Multi-Currency: Getting Started

Getting Started

To enable the multi-currency feature, please enter a Customer Care case requesting to turn it on. The Care team will discuss with you the impact of using this feature - mainly that once you enable it you will not be able to change your Organization currency. So one thing the Care team will ask you to do is ensure that your Organization currency is set correctly. You can see your current setting on Admin/Organization/Info in the Localization Settings section. If you need to change the currency, please contact Customer Care. Remember that you cannot change this setting once you start adding additional currencies to your environment. See Multi-Currency Overview.

Here is a sample flow for using multi-currency after Customer Care has enabled it:

  1. Set up permissions. You'll need the Edit > Organization/Finance/Settings permission to enable the multi-currency feature, and Edit > Organization/Finance/Currencies to add new currencies. See Currency Permissions
  2. Enable the multi-currency feature in Organization/Finances/Settings. See Multi-Currency Overview.
  3. Set up currencies. See Creating Currency Tables.
  4. Configure a project to use a currency different than the Org currency. All project Details money fields will display in the project currency. In the projects grid, all money fields will display in the Organization currency. See Assigning a Currency to a Project.
  5. Create project UDF money fields. These fields will display in the project currency.
  6. Set internal rates for some roles/resources. See Assigning a Currency to Roles and Resources
  7. Staff the project. The internal rate will be converted to the project currency and displayed in the hover-text for an allocation. See About Project-Level Resource Planning.
  8. Enter project financials. These fields will display in the project currency. See Creating Forecasts and Entering Actuals.