Column charts

This topic describes how to configure a Column chart. You will be working with a screen like the one below. At this point you will have already selected a report source, clicked New, and filled out a preliminary Basic Details screen.


You can perform the following on the Output Options/Column Chart screen:

Field Selection tab
Chart Options tab

There are a variety of settings you can use to configure chart labels, legends, size, text format, currency format and a variety of visual affects. See Column Chart Options.

Select column chart type

Select one of the following chart types:


Select the data to be returned on the report

The Available Fields list shows all the Category fields and Data Series fields available for the report. These fields vary depending on the report source you are using.

To include fields in your report, locate them in the Available Fields list and drag them (or double-click them) to the Selected Fields table. If you include fields and then change your mind, simply select the field in Selected Fields table and click the Trash Can trashcan.bmp.

Note: Make sure that all Y axis fields and the target line are in the same unit (for example, all hours, dollars, percentage)

You must select fields for the X Axis from the Category Fields (X Axis) list: select fields for the Y Axis from the Data Series Fields (Y Axis) list.

column_category.png column_data_series.png

Note:  If you try to place a field in the Selected Fields table and cannot, then you are choosing the field from the wrong list.

The table below describes the columns of the Category Field (X Axis) table:

Column Name



The name of the entity to which the field belongs.


The name of the category field. Object:Field Name is default  X-axis title.

Display Name

You can enter a name here for the X Axis title that will override the value in the Field field. If Display Name is left blank, the Object:Field name is used for the X axis label.


The table below describes the columns of the Data Series Field (Y Axis), Primary Y Axis tab:

Column Name



The name of the entity to which the field belongs.


The name of the data series field. For simple column charts,  Object:Field Name is default Y-axis title. Stacked column charts should have multiple data series fields.

Display Name

For Simple Column charts, you can enter a name for the Y-Axis title that will override the default value. If Display Name is left blank, the Object:Field name is used for the Y-axis label. The Display Name field is not applicable to Stacked and Multi-series Column charts; you specify the Y-axis label for those charts on the Chart Options tab, Basic Details section.


Configure a drilldown for the  column by clicking drilldown_icon.png. If you are configuring a stacked column, you can configure a drilldown for each segment of the column. See Drilldown links.

Drilldown Target

Displays the report name for the drilldown you configured in the drilldown column.

Configuring Crosstab charts

A Crosstab report summarizes data across two or more variables. Data is grouped by Category; at least one Row and one Column field is required. The summary calculation is performed on and displayed in Data Series fields; at least one Data Series field is required.

To configure a crosstab column chart, choose the Multi-Series Crosstab Column Chart type:


To include fields in your report, locate them in the Available Fields list and drag or double-click them to the Selected Fields table. If you include fields and then change your mind, simply select the field in Selected Fields table and click the Trash Can trashcan.bmp.

To configure a drilldown, choose the appropriate data series field, click the drilldown icon and configure the drilldown options. See Drilldown Links for more information.

Configure chart title, axis labels, legend

Many text options get their default values from the Output Options screen. This allows you to quickly get your report generated in a readable fashion. You can further fine-tune your report by overriding the default values and adjusting additional settings on the Chart Options tab. See Chart options for a list of all column chart settings. Below is a description of some common settings.

Create a target line

You can add a line to your chart for comparison purposes. For example, if you create a stacked column chart that shows estimated hours and actual hours, you can add a target line that show the target capacity of hours/week.

Note: The target line must be in the same units as the columns.

Here is the Target Line tab of the Data Series Fields section:


The table below describes the columns in the Data Series Field (Y Axis), Target Line table:

Column Name



The name of the item/entity to which the field belongs.


The name of the data field. This is default line legend text.

Display Name

Allows you to enter line legend text that is different than the Field name. If this field is blank, the Field name is used for the line legend text.


Configure a drilldown for the field by clicking drilldown_icon.png. You can drill down to a report only.

Drilldown Target

Displays the target for the drilldown you specified in the drilldown column.


Perform a standard calculation: sum, min, max, avg, no calculation

Color by Specify the field

What next?

You can edit chart options, save and run your column chart, change the default visibility, or configure other output types: