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Enterprise One Q&As from June 2020 Release Webinar

Is this UIPATH specifically for PRM?If so, are there plans to create recipes for CTM. Yes, currently we are currently working on PRM.  You can create your own robot and recipes (use cases) as well that are UI click based.  Go to for more information.
Where does the RPA run from? The local PV E1 server, User machine? Who can submit to this service? Security? The UI Path Studio resides on the administrators desktop.  When run, it will prompt you to provide the login credentials to your Planview database. The robot them performs all of the UI clicks right there on your desktop which you can minimize while you work on other tasks.
How is the user source data provided? Excel Template that comes with the recipe when you download from UI Path Marketplace.
Is there still an Inner Circle for RPA as I haven't seen emails on it lately? Yes there is an Inner Circle in progress.  Please send an email to and she will coordinate with you accordingly.
Is UIPath license included in Hosted SaaS Enterprise One systems ? UI Path licensing is NOT part of the Hosted SaaS Enterprise One licensing.  However, the robot we have developed and published in their marketplace can be used with their free version, Community Version.  That version will work for you as long as you only need it on a single administrators desktop and it does not come with support.  If you need more bells and wistles or support you will have the option to upgrade to their subscription licensing plan.  I will be providing a link to additional details on this in the release notes.
On the Add Work screen, can it be based upon the User Context? The administrator will specify which single select alternate structure is governing what the user sees on that screen.  It does not take resource or user attributes into account.
E.g. Add section if the Business Unit = Finance? No, but if you have for example a governing structure called 'Line of Business' and that user had selected 'Finance'; then yes, you could control which containers will display.  Important to make clear that that value for that governing structure either needs to have already been specified prior to that screen or selected on that screen.
Will changes to these screens be something we can move using Configuration Migration? I believe the new enhanced screens can  not currently be moved using that function At this time no, they will not work with Configuration Migration. We do have that in our backlog and are planning to discuss further in the coming weeks.
How do you access the UI Path Marketplace?