List/Chart options

Default values, if available, shown in bold. Click a link below to go directly to the chart type:

Bubble Chart Options


Chart Size

Medium (350x450), Extra Small, Small, Large, Extra Large, Extra Extra Large, Wide, Extra Wide

Chart Heading

Enter a title for the report.

Chart Sub-heading

Enter a sub-title for the report.

X-Axis Label

Enter a label for the X axis.

Y-Axis Label

Enter a label for the Y axis.

Display Bubble Name

Yes, No


3D, 2D

Prorate portfolio components by % to include

Yes, No

Because a percentage of a project can be designated to a portfolio, this setting ensures that any aggregate fields in the report are prorated by the value of the "% to include" field. You can disable this setting if you wish to see the whole cost of a project, rather than just those values contributing to the portfolio.


General Chart Formatting

Legend Position

Bottom None, Right

Display Mouse Over Text

Yes, No

Display Axis Labels

Yes, No

Axis Label Options

Wrap, Auto, Rotate, Stagger

Display X-Axis Grid Lines

No, Yes

Display Y-Axis Grid Lines

Yes, No


X-Axis Min Value

Enter value

X-Axis Max Value

Enter value

Y-Axis Min Value

Enter value

Y-Axis Max Value

Enter value

Number Prefix ($)

Can be any text, currency or otherwise. For example, FTE for Full Time Equivalent.

Number Suffix


Format Numbers


Number Scaling


Number of Decimals


Decimal Separator


Thousands Separator



Color Theme

Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3, Theme 4, Theme 5

Background Color

choose from palette

Font Color

choose from palette

Legend Font Color

choose from palette

Font Family


Font Size


Bubble Quadrants

Display Quadrants

No, Yes

Quadrant Label - Top Left


Quadrant Label - Top Right


Quadrant Label - Bottom Left


Quadrant Label - Bottom Right


Quadrant Label Padding (pixels)


Quadrant Line - X-Axis Value


Quadrant Line - Y-Axis Value


Quadrant Line - Thickness (pixels)


Quadrant Line - Color


Quadrant Line - Transparency (1-100)


Dashed Quadrant Line

No, Yes

Dash Length (pixels)


Dash Gap (pixels)


Bubble Chart Zones

Display Bubble Chart Zones

No, Yes.

X-Axis Zone1 - Display Zone

No, Yes. Set this value to Yes if you wish to add categories along the X axis.

X-Axis Zone1 - Name

The name of Zone 1. Displays under the Zone 1 range on the X axis.

X-Axis Zone1 - Start Value

The lowest value of Zone 1; must be within the range of the X axis.

X-Axis Zone1 - End Value

The highest value of Zone 1; must be within the range of the X axis.

X-Axis Zone1 - Trend Zone


X-Axis Zone1 -Mouseover Text


X-Axis Zone1 -Color


X-Axis Zone1 -Transparency


* Note: The Zone settings are available for up to 5 Zones.

Y-Axis - Display Zone

No, Yes. Set this value to Yes if you wish to add categories along the Y axis.

Y-Axis Zone1 - Name

The name of Zone 1. Displays along the Zone 1 range on the Y axis.

Y-Axis Zone1 - Start Value

The lowest value of zone 1; must be within the range of the Y axis. Start and End values can be the same number to render a straight line across the chart.

Y-Axis Zone1 - End Value

The highest value of zone 1; must be within the range of the Y axis.  Start and End values can be the same number to render a straight line across the chart.

Y-Axis Zone2 - Name

The name of Zone 2. Displays along the Zone 1 range on the Y axis.

Y-Axis Zone2 - Start Value

The lowest value of Zone 2; must be within the range of the Y axis. Start and End values can be the same number to render a straight line across the chart.

Y-Axis Zone2 - End Value

The highest value of Zone 2; must be within the range of the Y axis.  Start and End values can be the same number to render a straight line across the chart.

Y-Axis Zone1 - Trend Zone


Y-Axis Zone1 -Mouseover Text


Y-Axis Zone1 -Color


Y-Axis Zone1 -Transparency


*Note: The Zone settings are available for up to 5 Zones.

Column Chart Options

Options apply to both crosstab and non-crosstab column charts unless otherwise labelled.


Chart Size

Medium (350x450), Extra Small, Small, Large, Extra Wide, Extra Extra Wide

Default chart size is used when this output type is displayed as a standalone report. When you change the output type in the report container, the new output will use the size of the previous chart.

Default height is used when you drilldown to this report output type from another report or dashboard.

This setting does not affect dashboards, as sizing for dashboards is set in the dashboard configuration.


(Crosstab Charts)  Extra wide is default

Chart Heading

Enter a title for the report. Heading text is displayed centered, at the top of the report.

Chart Sub-heading

Enter a sub-title for the report. Sub-heading text is displayed centered, below the chart heading.

X-Axis Label

Default is the category field name, or the display name if one is specificed.

Y-Axis Label

Default is the data series field, or the display name if specified.


(non-Crosstab Charts) 3D, 2D

(Crosstab Column Chart) 2D

Note that if a target line is configured, 3D dimension only is available.

Chart Type

Bar, Cylinder option available only if chart Dimension is 2D.


No, Yes


Vertical, Horizontal

For time-series column charts (for example Resource Planning reports with date on X-Axis), default is Vertical and read-only. For other column charts, the orientation default is vertical but can be changed to Horizontal.

