What do the "special features" mean?

Last Updated:    |  Applicable Hub Versions: All


There are a handful of common "special" features that each connector can have. Below is a brief general explanation of each feature:



Time Worked (Worklogs)

  • Impersonation

The ability to synchronize time that has been logged by the end-user. For example, a developer submits time in the Agile Dev tool and this time is synchronized, along with the artifact to a PPM tool. This could be done between Atlassian Jira and Broadcom Clarity, for example.

Impersonation for time integration is important for the "target" repository, such that the Tasktop Sync user that is being used by the connector has the ability to impersonate time/write the "author" of the time.

Thus, if "Time worked" is supported, but impersonation is not, this repository will serve as the "source" of time.

Note that Time Synchronization is currently supported in Tasktop Sync, only. It is not currently supported in Planview Hub.


  • Impersonation

  • Public/Private

Comments are usually represented as a form of communication between end-users via notes, chatbox, comments, feeds, etc. They typically have a user and a date recorded on them to maintain a historical conversation structure.

When a given repository supports impersonation, Tasktop Sync will assign the comment to the proper user if it is possible to locate the user with the information provided on the source artifact. When impersonation is not supported, the comment will appear in your target repository as though it were created by the default user associated with your repository configuration in Tasktop Sync, and the name of the user who truly recorded the comment will be listed at the beginning of the comment text in parentheses.

You can learn more about Comment Impersonation in Planview Hub here.

Public/private comments are common in ITSM tools where certain conversations require different layers of visibility depending on the audience. Some tools have the ability to mark a comment public/visible to everyone or private/visible to only a certain group of people. Further, a connector can have the ability to differentiate between the two types and only flow one or the other.

Note that Public/Private Comments are currently supported in Tasktop Sync, only. They are not currently supported in Planview Hub.

You can learn more about Public/Private Comments in Planview Hub here.


  • Impersonation

Attachments are another form of communication via files. They typically are attached to the artifact that is being synchronized. Similar to comments, an attachment can have different metadata, such as "author" or "created by." 

When Impersonation is supported, Hub can write the appropriate author to that field. However, if the target repository does not allow Hub to impersonate attachment creation, the default (Hub) user will be used. You can learn more about Attachment Impersonation in Planview Hub here.

State Transitions

Some repositories treat the "Status" of an artifact as a simple field. However, other repositories apply rules or workflows to this field to not allow full freedom to the end-users. For example, the developer could not be allowed to move a story from "To Do" to "Done" without going through the state "In Progress". If that is the case, the integration must accommodate this restriction. When a connector supports state transitions, it means that when setting the status of an artifact, the connector is executing a state transition to follow proper rules defined in the end repository.

You can learn more about State Transitions in Planview Hub here.