Enterprise Architecture Management

Enterprise Architecture Management

The Enterprise Architecture Management capability’s enablers include Application Portfolio Management, Technology Portfolio Management, and Capability Portfolio Management. Each capability within the Planview Capability Framework has a distinct set of features and functionality, business processes, best practices, and analytics and reports that deliver value to customers in the form of specific business outcomes.

Enterprise Architecture Management Processes

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The enterprise architecture capability provides insight into your application and technology portfolios in order to understand and actively manage the applications and technologies that support your business. From there, the capability portfolio management function allows you to align those insights with your organization's strategic priorities and expected business outcomes.


Connection Points


1. Enterprise Architecture Assessment

  • Gather EA Assessment and feed into Capacity Planning

2. Execution Alignment

  • Send Work status from Portfolios to Enterprise Architecture to keep PMO and EA groups aligned

3. Application Inventory

  • Planview Enterprise Architecture serves as system of record for all applications and sends them to Planview Portfolios.

  • Additionally, send application financial fields from Planview Portfolios to Planview Enterprise Architecture to support rationalization efforts

4. Capability Alignment

  • Planview Enterprise Architecture is the system of record for capabilities and sends them to Planview Portfolios.

  • Used to frame investments in the context of capabilities

5. Project Associations

  • Sync associations for shared view of project impact

  • Planview Enterprise Architecture is the system of record for Project<>Capability associations. In Planview Enterprise Architecture, projects are related to capabilities through business functions. Planview Portfolios ignores the Business Function layer.

  • *For Project<>Application associations, either Planview Portfolios or Enterprise Architecture can be configured to be the system of record; only one can be specified.



Demand Management


  • EAs do not have enough visibility into the demand pipeline
    • Results in realizing critical dependencies and gaps AFTER project approval process
  • EAs need to be able to see demands as they are coming in so that they can:
    • Map those demands to existing business capabilities
    • Identify gaps in the current capability portfolio to create new capabilities

The Solution

  • EAs can provide an enterprise-wide view of planned investments through the use of EA demand assessments
    • Limits the potential problems that will arise from misaligned programs by ensuring investment alignment to business and tech architecture at the front end of the planning process
    • Helps to drive strategic alignment of investments
    • Results in overall project delivery improvement through reduction of project risk
    • Promotes architectural standards throughout the organization
Initiate Demand EA Assessment Assessment Results


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  • New demand (Project) created
  • EA project assessment workflow automatically kicks off
  • EA notified of project assessment task
  • EA is able to assess strategic, capability and technology alignment all in single view
  • EA completes the impact assessment
  • Connector pulls EA assessment results back into work



Capacity Planning


  • Limited capacity requires trade-offs to be made but its not always easy to fully understand the impacts of those decisions
  • PMOs and EAs need an easy way to understand the portfolio:
    • from different perspectives
    • and impacts on other portfolios

The Solution

  • Create investment scenarios to evaluate alternative approaches to determine the optimal investment plan
    • Understand which scenario accomplishes driving revenue, controlling spend, managing capacity, or all of the above
    • Provide summary level information to leadership at appropriate level
  • Model investment impacts across strategies, capabilities and technology
    • Understand the impacts of trade-offs about what you are or are not delivering
    • Communicate how trade-offs affect achieving strategies and maturing business capabilities
Create Scenarios Investment and Capacity Planning


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Model Trade-Off Decisions


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  • Strategy disconnected from delivery
    • Not delivering intended outcomes
  • Disjoint between IT and business Initiatives leading to misalignments in the portfolio
    • Missed deadlines
    • Unintended consequences

The Solution

  • Realize strategy through integrated roadmaps that describes how the programs, projects, applications, and products will deliver on strategic and organizational goals.
    • Monitor the progress of execution against strategic plans
  • Define roadmaps that provide an integrated view of proposed investments with strategies and project’s impact to capabilities and applications.
    • Results in better project decisions and use of technology
Define Strategies Create the Strategic Roadmap Create the Outcome Roadmap


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Work and Application Rationalization


  • No visibility into the application portfolio leads to application complexity and sprawl
    • Difficult to determine the right technology, for the right purpose, at the right time
    • Technology utilization is not maximized
  • Too many similar initiatives; portfolio interdependencies not understood
    • Need to identify project overlaps, impacts, and dependencies to avoid unexpected down-stream impacts

The Solution

  • Drive cost out of IT portfolios
    • Leverage existing technologies and applications to meet the organizational demand (stop buying new stuff), achieving more rapid fulfillment of business need
    • Identify projects that can be merged or no longer needed
    • Identify reuse opportunities for applications and technology
  • Track progress against application and technology lifecycles by integrating project execution with technology planning
    • Drives more timely achievement of the to-be state


Track Application Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Analyze investments in context of the Application Landscape Assess investment impact against technology portfolio


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Keep up to date with project status Measure Application Costs Over Time


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