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Planview Customer Success Center

March 2025 Enablement Q&A

Question Answer
Ability to login with a username into PV Admin - does this mean that user id will be passed over from Portfolios? With the original release of username the Portfolios UserID data will not be available to Planview admin, however this is recognized as a desired improvement and we will be working on a way bring in UserID, even after your users have already been synced.
Are there plans for enabling Planview.Me overviews for Resource Portfolios? We do have plans to add it to the Resource entity once we have more of a critical mass of widgets in that section. Resource status widget just came out last month and we will be working on more content throughout the year
We have a need to have custom fields in Planview Admin to group users to Companies and departments. Is that something that will come? This is a great suggestion.  While not currently on the roadmap, we are evaluating expanding the user profile to contain user fields from across Planview products.  While that's further down the road, we will also be adding Groups and Teams in the more near term.  Users could be added to a group of those types.
Will the Top Down user management in Planview Admin support Rest API (or SOAP) functionality for managing users programatically, such as with Portfolios? Initially Planview admin user management will be limited to CSV file import.  We are currently evaluating our integration strategy for development later this year along with SCIM support.
The planview widgets coming in March 2025 had a prerequisite of March 2024 Portfolios - is that a typo and should be March 2025 That was a typo – the correct version is March 2025.
Question on users being able to add metric tiles. Are they able to then share this with other users? As long as the user it is being shared with has access to that tile, yes - Admins can share the views with the tiles configured to users and users using personal views will now be able to set tiles up with those they have access to in Portfolios.
Conditional Formatting is that just based on an attribute value or will that include possibly a calculation between two attributes similar to analyze tile capabilities? For the first phase, for numeric or date attributes, we will be using basics like (exact value, greater, less, etc.) Still supports multiple rules. More advanced calculations we have not designed yet but can definitely explore!
Is the coming soon OKRs grid a widget in Portfolios or AgilePlace? OKRs grid would be available at Planview.Me level for anything that has OKRs (Porfolios, AgilePlace and standalones OKRs).
So for new role feature "use manual authentication" so we need to be sure that those users who have passwords required set in Planview Admin that we also need to change those users to a new role with this new feature turned on, for those who may go to the Portfolios URL vs Planview Admin? The regular Portfolios URL will continue to work, this would only be with the manual=y (just to clarify on that point). There should be no changes needed in the PVAdmin side for this. If you have a user who needs to use manual=y, assign them this role in Portfolios, and they can access Portfolios with the same password they had been -- no change on that second half.
The multi-tenant user was announced last month with a target release of February 2025. Now, the same announcement lists March 2025 as the target. Can we rely on this date, or is it still provisional? That's unfortuantely correct. We were hopeful it was targeted to ship at the end of February, we're back on track and I don't anticipate it slipping again.
Do you have any plans to enable the ability to apply seasonality to vacation (time deducted from Capacity) by month on a single line or have the option to loading a seasonality profile? as Today we need to create a line per month per user We've heard this request and have an enahncement campaign idea (please go upvote if you havent already) however no plans in near term, we are considering for future.
On Staffing page, though we have the export to excel option but we do not have expand all resource allocations to export them. Is there a way to export all the allocation in the expanded mode? I just looked at this from our end, and as long as the Staffing grid is expanded, click export will provide you an excel file with expanded list. If we're misunderstanding your question, please feel free to submit a support case and team will confirm further.
Top-down user management question-we have a few users that have limited admin abilities in Portfolios so they can add new users/resources (we call them "User Admins").  Can we restrict what these User Admins can do within Planview Admin so that all they can do is add users, and not have access to the other configuratoin settings? Currently there is only one roles are admin and user, but we are evaluating additional roles as new functionality is being added.
Question on the status with separating the deployment between Portfolio PRM and CTM(EA) ? We will provide more information on this very soon.
With the latest December Release deployed, Admin is requires to set password on all new user due to security.  What's the password on all existing users? In context of PV Admin:  As a security measure PV admin doesn't create an initial password or allow alternate users set passwords for someone else.  Passwords can only be set from the link on the welcome email.  If you are asking in the conext of another product please let us know which product you are asking.
Any plans to allow us to disable the automatic setting of constraint types? We have a lot of very green PMs and often find that the automatic setting of the constraints is causing issues with adoption of the tool. Would be lovely if we could disable at a system or project by proct level... Thanks for the feedback! This would be a great idea to submit in our enhancement campaign ( As we look at tackling the Plan update this is something that will be considered.
In the Planview.Me coming soon there is the Portolios time entry widget.  Do you have a target month for this? We don't have a target at the moment but we should have a better idea in a few months. Once we have a more concrete target we will definitely share the news.
When are we expecting the Odata protocol standard to be updated to Odata 4.0?  Is this part of the Backend Modernization? This is part of the backend modernization so it should be deployed sometime in march/april with the continuous cloud or ad-hoc updates
We do not have expand all option for all the resource allocations, we need to manually expand the each individual resource and those expanded resource allocations are part of the export. On the column header "Name" you should see a chevron and when clicked will expand all.
Is the multi-level view for OKRs available in labs only or is it released to all customers who use OKRs? Also, is this only in OKRs for AgilePlace? It is released for all customers. This enhancement is for both AgilePlace and Portfolios OKRs
Then a question about card mirroring. Will the mirrored cards also show up in a schedule in Portfolios when viewing backlog? Or will it only be cards created on the associated workspace board The card mirroring will be limited within ProjectPlace workspace (across workspaces as well) to begin with.
Do we have an estimate release month/quater/period for board list view in AgilePlace? We are targeting calendar Q2 for a release of the list view in AgilePlace