The AgilePlace Glossary

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

@mentions -  Typing “@” followed by a user’s name in a card’s description or comments to generate a notification to a specific user. Learn more here.

Account - Each Planview AgilePlace Account has its own unique web address, one or more users, and one or more boards. Within one account, multiple users can collaborate and manage their work on boards they share. The web address [e.g.] is created during the initial account set up, but can be changed at the request of the Account Owner. 

Account Administrator - A user that is able to create, edit, and delete boards and create, enable, disable, and edit users (including making other users Account Administrators). They can also configure certain security settings and export usage and access reports. They have access to all boards on the Account, regardless of the access they are assigned on individual boards. There is always at least one user assigned as an Account Administrator in a Planview AgilePlace account, and more can be assigned at any time.

Account Owner - The primary owner or manager of your account. One Account Administrator in each Planview AgilePlace Account is designated as the Account Owner. By default, this is the user who first created that Planvew AgilePlace account, but the Account Owner can request that Planview AgilePlace Support designate another Account Administrator be designated as the new Owner. In addition to what Account Administrators can do, the Account Owner has the ability to increase the number of user licenses, upgrade editions, and close the account.

Actual Finish Date - A timestamp of the date a card moved into either (1) a lane with a designated Lane Class of “Finished” (the Archive), or (2) a lane designated as the Connected Card Done Lane, without moving back out to lanes of other classes. This timestamp cannot be edited. Learn more here

Actual Start Date - A timestamp of the first time a card moved from a Lane with a designated  Lane Class of "Not Started" (the Backlog) into a Lane with a designated Lane Class of "Started" (the main part of the board). Learn more here

Advanced Reporting - A collection of capabilities for performing additional analysis of Planview AgilePlace data. Learn more here

API (Application Programming Interface) - A defined, programmable interface for interactions between applications. Planview AgilePlace's API provides a mechanism for other software to interact with Planview AgilePlace as a way of automating common tasks, such as creating, updating, and moving cards on a board. Learn more here

Analytics - Reports available through the Planview AgilePlace application that help you to track data related to your board, cards, users, and more. Learn more here

Analytics Reports - See Analytics.

Assigned User - The user(s) assigned to a card. Learn more here

Backlog - Lanes on your Planview AgilePlace board dedicated to planning future work. The Backlog lane is always the leftmost lane on any board and has the Lane Class “Not Started.” It is divisible into sublanes. You cannot move the Backlog lane(s) anywhere else on the board. The backlog is the lane(s) on your board that typically represents work that has not started yet. Learn more here

Blocked Work - Work that cannot progress. A card can be marked as “blocked” by clicking on Unblocked in the card details dialogue block, changing it to Blocked, and entering a reason. Learn more here

Board - A visual representation of your workflow, separated into lanes that represent stages of work with cards that represent individual work items. Learn more here

Board Administrator - A user that holds all editing permissions on an individual board. Learn more here

Board Creator - A user that has been granted the ability to create boards, but is not an Account Administrator. This is a user level configuration, not a board role. Learn more here

Board Filter - A feature that allows users to filter cards on a board, based on assigned user, custom icon, tag, parent card, and more. This allows users to focus on the cards necessary to get their work completed. Learn more here.

Board History - A log of board events, such as card edits, that have happened in the past year. Learn more here

Board Manager - A board role that grants rights beyond a board user. Board Managers may perform operations such as changing board layout and setting WIP Limits. Learn more here

Board Reader - A user role in which the user may view information and create cards via email and Quick Create, but they may not update or modify any of the information and may not edit or move cards. Readers are able to subscribe to board, lane and card events. They can also view board analytics. Learn more here

Board Role - Permissions assigned to users for a specific board. Roles include: Reader, User, Manager, and Administrator. Learn more here

Card - A visual representation of a piece of work that can be moved through the lanes on your board. Cards help you visually track each work item as it is moved through the stages of your process. Learn more here

Card Connections - Relationships between cards that allow you to visualize and track larger work processes with multiple steps or components. Learn more here

Card History - A log that displays information about a particular card, including who created it, who moved it, where the card was moved to/from, who changed the card details, and more. Learn more here. Learn more here

Card Header - A header that displays on the face of the card, Card Header can be automatically assigned sequential numbers (“auto-increment”), have a predetermined prefix, display a clickable hyperlink, randomly generate numbered IDs, or be filled with your own information. Learn more here.

Card Size - A numerical size designation using a positive integer that can be given to cards. Card size can mean different things to different teams, but oftentimes it helps teams to plan larger pieces of work by ascribing higher numbers to larger work items. For example, card size can represent hours of expected work the card represents, the amount of revenue expected from the completed work, or an arbitrary scale of relative sizes. Planview AgilePlace reports can be calculated in terms of card size. Learn more here

Card Type - Used to identify a specific category of work. Board Administrators configure necessary card types and assign a color to each. Various Planview AgilePlace reports use Card Type as a filter. Learn more here

Child Card - A card connection that represents one element of a larger piece of work and is connected to a parent card that represents the larger effort. Learn more here

Comments - Comments on a card allow you to make notes on a piece of work and collaborate with team members directly from the card. Comments can be viewed on the Comments tab inside the card. Learn more here

