Organizational Change Management Fundamentals

What is Organizational Change Management?

Organizational change management (OCM) is a clear process for implementing organizational change from beginning to end​. OCM focuses on supporting people through the change process by helping employees adapt to new processes, technologies, and strategies to minimize resistance and ensure a smoother transition.

Benefits of OCM:

How do organizations typically handle change?

More often than not, we see organizations rush through major changes to push out them out as quickly as possible. 

This is a common pattern we typically see:

  • An email regarding the change is sent out on Monday
  • Training for the change is on Tuesday
  • Go-live of the change is on Wednesday

This is not the way to prepare individuals for successful transformation.

To move smoothly & successfully to the desired future state, people need time to work through the phases of change.

The phases of change are:

  • Awareness of the need for change
  • Desire to support the change
  • Knowledge on how to change
  • Ability to implement new skills and behaviors
  • Reinforcement to make the change stick 

(The Prosci ADKAR® Model)

You can see these concepts illustrated in the image below:

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 3.11.41 PM.png

Fundamentals to achieving Organizational Change Management

  1. Create a clear vision
  2. Engage leadership
  3. Stakeholder analysis
  4. Develop a communication plan
  5. Change champions
  6. Training and skill development
  7. Implement feedback mechanisms
  8. Change resistance management
  9. Celebrate milestones
  10. Encourage continuous improvement

How does ADKAR work with Organizational Change Management?


  • Start engaging: Talk, share, and prepare with individuals at your organization ​
  • Analyze your current state: Use data to show inefficiencies in the current state​
  • Make the business case: Outline benefits, success criteria, and OKRs aligned with strategies and outcomes
  • Communicate your plan: Raise awareness across stakeholders


  • Engage with stakeholders: Involve the right people in prescribed activities​
  • Address concerns: Provide a platform for people to express concerns and question, tackle with transparency
  • Use incentives: Show what’s in it for the individuals involved (e.g., ease of work, better balance, skill development​)


  • Start training: Develop clear training paths to meet individual needs​ 
  • Conduct workshops: Conduct hands-on workshops to familiarize individuals with new processes, systems, and tools​
  • Create documentation: Design materials for individuals to use as a reference later​


  • Develop a coaching structure: Create a support system to help individuals adapt to the new way of working​
  • Start a pilot program: Use small, manageable goals to implement the change​
  • Measure your performance: Set measurable goals (OKRs) that align with the strategies and outcomes of the implementation ​


  • Adopt regular check-ins: Conduct regular reviews to the status of the individual in the change as applied to the implementation​
  • Share success stories: Share success stories and best practices across the organization to reinforce the change
  • Encourage continuous improvement: Review what worked and what did not, and start planning for the next change 

How do I get started with Organizational Change Management?

Now that you've learned more about Organizational Change Management, you may be wondering how to get started with OCM at your organization.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Identify areas in need of change management ​

  • Remember successful organizational change management is not a one-size-fits-all approach

  • Understand the required fundamentals to achieve successful organizational change

  • Ongoing monitoring and adaptation are essential to ensure that the changes are sustained and continue to deliver the desired outcomes

Contact Evolve Advisory Services by Planview for Organizational Change Management support and guidance.


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