




codebeamer is a an Application Lifecycle Management tool that enables teams to manage their software development, requirements, testing and quality, risk management, variants management and more. codebeamer focuses on supporting industry-specific solutions for the automotive, medical, and avionics industries. The tool implements preconfigured templates to support users in complying to various safety-critical standards.

Many customers benefit from integrating codebeamer with an external Requirements Management tool or with an ITSM tool to track defects. By flowing requirements from a Requirements Management tool, such as Jama or DOORS Next Generation, or defects to an ITSM tool, such as ServiceNow, users can flow information directly to external suppliers or to separate teams who are utilizing codebeamer for development. By integrating parent- and child-requirements or defects between both tools, users can easily see status, comments, and other metadata to enhance continuous communication between teams and to facilitate smooth and efficient collaboration.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Allows codebeamer users to find all their work in codebeamer (rather than switching to other applications) — saving time, reducing frustration, and leading to happier, more productive team members
  • Synchronizes artifacts across the lifecycle, allowing information to flow freely between codebeamer and other tools
  • Supports cross-tool traceability and reporting, removing the need for manual processes and spreadsheets
  • Maintains relationships between artifacts, comments, and attachments, as artifacts flow between codebeamer and external tools

Demo Videos



Supported Extensions

codebeamer X

Planview's codebeamer connector supports both codebeamer and codebeamer X (formerly Intland Retina).



Connector Setup Details

This section describes the basic steps needed to prepare your codebeamer instance for use with Hub. Note that additional fields for synchronization or configuration of queries may be required depending on the requirements of your integration.

Minimal User Permissions & Hub User

We recommend that you create a new user within your external tool, to be used only for your Hub integration. This is the user information you will enter when setting up your repository connection within Planview Hub. By creating a new user, you will ensure that the correct permissions are granted, and allow for traceability of the modifications that are made by the synchronization. 

In general, your user account should have sufficient permissions to create, read, and update artifacts in your repository. However, depending on the use case, your user may need different permissions. For example, if you are only interested in flowing data out of your repository, your user may not need to have full CRUD access, as the 'create' and 'update' permissions may not be needed.

Your user should have a secure password or token. Please be aware that Hub will not allow you to save a repository connection utilizing a weak password/token, such as 'tasktop.'

See codebeamer documentation to learn how to create a custom user in codebeamer.

List of minimal user permissions:

  • Project admin role

Connecting to the codebeamer Repository

Standard Authentication

Required Fields:

Optional Fields:

  • Throttling Settings: This field indicates the number of API calls that can be made per minute. See details here.
    • Note: This field should only be set under the guidance of Tasktop support as the ideal value is highly dependent on each customer's unique environment. 
  • Connection Security: If checked, insecure connections to this repository will be allowed. See details here.

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 4.47.58 PM.png


SSO Authentication

Additionally, codebeamer supports the following SSO implementations:

  • Script (HTTP cookies)
  • X.509 Certificate

Learn more about how to set up your repository in Planview Hub here.



Other Configuration Settings

Rich Text

At present, the connector supports only Wiki formatting for rich text fields. Some, but not all, of codebeamer's rich text markup elements are supported.

Supported elements are: 

  • headings
  • italics
  • bold
  • monospaced
  • superscript
  • subscript
  • bulleted lists
  • numbered lists
  • bulleted lists (in a table)
  • numbered lists (in a table)
  • hyperlinks (including labels; external links only)
  • images (external images only)
  • image links (external images and links only)


At present, codebeamer comments will be stored as Wiki type only. Neither author impersonation nor public/private comments are currently supported.

Learn more about how to configure comment flow in Planview Hub here


codebeamer uses comments to store attachments. Impersonation of authors is not supported.

Learn more about how to configure attachment flow in Planview Hub here.

State Transitions

Planview Hub: 20.1 and later

In codebeamer, state transitions can have a condition and/or guard. These prevent the transition from being performed if a given set of conditions aren't met (e.g., there could be a condition on the 'Start Progress' transition that will prevent it from being executed unless the ticket has been assigned).

If a guard is set on a transition and the transition is executed, but the guard's conditions are not met, then an error will appear, stating, "Start guard yields false!"

If a condition is set on a transition, but its conditions are not met, then the user will receive an error stating that the transition is not available. 

Learn more about how to configure state transitions in Planview Hub here.

Person Reconciliation

For person reconciliation, the following fields are available:

Fields Used for Hub’s Default Person Reconciliation Algorithm

Field Names for Person Reconciliation Extensions

(Note that these are case sensitive)

Label in codebeamer



Account ID (see details below)









First Name



Last Name




The person-id can be found on the Personal Details screen for a particular user, in the 'Account ID' field. To find the person-id, take the 'Account ID' number and append it to '/user/'. For example: if the Account ID of a user is 1, then that user's person-id will be /user/1.

