller increments of value faster to you.  The minute we are able to do so, we will let you know.
Is there a time limit to how long we get the FLEX licenses without a price increase? We are changing our licensing model so that from an Enterprise One perspective that FLEX is standard.  There will no longer be different pricing.
Will you send email reminders about these webinars? Yes, email reminders are sent an hour before each webinar. We encourage you to also use the Add to Calendar button in the confirmation emails you receive when you register.
When are you going to produce content in the newletter related to Enterprise Architecture? The newsletters are meant to provide information regarding upcoming webinars, release updates, and existing and new product features driven by broader market trends aligned to our portfolio management and work management solutions. For enterprise architecture-specific content, we have an inner circle dedicated to users for Capability and Technology Management. In addition, product management currently supports a regular user community call for Enterprise Architects.