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Planview Customer Success Center

Best Practices for Managing Monthly Updates

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Planview Portfolios and Planview Enterprise Architecture (EA) offer true SaaS solutions with automated monthly updates. For organizations or people that may be used to more traditional applications, we offer a recommendation to help you manage these frequent and smaller incremental releases below. This best practice recommendation should help you confidently prepare to roll out new features to your organization.

Planview empowers administrators to separate application updates from deploying capabilities to their users. There is typically some configuration to enable a new feature so that you can roll it out appropriately. Sometimes, we do add features that are so core to the application that they will be available immediately. We offer monthly product release notes and product management-led webinars to ensure that you are informed of what is coming. Additionally, the Product Releases page has a coming soon section so you know what we are working on and if it is something that you are interested in.

Current Portfolios or EA customers moving from large production upgrades (rebuild, migrate then cutover) require a fundamentally different process than that which is supported by an in-place and monthly update model. We have talked with numerous Planview customers that are using our other products as well as other vendors that are updated using similar model. We have taken copious notes, reviewed, validated, and have turned them into a set of best practice recommendations that you can confidently consider as you make the transformation to the Continuous Cloud for Portfolios or EA.

This is the best way for us to keep you current, fix issues fast and most importantly puts you in the best position to benefit from latest available value and innovation from Planview. 

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