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Portfolios New Ways to Work with Overviews and Planview.Me Q&A

Question Answer
Is there an Expenditure Widget, I am interested in showing the due dates of those expenditures, not so interested in the overall project due date.

While we still are working on financial specific widgets - data visualization today contains attributes at a Work level that allow to represent financial data.

You could also bring in those pertinent fields in the work status widget and customize it to contain expenditure data only.

How can I use from agileplace perspective? We are starting to build out content from AgilePlace perspective. I can talk more to this in the Coming Later section.
Are Assignment Approvals widget linked to a lifecycle step where the approval happens? Answered live
Enabling PV.Me requires separate licensing? Planview.Me is included in your current subscription and does not require additional licensing.
My team wants to understand these updates before we enable Planview.Me in Prod - will the webinar recording be sent to us this week?

Yes we will be providing the recording following the webinar.

One thing to note is you do have the ability to turn on and play with Planview.Me in a dedicated Sandbox environment prior to a Production facing deployment.

These look great - how do we configure in portfolios rather than the standalone feature? Do we need to build everything again as overviews? Building, configuring and saving Planview.Me views is centralized in Planview Admin and at that point you can define whether it's viewed in standalone Planview.Me or "sent" to Portfolios as an Overview.
For creating this mobile view you need to use the dev screen in the browser? Nothing is required to create the mobile view. Simply navigate in mobile browser to the Planview.Me URL It is responsive and works well in mobile out of the box.
Can we have a widget to have custom URL links? Yes, those Link Tile widgets can have any URL configured for them, and you can have as many of those in a view as you'd like. Examples we've seen with customers are, links to internal websites/intranet, links to documentation, and links to different ares of Portfolios or other Planview products
Can we setup persona views to view in Portfolios? Yes, you can set those and customize them for any groups you'd like. You can also associate those views with user roles in Portfolios.
We would like to enable Overviews just on the Main Overview Screen without making the overview at both the Portfolio and Work views...will the option to enable on just the main Overview screen be available in the near future? As of now turning on Overviews in Portfolios is effectively all or nothing but we have prioritized making this administrative choice more granular by allowing you to decide whether Overviews are availalbe on all tabs or just a sub-set.
We would like to see color on the work status screens on Plaview.Me and on Overview (RAG show up as the color as well as the word for example) is that a possibility in the future? We are looking in to introducing conditional formatting on specific widgets like the Work Status widget. Great idea and being prioritized now.
When will we be able to enable/disable overviews by Portfolios user profile? We wouldn't want to enable for some populations, since there isn't enough of value (yet) while other groups would find it much more useful. Answered live
But we can only use it in 1 sandbox database, correct? Couldn't try it in a couple of different sandboxes? Answered live
Will it ever get added to the product switcher? Answered live
What version shows it in the product switcher? I believe it was May or June when the Planview Admin product switcher was introduced. However, organizations that use Enterprise Architecture are typically still using the non-Planview Admin enabled product switcher because EA is not yet available in PVAdmin. If you're not seeing it in your environment this could be one reason.
When new products are added to Planview Admin, even with the toggle off for email notifications I read on the SC that emails still get sent for certain user changes. When enabling Portfolios (sandbox) in Admin, I want to avoid a mass email going to users. . How can I ensure this doesnt happen? Planview.Met is already enabled in Admin, however, hesistant to enable Portfolios if a mass email goes to all users. Second question, we do not user SSO for Sandbox, and do for Admin and PROD portfolios. Can you share anything specific with the setup of login we should be aware of. Answered live
ProjectPlace Assigned cards all in one place for a user is essential for us - we are not using PP very much because that is not enabled. How do we ask for this feature to be escalated to sooner on the roadmap? This is great feedback! I will take this with me and escalate to the .Me roadmap
I also saw EA in your Admin screen, is that coming soon for everyone? We do not have that product showing. EA is a separate product -- if you're not using it yet you'd want to talk to your CSM/account team on that.
Where do we see/get the link to share the Planview Admin view? Answered live
There used to be an inner circle, will that pick back up or another way to share feedback, i.e. enhancement campaign? I think we might -- with the impending new year, we're in the process of looking at which Inner Circle's to start up and/or continue. The last set gave us a ton of ideas that we've been heads down on since then.
Do you plan user-role personas overviews in Portfolios? Answered live
Did I hear you say you are targeting role views in Q1? Yes. We are now able to get Portfolios role information into Planview.Me so we'll soon be able to essentially publish certain views to groups of users based on their role.
Is there a way to put specific report tiles on Planview.Me? I guess it would be difficult since you would have to pick a project or a portfolio...but if it could be accomplished it would be VERY helpful :) Answered live
Do you plan to enable some formatting features to style overviews like screen designer for configured screens? We've started to think about that but don't have a timeline for when that would happen. We'd love to hear any specific ideas you have for that as we build up the feature -- please feel free to send an email to us.
Did I understand that there is not user access to the .Me view(s) from directly in Planview Admin? The user has to have a seperate URL? We have trained our users to login via Planview Admin. I thought the .Me views would be available to them from there, or they could go on into Portfolios, etc. Answered live
Which version of Planview Portfolios will Planview.Me show in the product switcher? The June 2024 version of Portfolios introduced the Planview Admin product switcher.
Who can i reach out to get more info on the metrics tile? Feel free to open a support case or reach out to Yessica Archilla or Erik Peterson.
ETA on the out of tolerance requests tile featured earlier in the demo? this would be extremely useful for us. Answered live
Yes we are in the process of EA congifurations, however, I do not see as an availalbe product in Admin. That's right, EA is not available in Planview Admin yet. I don't know the timeline for when that will be available, I'd recommend checking with your CSM or point of contact helping with configuring that.