Enable Single-Sign-On (SSO)

Enabling Single-Sign-On (“SSO”) for your AgilePlace account will allow your users to access the account without having to use a separate AgilePlace username and password. SSO is included in AgilePlace for Scaled Teams editions of AgilePlace and above.

Is SSO Available for my Account?

SSO is available in AgilePlace for Scaled Teams and AgilePlace for the Enterprise edition accounts. To see which edition of Planview AgilePlace is right for you, check out our Compare Editions page

If you don't know which edition of Planview AgilePlace you currently have, click on the three gears icon from your home screen to access your Account Details. From there you'll be able to see which edition of Planview AgilePlace you have under Current Subscription


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How Does SSO Work?

When SSO is enabled and configured for your AgilePlace account, logging in to the account is simple:

  1. Users go to the URL of their AgilePlace account where they will see a Continue button instead of the usual username and password fields.
  2. After clicking the Continue button, users are either taken straight into the account, or directed first to a login page for your organization’s authentication mechanism, depending on how SSO is configured, after which they are taken into the account.

There are three parties involved in the SSO process:

AgilePlace’s SSO system uses Security Assertion Markup Language (“SAML”) to authenticate users with your organization. SAML is an XML-based, open-standard data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between systems, in this case, between your IdP and your SP, AgilePlace.

AgilePlace currently supports SAML version 2.

There are two ways that the SSO feature can be configured for users to sign in to AgilePlace:

Being redirected to sign in to your IdP:

  1. The user goes to your AgilePlace URL and clicks Continue.
  2. They are then redirected to an external login page generated by your IdP.
  3. The user will then enter their company credentials in your login form.
  4. Then your IdP sends an encrypted SAML response to AgilePlace’s servers.
  5. AgilePlace decrypts this response using your Public Signing Certificate.
  6. In the decrypted response AgilePlace finds the user identifier (email or external user ID) and checks it against the AgilePlace account.
  7. Finally, If the user identifier matches with the AgilePlace account, the AgilePlace system allows the user into the AgilePlace account.

Being taken directly into the account:

  1. The user goes to your AgilePlaceURL and clicks Continue.
  2. AgilePlace servers then send a SAML request to your IdP.
  3. The request includes information about the AgilePlace account being accessed.
  4. your IdP sends an encrypted SAML response to AgilePlace’s servers.
  5. AgilePlace decrypts this response using your Public Signing Certificate.
  6. In the decrypted response AgilePlace finds the user identifier (email or external user ID) and checks it against this AgilePlace account.
  7. Finally, if the user identifier matches with the AgilePlace account, the AgilePlace system allows the user into the account.

Turn on SSO in your AgilePlace Account

To have SSO turned on for your AgilePlace account, email support@leankit.com. We’ll need a few things from you so that the process goes as quickly and easily as possible.

What You Need from Us

  1. AgilePlace’s external login URL format: https://<OrgHostName>.leankit.com/Account/Membership/ExternalLogin


What We Need from You:

  1. The external login URL: a login page for your IdP to which we would redirect users; and
  2. Your Public Signing Certificate, with which we’ll decrypt the SAML responses

Here’s an easy request you can copy and paste, include your own information, and send to support via email:

I would like to turn on SSO for [LeanKit domain].
The external login URL is: [provide URL here].
Our Public Signing Certificate is attached to this email [attach Public Signing Certificate].

Questions or comments about the SSO enablement process should be directed to the Support Team (support@leankit.com).

Things to be aware of when enabling SSO:

  1. Once enabled, all user passwords will be reset to a random value, breaking any current integrations you may be using via the API. To avoid this, please provide us a list of active API users so we can exclude them from this reset
  1. Once your request has gone through, our Support team will provide you with a AgilePlace SSO test account so that you can point your IDP to the correct place.
  2. Adding users to a AgilePlace Account after SSO is enabled requires the Admin to manually create each new user (first name, last name, email address, time zone, and a randomized password). You can no longer invite via email address.