Creating Users

Once you have created resources, you can then make them users in PPM Pro. Creating PPM Pro user types from resources is a security step that ensures that only the resources you have given permission to can log in to PPM Pro. Note that Integration users do not have an PPM Pro login. WS API users have a login for using the API (see Authentication Token), but not to the PPM Pro application.

Note: You can have more resources than you have users. For example, you may have resource information that you want to track for peo­ple who will never use the system.

Things to remember:

To create a user

1.      Navigate to Admin/Users.

2.      Choose Menu > New.




Select a Resource name from drop-down list - this list contains all resources that are not associated with a user. If you do not see the resource you wish to add, go back and create the resource in the Resources page. Note that users can also be created directly from the resource record under the Resources tab by double-clicking the resource and choosing Menu > Create User.


Assign a login (not applicable to Integration user types). Logins must be unique throughout the entire PPM Pro system. We suggest you use the Resource's email address as his or her user login - in fact, the system will use the email (if available) as the default automatically. You can, however use any login that you wish as long as it is not already in use by another user. 80 character limit.

User Type

 Select the User Type. See User Types and Permissions for more information.

Timesheet Activation Date

 Enter a Timesheet Activation Date. This is the Start Date for the generation of Timesheets for the user.


Select the Active checkbox box so that the user has access to PPM Pro (what they can access depends on their user type and granted permissions). If you de-select the Active checkbox, that user can no longer log in to PPM Pro.


Select the Admin? checkbox to add the user the the Admin standard group. Members of the Admin group have access to the Admin tab and all functions below it. See Granting Administrative Privileges.

Home Overview Default Dashboard

The dashboard that appears on the user's Home/Overview section. If there are no dashboards in the drop list then none have been configured for use in the Home/Overview, and no Home Overview section is visible to the user. To enable a Home Overview dashboard, contact a user with Edit dashboard permissions (might be you) to select at least one dashboard by checking its Home Overview checkbox. See Setting Up Overview Dashboards for more information.

Change Password

Assign an initial password to each user. Users can later change their own passwords using Menu > Password on their resource record. Note that strong passwords are required:

  • must be at least 12 characters (max is 80)

  • must include at least 1 lower case letter

  • must include at least 1 upper case letter

  • must include at least 1 numeric or special character

  • cannot match last password

Confirm Password

Confirm the password.

Token Generated On

For WS API users only. The date the user's authentication token was generated (for informational purposes only). See Authentication Token.

3.Click Save or Save and Add to Groups. When you click Save and Add to Groups, you are taken to the ResourceName/Groups page, where you can add the user to any standard or custom group.

To make any changes to existing users, select the user and modify the appropriate fields in the right-hand panel.