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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Version 18 Patch 2


This controlled release is applicable for Planview Enterprise One release 18 Only.


Resolved Issues for Portfolio Resource Management 18 Patch 2:

  • Planview Enterprise One was having some memory issues.  As the memory was being exhausted, the ability to load certain pages in the application was impacted.  Luckily, our developers can determine what causes the application from feeling like it just ran the 100 yard dash without a recovery period and get it back into shape.  You will feel the benefits of this work if you have had issues loading the following:

    • Planning > Portfolio > Investment and Capacity Planning

    • Export under Portfolio Manager

    • Work > Work and Assignments

    • Portfolio Views for Work, Strategy, Outcome

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 18 Patch 2:

There are no changes to Portfolio and Resource Management for E1 18.0.2 release.


Resolved Issues for Portfolio Resource Management 18 Patch 1:

There are no changes to Portfolio and Resource Management for E1 18.0.1 release. 

Resolved Issues for Fast Track Analytics 18 Patch 1:

  • 00237274 - A problem preventing the successful upload of EFFORT01 has been corrected.  FTA reports based on EFFORT01 are MY24 | MY26 | RES24 | RES25 | RES26 | WRK24 | WRK25 | WRK26.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 18 Patch 1:

There are no changes to Capability and Technology Management for E1 18.0.1 release. 


Portfolio and Resource Management Patch Installation Instructions

Backup Procedure:

Web Server:  Backup the entire Planview\MidTier\WebServer directory.  

Note: The Web Server installer will merge any new web.config and Planview.Scheduler.exe.config settings with the custom settings entered by customers. The installer will save a copy of the existing web.config file as Web.config<date> in order to refer to the custom settings before the last update.

Planview Web Server Platform Installation Instructions: 

Run PRM18.0.2WebServerPlatformSetup.exe on the Web Server. The target path is set automatically based on registry settings entered during the initial Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management release 18 installation.

This completes the web server portion of this installation.

Recovery Procedure:

Web Server:  

a.    Stop all Planview Services.

b.    Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service.

c.    From the \webserver\AdminTools directory, Edit the UnregisterAssemblies.bat by replacing %1, throughout the file, with the Planview directory path (i.e., C:\Planview\Midtier\Webserver).

d.    Run the UnregisterAssemblies.bat.

e.    Replace the backup of the entire \webserver directory.

f.     From the \webserver\AdminTools directory, edit the RegisterAssemblies.bat by replacing %1, throughout the file, with the Planview directory path (i.e., C:\Planview\Midtier\Webserver).

g.    Run the RegisterAssemblies.bat.

h.    Restart all Planview Services and the World Wide Web Publishing Service.

i.      At this point, the restore of the Web Server is complete.

Planview FastTrack Analytics Installation Instructions 

There are two distinct parts of the installation of the FastTrack Analytics: the database components (Framework and Configuration) and the Report Files.

  1. Database Objects: This includes the installation of the FastTrack Framework and initial report configuration entries. These are the objects installed via the PowerShell script that is covered in this document.
  2. Report Files: This is the directory tree that contains all of the RDL (report) files. These are installed via the Planview Upload Utility. The use of this utility is not specific to the FastTrack reports and is covered in detail in a separate document.


In order to use FastTrack Analytics v17.x the following are prerequisites:

  • Planview transactional database must be on either SQL Server 2016 or 2017. Oracle is not supported.
  • Planview Enterprise One Version 17.

Upgrading from RPM v2 Reports 

If you are updating from a prior RPM Analytics v2 catalog you should be aware of the following:

  • FTA 17 reports are installed in a different directory on the report server than before (FastTrack instead of RPM).
  • Existing tiles that use the RPM reports will be repointed to the appropriate FastTrack report.
  • Reports that were previously “derivative reports” are turned into “persona” reports. For example, WRK24-WRK26 and RES24-RES26 were actually copies (derivatives) of the “EFFORT01” report. The WRK26 tile, for instance, will still be called “WRK26”, but it will point to the EFFORT01 report file instead of WRK26. A custom_info entry will set the report_id to WRK26 so the report functions as it did previously. See Appendix “Derivative Report Mapping”
  • Testing out the new FastTrack reports in a dev/test environment is easy – install the report files as normal (since they won’t overwrite the older RPM reports) but ONLY install the database objects in the database that you will test from (dev, test, etc). Keep in mind the reports can only be tested with E1 R17 version of PRM.

From Earlier FastTrack Reports (new version validation) 

Because FTA 17.9 is only supported with EI R17.8, evaluation of the reports requires upgrading the PRM web server or temporary deployment of an evaluation PRM v17.9 web server. If you are updating FastTrack v3.x reports installed with PRM15.x and are using the same PRM web server, you should know that the framework and reports will be overwritten and rolling back to a prior version is very difficult to do. It is suggested that you validate the new reports using one of the two PV version specific processes outlined below:

Upgrading from PRM15/16:

  1. Change the name of the “FastTrack” folder in the installer (Portal Files/Reports/FastTrack) to something like “FastTrack_x_y_z” (replacing x_y_z with the version that’s being tested)
  2. Follow the instructions in the Upload Utility documentation to upload this folder into reporting services.
  3. Perform the database install steps but only into the database where you will test the reports from (e.g. PVTEST).
  4. Following the install run the following SQL Statement in the test database (replacing “FastTrack_x_y_z” with whatever you renamed the folder to in step 1):
    1 exec ip.psp_grs_rpm_repoint_rpm_tiles 'FastTrack_x_y_z''FastTrack'
  5. You should now be able to test the reports in that test environment using E1 R17.9 version of PRM.

Upgrading from PVE13 and PVE14:

  1. On PVE13/14 different copies of the reports were loaded into different folders that could be used by different PVE databases from the same web server. In FTA 17.x, a single copy of the reports will be uploaded to the “FastTrack” folder and can be used by all PRM databases.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Upload Utility documentation to upload the reports.
  3. Perform the database install steps but only for the test database (bypassing all other database prompts).
  4. You should now be able to test the reports in that test environment using E1 R17.2 version of PRM.

Impact to Scheduled Reports 

Impacts to subscriptions different depending upon the version of PRM and RPM/FTA deployed when the subscriptions were created. Essentially, if FTA 17.x reports are being uploaded into the same folder structure, tile report subscriptions will be preserved. This means the following:

  • If the subscription was created using RPM reports, it will need to be recreated after deploying FTA 17.x
  • If the subscription was created using PVE13/14 and FTA 3.x, it will need to be recreated after deploying FTA 17.x
  • If the subscription was created using PRM15 and FTA 3.x, it will be retained and will not need to be recreated.
  • If the subscription was created using PRM16 and FTA 16.x, it will be retained and will not need to be recreated.

Note that if the original RPM/FTA3.x reports folders remain on the report server, subscriptions created for them will remain active in the reporting services environment even though PRM tiles are no longer linked to them. It is recommended that these legacy folders be dropped as soon as the evaluation period is over to remove any subscriptions linked to the old versions of the reports.

Do Not Modify FastTrack Files/Folders 

This is very important!! Files and folders inside any of the FastTrack folders should never be renamed by the customer. Doing so puts the associated tiles at risk of breaking when enhancements or fixes are published.

Custom reports should never be saved inside the FastTrack folder tree and FastTrack reports should never be customized (only configured from the Planview application).

Impact to Existing Configuration 

The installation process is specifically built to not modify an existing FastTrack configuration. New configuration entries may be added (in the case of an enhancement to an existing report), but existing entries will be left intact.

Customizations are NOT supported 

Customizations to the FastTrack reports are not supported by Planview. The shared framework that allows the configurability of the reports also makes them interdependent. They are not merely a collection of stand-alone reports, they are a full system of analytics. The FastTrack reports should be treated as any other aspect of the Planview application and the only changes should be made via configuration.

If you have any customized any of your FastTrack (or RPM) reports (meaning that the actual RDL files have been modified) or if you have any custom reports built off of the FastTrack/RPM framework, you should be aware that an update could break your customizations.

If the update causes any problems with custom reports they would either need to be addressed by the customer or via a billable/RAS engagement with Planview Consulting.

Installation Steps 

The installation package must be unzipped onto a workstation that meets the installation requirements (above).

Step 1: Launch the Installer

When you unzipped the installation package you should see a folder called “FastTrack_Analytics_PRM”. In that folder is a batch file called “00_Install_Analytics.bat”. Double click that batch file to begin the installation.

Step 2: The Interview

The entire installation is performed after a series of questions are answered. Here are details of those questions:

  • Customer Prefix (for log): Please enter an abbreviation for the customer name here.
  • Database Server/Instance: The name of the server (with instance if applicable) that hosts the Planview database(s). If there are multiple databases and they are on multiple servers – choose the database that hosts the prod database here. You’ll have an opportunity to enter other server names in another step.
  • Database User Name: Normally you’d type “ip” (without quotes) here. While you can install under other database user accounts we suggest installing as ip.
  • Password: This is the password for the account you just entered. The value is hashed (hidden) as you type and it is NOT stored in the log file.
  • Database name: enter the SQL database name of the PRM database where FT objects will be installed/updated

Step 3: Let the Installation Begin

At this point the script has enough information to start. It will install the database objects into each database provided. After the SQL database objects are installed you will be enter a loop where you are asked if you would like to install to additional database(s) on the same SQL server. You can either provide additional database name(s) or hit <Enter> to exit the installation.

Step 4: Validating the Install

  1. From PRM, execute the tile for ADM01.
  2. Export this report as Excel or PDF. You’ll want to provide this to the person who will be configuring the reports and dashboards.

Step 5: Install the Table Portlet tiles

  • DBServer: The name of the Planview database server.
  • Database: The name of the Planview database.
  • Database Account (ip?): Normally you’d type “ip” (without quotes) here. While you can install under other database user accounts we suggest installing as ip.
  • Password: SQL password for the database account above. The value is hashed (hidden) when entered and is not stored in the log file.

Rollback Procedure 

If there are any errors encountered during the installation of the database objects, the procedure to roll back these changes would be to restore from the database backup taken in step 1. This is the only part of the installation process that impacts the Planview transactional database. The portal objects (data sets and reports) do not change over time so they can be restored from the backup folders created during the install process (if there was a preexisting install). 

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please call Planview Customer Care at (512) 346-8460.