Prorate portfolio components by % to include

Yes, No

Because a percentage of a project can be designated to a portfolio, this setting ensures that any aggregate fields in the report are prorated by the value of the "% to include" field. You can disable this setting if you wish to see the whole cost of a project, rather than just those values contributing to the portfolio.


General Chart Formatting

Enable Animation

Yes, No

Legend Position

Bottom, None, Right

Legend Percent


Determines what percentage of the chart area to be used by the legend. If legend text is long, increase the setting.

Display Data Values

Yes, No

Rotate Data Values

No, Yes

Data Value Position

Automatic, Inside columns, Outside Columns

Display Mouse Over Text

Yes, No

Display Axis Labels

Yes, No

Axis Label Options

Wrap, Rotate, Stagger

Display Y-Axis Grid Lines

Yes, No

Numbers Sub-Section (Primary Y-Axis and Secondary Y-Axis)

Display Totals for Stacked Lines

Yes, No

Y-Axis Min Value

Enter value

Y-Axis Max Values

Enter value

Number Prefix ($)

Can be any text, currency or otherwise. For example, FTE for Full Time Equivalent.

Number Suffix


Format Numbers


Number Scaling


Number of Decimals


Decimal Separator


Thousands Separator


Target Line

Display Mode

Target Line

Target Line Color

choose from palette

Target Line Thickness


Target Line Style

Solid Line, Dotted Line


Color Theme

Theme 5

(Crosstab Column chart) Theme 1

Background Color

choose from palette

Font Color

choose from palette

Data Values Font Color

choose from palette

Font Family


Font Size


X-Y Axis Label Font Color

choose from palette

Crosstab List Report Options


Chart Size


Display Grand Totals


Display Subtotals


Number of Decimals


Value Fields Orientation


Legend Position


Field Name Display Type


Prorate portfolio components by % to include

Yes, No

Because a percentage of a project can be designated to a portfolio, this setting ensures that any aggregate fields in the report are prorated by the value of the "% to include" field. You can disable this setting if you wish to see the whole cost of a project, rather than just those values contributing to the portfolio.

Gantt Chart Options


Chart Size

Wide (400x700), Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Extra Large, Wide, Extra Wide

Color By Field Controls the color coding of the Gantt bars. 
Gantt Bar Label  
Gantt Date Range  
Gantt Sheet Width (%)  
Prorate Portfolio Components By % To Include  
Show % Complete based on  

List Report Options


Display name for merged entity

No, Yes

When columns are merged in a hierarchical list report, there are no longer column headings to distinguish what data is being displayed. For example, the report might be displaying titles for several different entities. Set this option to Yes to print the type of entity in parentheses next to the data. For example, (Task).

Display subtotals at top of grouping

No, Yes

By default, subtotals are displayed at the bottom of the grouping. Set this option to Yes to display the subtotal at the top of each grouping.

Display Portfolio Hierarchy

Yes, No.

By default, show root portfolio that matches the filter, plus everything below it in the hierarchy (children and grandchildren). Note that if your filter returns portfolios that are in the same hierarchy, then you will see repeated values.

No. Only show root portfolio.

Prorate portfolio components by % to include

Yes, No

Because a percentage of a project can be designated to a portfolio, this setting ensures that any aggregate fields in the report are prorated by the value of the "% to include" field. You can disable this setting if you wish to see the whole cost of a project, rather than just those values contributing to the portfolio.

Pie Chart Options

Options apply to both simple and crosstab pie charts unless otherwise labelled (Simple Pie Charts) or (Crosstab Pie Charts).


Chart Size

(Simple Pie Charts) Medium (350x450), Extra Small, Small, Large, Extra Large, Extra Extra Large

(Crosstab Pie Charts)  Extra Extra large (600x700), Medium, Extra Small, Small, Large, Extra Large

Chart Heading

Enter a title for the report. Heading text is displayed centered, at the top of the report.

Chart Sub-heading

Enter a sub-title for the report. Sub-heading text is displayed centered, below the chart heading.


(Simple Pie Charts) 3D, 2D

(Crosstab Pie Charts) 2D

Chart Type

Pie, Donut

Prorate portfolio components by % to include

Yes, No

Because a percentage of a project can be designated to a portfolio, this setting ensures that any aggregate fields in the report are prorated by the value of the "% to include" field. You can disable this setting if you wish to see the whole cost of a project, rather than just those values contributing to the portfolio.


General Chart Formatting

Enable Animation

Yes, No

Legend Position

Bottom, Right, None

Display Data Values

Yes, No

Data Value Position

Automatic, Inside Pie, Outside Pie

Display Mouse Over Text

Yes, No

Starting Angle for Pie

(Simple Pie Charts) 0

(Crosstab Pie Charts) not applicable


Display Zero Pies

(Simple Pie Charts) No, Yes

(Crosstab Pie Charts) not applicable

Display Percent Values

No, Yes

Display Percent Values in Mouseover

No, Yes

Number Prefix($)


Number Suffix


Format Numbers

Yes, No

Number Scaling

No, Thousands, Millions

Number of Decimals


Decimal Separator


Thousands Separator



Color Theme

(Simple Pie Charts) Theme 5

(Crosstab Pie Charts) Theme 1

Background Color

choose from palette

Font Color

(Simple Pie Charts) choose from palette

(Crosstab Pie Charts) Black

Legend Font Color

choose from palette

Data Values Font Color

choose from palette

Font Family


Font Size