Default User ID in codebeamer

Learn more about how to configure person reconciliation in Planview Hub here.

Full Scan

Due to third party API limitations, updates to the following fields may not trigger change detection or cause a synchronization immediately. To ensure these updates synchronize, a high fidelity full scan must occur or another qualifying change must be made to the artifact:

  • Associations (Internal)
  • Associations (Web Links)
  • Downstream References (Relationships)
  • Absolute Position
  • Predecessor
  • Successor

Learn more about how to configure change detection and full scan intervals in Planview Hub here

Requirements Ordering

Planview Hub: 20.3 and later

codebeamer: 10.0.0 and later

Note: Requirements ordering is only supported for DOORS-codebeamer integrations.

In codebeamer, requirements ordering is supported for tracker types where Document View is supported

To function properly, the following fields must be mapped in your integration:

  • Absolute Position

  • Parent

  • Predecessor

  • Successor

Additionally, the field flow for the above fields must be set to always update to the target side and conflict resolution must be set to the source side. 

Note: During integration, you may see a large number of errors with the message “Predecessor and Successor are not in the right place yet..." These exceptions should clear with sufficient retries. If not, you will need to trigger a full scan through the “Process All Artifacts” button.

API Rate Limiting

Planview Hub: 21.4 and later

codebeamer 21.09+

In Planview Hub version 21.4, a new Throttling Settings field was added to limit the number of API calls that can be made per minute to a repository.

By default, the codebeamer repository implements an API rate limit of 120 API calls per minute. To prevent performance issues as described here, you should adjust the limit in codebeamer and the Throttling Settings field in Hub or disable rate limiting.



Supported Features

Special Features Supported

You can learn more about special features in Planview Hub here.


Custom Type Supported?

Applicable Hub Version

Applicable Repository Versions

Default Maximum Size in Repository

Not_allowed.svg.png Time Worked (Worklogs)


checkicon.png Comments

Not_allowed.svg.png Impersonation 

Not_allowed.svg.png Public/Private


Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


checkicon.png Attachments

Not_allowed.svg.png Impersonation


Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


Learn more about maximum attachment size here.

checkicon.png State Transitions


Planview Hub: 20.1 and later

Any supported repository version:


checkicon.png Requirements Ordering


Planview Hub: 20.3 and later





Supported Artifacts

Supported Work Items

Learn about the difference between containers and work items in Planview Hub here.

Supported Work Item Type

Applicable Hub Versions

Applicable Repository Versions

Unique URL?


Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


Change Requests

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:



Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:



Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:



Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:



Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


User Stories

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


Planning Items

Planview Hub: 20.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


Custom artifacts of standard types listed above

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


Supported Containers

Containers that can synchronize between repositories

Applicable Hub Versions

Applicable Repository Versions

Unique URL?



Containers used to define the boundary of a collection





Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:


Containers used for artifact routing





Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:




Supported Field Types

Note: If one field of a given type is supported, others that are also that type in theory should also work. However, sometimes there are instances in which this is not the case due to the repository. So, while we can claim support for fields at the type level, there is a chance that some specific fields of a given type will not synchronize properly.

Standard Field Type

Does Hub support custom fields of this type?

How is field type referenced in the repository?

Sample Repository Fields Supported

Particular Repository Fields NOT Supported

checkicon.png String



Wiki Link/URL*

*Supported in codebeamer versions 10.0+ and Hub versions 22.2 and later



checkicon.png Single Select




Allowed/Default Values configuration

codebeamer currently supports dependency between fields and the allowed values based on the state of the dependent fields. For example, the Requirements tracker type contains a field "Reached Coverage". This is a single select field that is dependent on the state of the "Status" field. If the requirement has a status "new", only specific values are allowed, but if the requirement were of status "rejected", differing values would be allowed. codebeamer's REST APIs currently do not support this level of information being accessed by Hub. As a consequence, mappings may not work with codebeamer depending on the state of the source field.

Other known fields with similar limitations: "Status", "Resolution"

There are 2 potential solutions at this time:

  1. Specific Known Mapping Setup: When the user is creating an integration with codebeamer, the mapping of any of these fields with dependency configurations must be set to an expected valid selection that codebeamer would support based on the codebeamer configuration. These could be based on constant values or based on selections the user can manually verify are valid based on the codebeamer configuration.

  2. Reconfiguration of Fields: As an alternative solution, the user could reconfigure the fields in codebeamer that have dependencies to other fields and allow for the same selections to be valid regardless of the state of the dependent field.

checkicon.png Multi Select


Multi Choice



checkicon.png Boolean



Neither bugs nor requirements have a standard boolean system field


Not_allowed.svg.png Date





checkicon.png Date Time



End Date


checkicon.png Duration



Planned Effort

Accrued Effort (read-only) - field is calculated and can't be updated.


checkicon.png Double



% Spent / Plan (read-only) - field is calculated and can't be updated.


checkicon.png Long



Story Points

Version (read-only) - codebeamer metadata supports writing to the field but does not update the server so updates will not be reflected on subsequent retrievals.


checkicon.png Person


Choice (User)

Submitter, Modifier

User groups and user roles are not supported

checkicon.png Persons


Choice (User)


User groups and user roles are not supported

checkicon.png Relationship(s)

Learn how to configure relationships in Hub Hub here.







The following fields are supported: 

  • Parent

  • Child

  • Related

  • Depends

  • Upstream References

checkicon.png Rich Text





checkicon.png Web Links


Associations (URL)

Association (URL)

Currently, only weblinks associated via codebeamer "Associations" are supported.

Not_allowed.svg.png Other







Functional Limitations



Applicable Hub Versions

Applicable Repository Versions

Third Party API Limitation

Tracker Item Fields

All Tracker Item fields are writable unless the field has no permissions for any user/role.

Planview Hub: 22.1 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Artifact Hierarchy

The codebeamer API does not update the tracker outline after an item is created. As a result, Hub cannot track artifact hierarchy.

Planview Hub: 20.4 and later

20.11 LTS+

10.1 SP3

Third Party API Limitation

Association Links

The codebeamer v3 API is currently limited to retrieving only 500 associations amongst all association links.

Planview Hub: 20.4 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Person Fields

Person fields are not validated by the connector. Linking a non-existent handle will not produce an error.

Planview Hub: 20.4 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Relationship Fields

Relationship fields may not be listed as invalid if a linked item is deleted during validation.

Planview Hub: 20.4 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Username Search

In codebeamer 10.0.0+, username search is case-sensitive. 

Planview Hub: 20.4 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Person Reconciliation

The connector no longer allows access to the /users endpoint for non-admin users.

When permissions are denied, Hub will produce Persons with only the user ID as identifiable information. Person reconciliation scripts may need to be updated to reflect this change.

Planview Hub: 20.4.1 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Requirements Ordering

The connector has a defect in which updates are ignored to modify or reorder the hierarchical fields (Parent, Predecessor, Successor).

If you are reliant on the requirements ordering functionality, we recommend skipping the codebeamer 10.1 release until the defect is addressed.

Planview Hub: 20.4.1 and later

10.1.0 - 10.2

Configuration Requirement

Requirements Ordering

One side of the integration must dominate as the "source of truth” of the hierarchy. Any changes to object position must occur on the source side and flow one-way into the target.

Note that if an item is deleted from one side of the integration, it must also be removed from the other side of the integration.

Planview Hub: 20.3 and later


Configuration Requirement

Requirements Ordering

Requirements ordering cannot be used in conjunction with artifact filtering or complex artifact routing. 

Planview Hub: 20.3 and later


Third Party Functional Limitation


If using codebeamer 10.0.0, synchronized attachments may not flow properly into codebeamer. 

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later


Third Party API Limitation

Required Fields

Planview Hub does not support validating required fields in codebeamer. As such, required fields will not be indicated during a field mapping.

Note that if required fields have not been mapped, Hub will provide an error from codebeamer upon artifact creation.

Planview Hub: 19.4.10 and later

Any supported repository version:

Feature Unsupported

Table Fields

Table Fields represent a composition of multiple, variable field types. Planview Hub does not support flowing data from this field type.

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:

Third Party API Limitation

Mandatory in Status Customization

codebeamer does not take account the available "Mandatory in Status" custom field customization.

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:

Third Party API Limitation

Duration Fields

On the codebeamer user interface, numbers that are input into custom Duration fields are interpreted in units of hours. However, the field is updated and read in units of milliseconds when synchronizing with Planview Hub.

A Planview Hub extension is recommended to convert custom Duration fields to the appropriate units when synchronizing. 

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:

Third Party API Limitation

Associations (Internal)

In the user interface, codebeamer allows association of items to any other items or trackers. Because Hub currently supports work items for internal associations only, supported work items with associations will have these relationships synchronized over by Hub. All non-work items (e.g., configuration items and/or trackers) will be filtered out during the sync phase.

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version:

Third Party API Limitation

Associations (Weblinks)

In the user interface, codebeamer does not restrict a user from entering invalid urls (e.g., random text with spaces). When synchronizing codebeamer artifacts, the Hub connector will throw an exception if the URL is in an invalid format and the source codebeamer URL will have to be fixed before the artifact can be processed.

Planview Hub: 17.4 and later

Any supported repository version: