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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Version 16 Update 10 Patch 1

 This controlled release is applicable for Planview Enterprise One release 16 Update 10 Only.

Resolved Issues for Portfolio Resource Management 16 Update 10 Patch 1

Released:  11/21/2019

  • 00145641 - Allocation reserves no longer become unlinked when dragging activities to each other. This fix also requires Turbo Enterprise Scheduling Engine (TESE) version
  • 00206217, 00227422 - Users no longer encounter an "Variable is undefined" error when deleting a master baseline.
  • 00223244 - Corrected a failure in dispatching a request by creating a new project, when the "Different screens by-attribute" option was enabled for Work.
  • 00206462 - The PlanviewMSPAddIn_readme.txt file has been updated to reflect the most recent updates to Known Issues, Planview Success Center and support for 64 and 32-bit versions of MS Project.

Resolved Issues for Capability and Technology Management 16 Update 10 Patch 1

There are no changes to Capability and Technology Management for E1 16.10.1 release.

Portfolio and Resource Management Patch Installation Instructions

Backup Procedure:

Database:  Backup the Planview Database and the \midtier\admin directory.

Web Server:  Backup the entire Planview\MidTier\WebServer directory.  

Note: The Web Server installer will merge any new web.config and Planview.Scheduler.exe.config settings with the custom settings entered by customers. The installer will save a copy of the existing web.config file as Web.config<date> in order to refer to the custom settings before the last update.

Portfolio and Resource Management Database Installation and Upgrade Instructions

  1. Run PRM16.10.1AdminToolsSetup.exe on an Administrator’s client workstation or any server that has the Admin Tools installed. Set the destination directory to one level above the DBA folder (usually c:\planview\admin).
  2. From the /admin/dba directory, edit the RunUPDATE_PRM16_to_PRM16_10_1.bat file and populate with the appropriate Planview database values.
  3. Execute the RunUPDATE_PRM16_to_PRM16_10_1.bat file to update the Planview database.

Note: Oracle customers will encounter an "INSERTXMLAFTER": invalid identifier errors during the database upgrade process. This is an Oracle identified bug that has been addressed in an Oracle patch. This error will only affect Ideation Management customers. If you are not an Ideation Management customer, then this error can be ignored. If you do use Ideation Management, then the database server will need to upgrade to or higher.

This completes the Planview database portion of this installation.

Planview Web Server Platform Installation Instructions:

Run PRM16.10.1WebServerPlatformSetup.exe on the Web Server. The target path is set automatically based on registry settings entered during the initial Planview Enterprise One – Portfolio and Resource Management release 16 installation.

This completes the web server portion of this installation.

Recovery Procedure:

Web Server:  

a.    Stop all Planview Services.

b.    Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service.

c.    From the \webserver\AdminTools directory, Edit the UnregisterAssemblies.bat by replacing %1, throughout the file, with the Planview directory path (i.e., C:\Planview\Midtier\Webserver).

d.    Run the UnregisterAssemblies.bat.

e.    Replace the backup of the entire \webserver directory.

f.     From the \webserver\AdminTools directory, edit the RegisterAssemblies.bat by replacing %1, throughout the file, with the Planview directory path (i.e., C:\Planview\Midtier\Webserver).

g.    Run the RegisterAssemblies.bat.

h.    Restart all Planview Services and the World Wide Web Publishing Service.

i.      At this point, the restore of the Web Server is complete.

 Changes to Environment:

For the components listed in the Backing Up Planview Enterprise Components section of this document, changes are logged in the following files. Note: The paths to the files are based on a default installation. If you change the location of Planview Enterprise components during an install, the paths noted in this section will not be applicable.

Web Server:  Review the 16.10.1000WebServerPlatform.log one level above the Webserver directory.

Capability and Technology Management Patch Installation Instructions

There are no changes to Capability and Technology Management for E1 16.10.1 release.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please call Planview Customer Care at (512) 346-8460.