Understanding OKRs

How do OKRs work with AgilePlace?

For general overview information about Planview OKRs, see Planview OKRs.

Each AgilePlace board has its own OKR view, which means Objectives are tied to a specific AgilePlace board. Each Objective can have multiple Key Results, but each Key Result can only have one Objective. Key results use a numeric metric to track their completion percentage.

The percent complete of key results is rolled up to the parent Objective to indicate the objective's completion percentage. Individual work items, such as AgilePlace cards, can be associated with Key Results. Key Results can have multiple AgilePlace cards from multiple boards. Similarly, individual AgilePlace cards can be associated to multiple Key Results. 


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What are Connected OKRs?

Connected OKRs are Planview AgilePlace objectives that are connected to Planview Portfolios objectives either as a parent or as a child, and which share data across the Planview platform. For example, you could use connected OKRs if you are using Planview Portfolios for funding and investment capacity planning and AgilePlace for program/work delivery.

For more information about connected OKRs, see Connected OKRs.

Who can access OKRs?

Access to OKRs is based on board-level access. This means that anyone who has access to the board, can view or edit the board's OKRs, with a few exceptions:

On associated AgilePlace cards, you can only see a Key Result's Activities if you have access to the AgilePlace board the objective comes from. 

How can I learn more?

For more information about working with OKRs in Planview AgilePlace, see:

Enabling or Disabling OKRs

OKRs are enabled by default. However, AgilePlace account administrators can disable OKRs, if necessary. 

To disable OKRs:

  1. Click the Account Settings icon Account Settings Icon.png.
  2. Select the OKR Settings tab.
  3. Select the Use Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) checkbox.
  4. Click Save.