Working with Key Results

Use Key Results to capture and track progress toward different elements of your Objectives. For detailed information on Key Results, see Key results.

For more information on how Key Results relate to Objectives and Activities, see Understanding OKRs.

For general information about Planview OKRs, see Planview OKRs

Viewing Key Results

To view the key results for an objective:

  1. Access the Planview AgilePlace board, and then click  OKR icon.png.
  2. Select the objective.
  3. Click the Key Results tab. 

    Key Results display the following information in the OKR board view:

Adding Key Results

To add a new Key Result to an objective:

  1. From the desired Planview AgilePlace board, click OKR icon.png.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click ellipse_vertical_dk_gray.png on the objective, and then select Add Key Result.
    • Click the Objective, select the Key Results tab, and then click Add Key Result.
  3. In the Key Results field, enter a descriptive title for how you are measuring progress.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description with any additional details you want to provide for the Key Result.
  5. In the Owner field, select who will own this Key Result.
  6. In the Start Value field, enter the starting value that is being measured.

    For example, if this is a new project, you want to set only one target (the value for the progress goal that you want to measure), and you want to measure by percent, you could enter "0" as the Start Value and "100" as the Target Value for Target 1. If your Key Result is to move an existing metric, such as moving acceptance from 10% to 15%, you could enter "10" as the Start Value and "15" as the Target Value for Target 1. 



    The Start Value and Target Values can also go in a negative direction. For example, if you want to reduce customer acquisition cost from $80 to $50 in the next year, you could enter "80" as the Start Value and "50" as the Target Value for Target 1.


  7. In the Target(s) tab, specify the intended Start Date and End Date for Target 1 of the Key Result.



    The End Date for Target 1 cannot exceed the End Date of the parent objective.


  8. Enter the Target Value for Target 1 of the Key Result.



    Start Value is used as the starting value for Target 1. The Target Value for Target 1 is then used as the Start Value for Target 2, and so on.


  9. If you want a second target for the Key Result, click Add more targets. Then enter the Start Date, End Date, and Target Value for Target 2.



    • To add a second target, the Target Date for Target 1 must be before the parent objective's End Date.
    • The Start Date for Target 2 is automatically set to one day after the Target Date for Target 1.
    • The End Date for Target 2 cannot exceed the End Date of the parent objective.


  10. Repeat the previous step if you want to add more targets.
  11. In the Data Source field indicate the location where this data is coming from.
  12. Use the Parent Objective dropdown to modify the selected Objective for this Key Result. 
  13. In the Custom Attributes section, click each custom attribute you want to set and select an option. Some attributes may be required. For more information about custom attributes, see Getting started with objectives and key results (OKRs).



    If an attribute has a question_mark_in_circle_dk_gray.png icon, you can hover over the icon for a description.


  14. Click Save. You also have these additional save options from the Save dropdown:
    • Save & Close will save the Key Result and then close the window.
    • Save & Create Another will save the Key Result and open a new Key Result window.



The Save button defaults to the save method you last used.


Managing Key Results

Once a Key Result is created, you can click on it to view its details. When editing a Key Result, you will have access to additional tabs:

Updating Key Result Progress

As you make measured progress, you will want to update that information in the Key Result. 

  1. Click the Key Result to open it. 
  2. On the Details tab, click the Update link.
  3. Enter the new Progress Value and the As of Date, which indicates when that value was achieved. 
  4. Enter any additional information in the Comments field.
  5. Click Update Progress to save the information.

You can modify progress update information at any time by selecting the Progress Entries tab on the Details tab and clicking the edit icon Key Results Icon.png and following the process above. 

Deleting Key Results

To delete a Key Result, click the  icon and select Delete Key Result