About Groups

A group is a named collection of members. Members can be users, units, or other groups. Groups allow you to assign permission profiles to multiple resources at a time, and facilitate several parts of PPM Pro, including profile-based permissionsstaffing routing, and field restrictions. Note that you can report on resource group membership using the All Groups report source, which can be found in Target:Organization, Category:Admin.

There are three kinds of groups:

Note that groups can be members of other groups. For example, when you add group "Monkeys" to group "Mammals", the "Mammals" will be shown as an Ancestor Group (and also parent of "Monkeys").  Groups contained in other groups will inherit the Ancestor group's permissions - whether implicit permissions from a standard group like Organization, or permissions granted by a permissions profile

For more information, see Creating User-Defined Groups and Adding Group Members, Permissions Model Overview.

Standard Groups

Standard groups are provided by PPM Pro (as opposed to "User-defined" groups, which are created by users).

Standard Group Descriptions




Members of the Admin group are granted access to the Admin tab, where they can configure the PPM Pro environment. You can add users directly to the Admin group from Admin/Groups, or the Resource/Groups link. Additionally, you can click the Admin? property when creating a user, which also places the user in the Admin group. See About Admin.

Note that Admin users do NOT implicitly get permissions to view/modify entities such as projects, tasks, issues, and so on. The admin user must be granted permission to act on an entity, just like any other user.

For example, if you want your admin users to create/edit/delete projects, you can create a global project permission profile configured for full project edit permissions, and assign the Admin group to it. If you want your admin users to be able to create Departments or Divisions, they must be members of the Organization group. 

All Users

All Users is a dynamic group that always contains a list of all active users. This group is maintained automatically by PPM Pro - as users are added to/removed from the system, this group is updated accordingly and made available when applying permissions.

Billable Rates


Billable Rates group members see all bill rate, billable amount, profit and margin information in PPM Pro. This includes the bill rate/billable amounts in rollups and reports. If a user is not in this group, reports and rollups will not show bill rate, billable amount, profit and margin.  This group is disabled by default. If you wish to enable this group, please enter a Community case. 

Note that entity owners do retain visibility to this information for the entities and sub-entities they own - for example, an owned Department and its sub-projects. 

Capacity and Demand

The Capacity and Demand group give full users access to the Capacity & Demand facility.

To view resources when running Capacity & Demand, ensure the following:

  • You have permission to view availability for resources you want want to see in a report. For example, if you want to see all resources, you'll want a Global permission rule and the Resource > View > Availability permission. Note that the permissions you configure here will determine the resource pool shown in the Resource Workbench when no filter is used.
  • You have permission to view the projects you wish to report on. The reports will reflect the aggregate capacity, demand, and availability information for projects you can at view. If you don't have at least view permission on a project, its data will not appear in the report.

See About Capacity & Demand.

Enterprise Enterprise group members have rights to create new Enterprises. Salespeople, Project Managers and Executives are often members of this group. 

Expense Manager


Note: This group will be deprecated when task-level expenses are deprecated later in 2019.

Expense Manager group members can make corrections and additions to users' expense batches from the Manage Resource Expense link in Organization/Manage Time & Expense/Resource Expenses. Expense batches are not created until a resource submits the batch for approval. Therefore, only submitted expense batches are available to Expense Manager group members. You may want to limit membership to one or two people, depending on the size of your organization.

Fixed Bid Manager


Fixed Bid Manager group members can create, make corrections to, and make additions to Fixed Bid Invoices from the Manage Fixed Bid link in Organization/Manage Time & Expense/Managed Fixed Bid. You may want to limit membership to one or two people, depending on the size of your organization.

Full Users

You may or may not have a Full Users standard group. This group was created as a result of the migration to profile-based project permissions to help legacy users achieve permissions parity upon migration. If you never went through the migration (for example, you started using PPM Pro in mid-2017), then you will not have a Full Users group.

Full Users is a dynamic group that always contains a list of active Full users. This group is maintained automatically by PPM Pro - as Full users are added to/removed from the system, this group is updated accordingly and is available when applying permissions. 

If you don't have the group in your environment but want one, you can easily use a filter-based group with a filter of "Active User Type is Full User" to create a Full Users group.

Internal Cost


Internal Cost group members can see all internal cost, profit and margin information in PPM Pro. This includes the internal costs in rollups and reports. If a user is not in this group, reports and rollups will not show internal costs, and the % Capitalized field on Project Staffing will not be visible.



Organization group members have rights to create/edit all entities that are not using profile-based permissions (Divisions, Departments, Enterprises). This means they can view all information including attachments and rollups and generate reports for the Organization, Division and Time. Group members see all bill rate, billable amount, profit and margin information in PPM Pro. This includes the bill rate/billable amounts in rollups and reports. Organization group members can view Basic Information for Resources, but cannot see internal rates or attachments to individual resource records. Organization group members cannot change system information unless they have been given administrative privileges. Depending upon how your organization is structured, Organization group members may be high-level executives or department heads. 



(Note: this group is obsolete. If you are an existing customer, you can still use the PMO group like any other user-defined group, but it will not confer any special privileges and must be used in conjunction with profile-based permissions, as described below. )

This feature is optional. Enter a support ticket (https://support.planview.com) to request that it be enabled.

Use the Project > Edit > PMO Locked Fields permission to grant permission to edit/view PMO-locked fields. You can grant these permissions in a Global profile, which applies to all projects, or in a Team profile, which can be used to grant Edit/View PMO Locked fields on specific projects. Note that the permissions are used in conjunction with the project setting Enable PMO Lock, which is typically found on the project Settings page.



Resource group members have rights to create new resources and view and edit all existing resource information, including a resource's internal and billable rates. Resource group members have access to the HR Notes link in each resource’s record. Resource group members can also view pri­vate attachments on resource records. Usually only human resources executives are added to the Resource group. 

Timesheet Manager

Timesheet Manager group members can make corrections or additions to users' timesheets from Organization/Manage Time & Expense/Resource Time. You may want to limit membership to one or two people, depending on the size of your organization.


Publishing group members can publish and unpublish dashboards.

Ensure that any users who need to publish dashboards have the Create permission on dashboards.