Creating, Deleting, and Terminating Resources

Only members of the Resource standard group, the immediate supervisor, and the actual resource can edit resource information. Only members of the Resource standard group can access HR information, including internal rates and HR notes and attachments. And finally, only Resource standard group members can create/delete resources.

It's not recommended to delete resources who have been active in the system. They should be terminated rather than deleted. You cannot delete a resource who has charged time or has interacted with the system in a wide variety of ways (being allocated to a project, scheduled to a task, assigned a billing rate, or member of project team) because doing so would break the historical record of what that resource did when they were active, which could in turn impact costs and such.

Once a resource has been made a user, that resource cannot be deleted. 

Note that resources are not automatically users - users can interact with the PPM Pro UI, resources cannot. Resources who need to interact with the PPM Pro system can be made users; in other words they can be given user login accounts and other privileges. See User Types/Permissions and Creating Users. You always create a resource prior to creating a user.

Terminating resources (setting a termination date in the resource's Info page) stops timesheet generation for the resource and prevents access to the system starting at 12:01am on the termination date. However, timesheets are generated four weeks in advance. If a termination date lands within that 4-week period, timesheets for periods after the termination date are deleted on the termination date. For example, a  user’s termination date is Oct 15, and timesheets are generated for 28 days from Oct 1 - Oct 28. Any timesheets that begin after Oct 15 for the terminated user will be deleted on Oct 15. Note that if the termination date is in the middle of a timesheet period, that timesheet will not be deleted. Timesheets with pinned entries or with logged time will also not be deleted.

Create resources in order of responsibility, starting with the Executives, Managers, and finally the time entry users. This way, when you're ready fill in the Immediate Supervisor and Timesheet Approver fields, those who manage people will already be in the system.

Note that if your organization is using internal rates, you can select a rate table from the Internal Rates drop list, or use the default rate table. Once the resource is created, use the Menu > Edit Rates to make additional rate table assignments, or to create a custom rate. See Managing Rates.

To create a resource

  1. Click the Resources navigation icon and then click the New button.
  2. Enter resource information. See Resource Info page for a complete list of the fields on a resource's Info page.
  3. Click Save.

Repeat to add additional resources.

To edit a resource

  1. Click the Resources navigation icon.
  2. Double-click the resource you wish to edit.
  3. Choose Menu  > Edit and make your edits.

To edit multiple resources, select the resources (use Shift-click to select a range or Ctrl-click to select multiple non-adjacent rows) and choose Actions > Bulk Edit or right-click and choose Bulk Edit from the context menu.

To delete a resource

Members of the Resource standard group can delete resources who are not and who never have been users. Once a resource has been made a user, that resource cannot be deleted. In addition, you cannot delete a resource that has allocations, is member of a project team, been scheduled to a task, or been assigned a billing rate.

  1. Click the Resources navigation icon.
  2. Select the resource(s) you wish to delete and choose Actions > Delete.
  3. Confirm the deletion(s).

To terminate a resource

Members of the Resource standard group can terminate resources who may or may not also be users. If you set a termination date for today's date or earlier, and the resource has a corresponding user, the user will automatically be set to inactive. If the termination date is set in the future, then you will have to manually set the user to inactive.  At 12:01 am on the termination date, the user will no longer be able to log into the system, even if still shown as active.

  1. Click the Resources navigation icon.
  2. Double-click the resource and choose Menu > Edit.
  3. Locate the Termination Date field and enter a value.
  4. Click Save.

Reactivating terminated resources

There are multiple methods to reactivate a terminated resource and each method introduces pecularities to the way that resource's capacity gets calculated. If you reactivate a resource by simply removing the termination date, that resource will appear to have capacity during the time that they were terminated. If you remove the termination date and change the Capacity Start Date to match their new start date, then their capacity from their previous tenure will disappear. If either of these results is acceptable, then you do not need to take further action. However, there is a workaround you can use to reactivate a resource and accurately account for their historical capacity.

To reactivate a terminated resource

  1. Click the Resources navigation icon.
  2. Double-click the resource and choose Menu > Edit.
  3. Locate the Termination Date field and remove the value.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Choose Menu > Edit User Info.
  6. Check the Active checkbox.
  7. Click Save and Close.
  8. Choose Menu > Edit Calendar.
  9. Create a non-working day that recurs for the duration the resource was terminated.
  10. Click OK.

Creating a recurring non-working day in the reactivated resource's calendar will set their capacity to zero for the duration they were terminated and preserve their capacity data from the first time they were hired.