Overview of report creation

This video demonstrates how to create a report. Duration 6 min.

You create a report based on a report source, which is a template that describes the high-level data objects available for your report. Once you choose the report source, you define specific fields to display, the sort order, the type of output, and who can run the report.

Once you select your report source, you click New to invoke the Report wizard. This wizard steps you through the following sections:

You can move between screens on the Report wizard in any order; however once you invoke the wizard you cannot move off the Basic Details screen until you enter a report title (one is supplied by default). Once you have a report title, you can jump to the Visibility screen, back to the Basic Details screen, then to the Output Options screen, and so on.

Note: You can also access the report interface through­out the system at each high-level entity, such as at a specific Project or Account. The Report list will be filtered to reflect the object you are working with. For example, if you have selected a project from My Arena/Projects and then click the Reports tab, the Report List will appear displaying only report definitions for the Project entity. You can edit or run those reports from this interface.

Before you begin

Things to think about:

Next step?

From the Reports List screen, click Create Report and choose your report source.