Requests: Out of the Box Fields

PPM Pro provides a set of fields for every entity - these fields are referred to as "standard" or "out-of-the-box" fields. You build your entities using a combination of standard and user-defined fields (UDFs). A subset of fields appear on your entity's Detail panel by default to help get you up and running quickly; a subset of those default fields are labeled "mandatory". You can remove any of the default fields except the mandatory ones - those must remain on the Details. See Required vs Mandatory Fields for more information. The complete list of standard and UDFs can be found on Admin/Setup/All Entities/Request/Available Fields, and definitions for all the standard fields are in the table below.

For information about adding these fields to request forms or cards, see Designing Request Forms (Details) and Designing Cards for Requests

For a request overview, see Requests Overview for Administrators.

Default Fields

Field Name
Requester (Required)
Title (Required)

Complete List of Out of the Box (Standard) Fields

Field Name Description
All Approvals For each approval, shows gate name, approver name, and date approved. 
Assigned To This field is provided as a convenience in case your organization wishes to include it on the request form - it is not part of the approval workflow, and the selected user does not gain any implicit permissions. It is therefore recommended for use only if the request category does not include gates, since the person(s) who a request is effectively assigned to varies based on the approval logic at each gate. It provides a list of all resources in the system (includes terminated). The Assigned To field does allow you to "assign" a request to a terminated resource, which is useful if for historical purposes you need to track a request back to a resource who is no longer in the organization.
Associated Entities A comma separated list of all entities associated with the request. Includes the entity type and the entity name.
Associated Project Logs A comma separated list of all project logs associated with the request.
Associated Projects A comma separated list of all projects associated with the request.
Associated Tasks A comma separated list of all tasks associated with the request.
Category The type (category) of the Request. Categories determine the fields and sections (such as Notes and Attachments) that are available on a Request along with the gate workflow. Categories are defined by your administrator.
Create Date (Read only) The date the request was created.

Created By

(Read only) User who created the request. The creator is granted implicit permissions, for example: pre-submission (full user) full edit rights, including delete and score (if scoring set up); post-submission (full user) View Details, Edit Notes, and Edit Attachments, Place request on Hold, Place request Back In Progress. See Setting Up Permissions for Requests for implicit permissions for other user types.

Note that the request creator is not necessarily the requester - the creator can designate a different resource in the Requester field. Both the requester and the creator have the same implicit permissions (provided they have the same user type).

Cumulative Gate Time  The total time the request was at a gate between when the request was submitted and when it was approved/rejected - does not include time spent On Hold. 
Cumulative Hold Time The cumulative time a request is on hold during its life cycle (between Submit and Approve/Reject). This means if a request is put On Hold multiple times during the request life time, this value includes all the times the request was on hold.
Current gate (Read only) The name of the gate at which the request is waiting for an action to be taken. Actions include Approve, Place On Hold, or Reject. Gates and their titles are configured as part of the request category.
Current Hold Time The time since the request was most recently put on hold.
Description Supplemental information describing the request.
Gate Status (Read only) Value reflecting the state of the request with respect to the gate workflow. Values are: New, In Progress, On Hold, Approved, Rejected. If a request category does not include gates, this value will be empty. Gate status list values cannot be modified.
ID (Required) The unique, system-generated request identification number.
Implied Status (For use with simple Status field and gateless requests) Every status list entry (for example Identified, In Progress, On Hold) maps to an "implied status" value (Proposed, Open, Closed) so that customers can have their own statuses but business logic can be based on the known set of implied statuses. Implied status list values are static.
Last Gate Sent Back To The name of the most recent gate a request was sent back to. 
Last Modified By The name of the user who last modified the request.
Last Modified Date The date the request was last modified.
Latest Approval By The name of the user who most recently approved the request.
Latest Note Date The most recent date a note was added to the request.
Notes: Latest The text of the most recently created request note, including the user who created the note, and the date and time.
Pending Approvers Semicolon-separated list of full/stakeholder users who satisfy the approval criteria. This is a useful field to place on the request grid.
Pending My Approval Displays a checkmark if the current user is a pending approver for the current gate and has not yet approved or taken action on the request.
Placed Back in Progress By The name of the last user who placed the request back in progress.
Place Back in Progress Date The date the request was placed back in progress.
Placed on Hold By The name of the last user who placed the request on hold.
Placed on Hold Date The date the request was placed on hold.
Priority Lookup list containing configured values for the request priority. You can adjust the values in Admin/Setup/Lookup Lists.
Rejected By The name of the user who rejected the request.
Rejection Date The date the request was rejected.
Requester (Required)

Defaults to the name of the request creator.  Resource who initiated the request, drawn from the list of current resources (non-terminated). The requester is granted implicit permissions: pre-submission (full user) full edit rights, including delete and score (if scoring set up); post-submission (full user) View Details, Edit Notes, and Edit Attachments, Place request on Hold, Place request Back In Progress. See Setting Up Permissions for Requests for complete discussion of permissions.

Note that the requester is not necessarily the creator - the creator can assign a different resource as the requester, allowing a resource to create a request on behalf of another resource.

Requester Unit The unit the requester belongs to. 
Request Life Time The total time between when the request was submitted and when it was approved/rejected - includes time on hold and time spent at each gate.
Score Displays the request's weighted score.
Scorer Displays the name of the resource who scored the request.
Scoring Is Locked Enable checkbox to lock scoring for this request.
Scoring Locked Date The date the scoring for the request was locked.
Scoring Profile Displays the name of the scoring profile that is configured for the request category.
Sent Back to Gate By The name of the user who last sent the request back to a prior gate.
Sent Back to Gate Date The date the request was sent back to a prior gate.

Lookup list of configured statuses usually used when working with non-gated requests. If there are no gates to move through, use this list to manually update the status according to your organization's process. You can adjust the value in Admin/Setup/Lookup Lists and take advantage of Implied Status for requests.

If you are using gated requests, make sure to use the Gate Status list (see above), which contains the set of gate statuses. The status is automatically displayed and updates accordingly depending the state of the request.

Submission Date The date and time the request was submitted.
Submitted By The name of the user who submitted the request.
Title (Required) The title of the request (not required to be unique).