Connections Dates View - On the Connections tab in a parent card, the Dates View shows a count of child cards, total size, overall progress, and details about any child cards that are blocked and/or past their due date. Learn more here

Connections Cards View - On the Connections tab in a parent card, the Cards View shows thumbnails of all the child cards that are connected to this card. Learn more here

Context Menu - The menu that appears when you right-click on lanes, boards, and cards. Learn more here. Learn more here

Custom Field - Board-specific fields that can be added to cards to collect additional data about the represented work. These fields can be one of four types: free-form text, numerals, date, or a list of options in a dropdown menu. Learn more here

Custom Icon - Labeled “Class of Service,” this feature allows you to configure visual indicators (icons) to display on the face of a card to signal information about that card. Learn more here

Dependency - Any work that requires other work to be completed, or is required for other work to be completed, is part of a dependency. This might be work that has to be completed in a sequential order or work that requires other members of your team, or other teams, to complete steps in a process before other steps can proceed. Learn more here

Default Drop Lane - A single, dedicated lane on a board where new cards are placed when they are created, unless otherwise specified. 

Finished Card Archive - Part of the archive that houses all cards older than a specified number of days. Cards that are in the Finished Card Archive are no longer visualized within the archive, but they can be accessed at any time. 

Finished Lane - The rightmost lane on any board. It is divisible into sublanes. The Archive and its sublanes make up the Lane Class “Finished.” You cannot move the Archive lane(s) anywhere else on the board. The archive is the lane(s) on your board that typically represents cards that have been completed. Cards in the archive lane are automatically hidden after a period. Learn more here

Integration - An automated transfer of information between two applications that allows updates in one application to change that information in the other application. Learn more here

Kanban Board - Kanban is the Japanese word for “signal card.” A Kanban board is a visual way to manage activities by signaling the status of those activities in a highly visible way. Learn more here

Lanes - Rows and columns on a board that represent different steps or stages in a work process. Learn more here

Lane Class - Planview AgilePlace lanes belong to one of three lane classes: "Not Started," "Started" and "Finished," corresponding to the general status of the cards in those lanes.  It is also used in reports for calculating cards that are “Not Started,” “Started,” and “Finished.” A lane’s Lane Class cannot be edited. Learn more here

Parent Card - In card connections, the parent card usually represents the larger work effort while the child cards represent individual deliverables needed to complete the large work effort. Learn more here

Planned Finish Date - The date a card is planned to be completed or moved to a “Completed” lane. It’s editable in the card’s details. Learn more here

Planned Start Date - The date a card is planned to start or move into an “In Process” lane. It’s editable in the card’s details. Learn more here

Policy - An optional description for your lane(s) and/or custom icon(s) that allow you to explicitly define your work process by defining how each lane or icon is intended to be used. 

Priority - A Critical, High, or Low setting that displays as an icon on the face of the card to indicate the importance of a particular work item. Normal does not display an icon; this is the default priority for all cards. Learn more here

Reporting API (Application Programming Interface) - A set of rules for how the Planview AgilePlace application works with other software to provide advanced reports. See Advanced Reporting and Application Programming Interface (API)

Right Click Menu - See Context Menu.

Single-Sign-On (SSO) - Allows your users to access the account using their existing corporate login system, without having to use a separate Planview AgilePlace username and password. Learn more here

Staleness - The amount of time that has passed since a card has been moved from one lane to the next or since a card has been edited. 

Sublane - Lower-level lanes that are contained within other, higher level-lanes. Learn more here

Swimlane - Any horizontal lane on your board. Learn more here

Tags - Keywords added to individual cards that allow you to to group, search, filter, and report on work items more easily. Learn more here

Task - A card displayed on a taskboard inside a card that represents small tasks related to the work the main card represents. Learn more

Taskboard - A small, three-lane board within a card that displays Task cards. Learn more here.

Top-Level Lane - The highest-level lane on a board. Top-level lanes are collapsible and may be further divided into sub-lanes. Learn more here. Learn more here

Unique Card ID - A unique ID number assigned to each Planview AgilePlace card. It forms part of the card’s URL and can be displayed in the Card Header. Learn more here

User - Each account can have multiple users. Each person needs their own user login to access a particular Planview AgilePlace account. Each user can either be enabled or disabled; only enabled users can login or otherwise access the account. Learn more here

User Avatar - The image associated with a user that displays on the face of the card when a user is assigned to that card. When no avatar is present, a user’s initials are shown. Learn more here

User License Limit - Determines the number of users that can be enabled at the same time within a Planview AgilePlace account. Only enabled users count against or "consume" the number of user licenses available. Learn more here

User Role - The default permissions level for users added to a Planview AgilePlace board. Board Users may view the board and create, edit, and move cards, but they may not perform management or administrative operations on the board, such as changing the board layout or WIP limits. Learn more here

Workflow - The stages in which a card moves from concept to completion. These stages are generally represented by vertical lanes in a Planview AgilePlace board. Also referred to as “work process.” 

Work in Process (WIP) - Work that has been started but is not yet “Finished.” Learn more here.  

Work in Process (WIP) Limits - A configurable limit on how much work can flow through a lane at one time. WIP limits are a key component of Kanban because they contribute to better focus, clearer communication, and more realistic analysis and projection. Learn more here