Projects: Out of the Box Fields

PPM Pro provides a set of fields for every entity - these fields are referred to as "standard" or "out-of-the-box" fields. You build your entities using a combination of standard and user-defined fields (UDFs). A subset of fields appear on your entity's Detail panel by default to help get you up and running quickly; a subset of those default fields are labeled "mandatory". You can remove any of the default fields except the mandatory ones - those must remain on the Details. See Designing the Details Page for more information. The complete list of standard and UDFs can be found on Admin/Setup/All Entities/Project/Available Fields, and definitions for all the standard fields are in the table below.

Fields of particular interest that you may consider removing or adjusting depending upon your project category/details design are:

Default Project Fields

Basic Details




Other Details

Title (mandatory)

Status (mandatory)


Demand Hours

ID Start Date Priority Scheduled Hours Objective  

Target Date

Project Score Actual Hours    

Owner (mandatory)

Complete Date

Legacy Request

Hours to Comp


Last Modified By

% Complete



Last Modified Date          

Complete List of Out of the Box (Standard) Fields 

Title Description
% Complete A calculated value based on Actual hours and Hours to Complete.
% Complete Method % Complete calculation mode (when used with data import, use the following: 0 = Timesheet Actuals (default), 1 = Task Manual, 2 = Task Manual (Weighted), 3 = Task Manual (Duration), 4 = Number of Tasks Complete.)
Actual Hours The sum of all hours logged on timesheets for this Project.
Actual Revenue The sum of all Task level revenue and Project level cash inflow actuals for a Project.
All Health Icons Displays the icons from the Health Profile associated with the Project, if any.
Allocation Units Determines the default unit for the Staffing screen:Hours = 1 or Headcount = 2. You can override on the Staffing screen.
Allow % Capitalization of Allocations  
Alternate PM Timesheet Approver User who can approve timesheets assigned to current user.
Associated Requests The comma-delimited list of Intake Requests associated to this Project.
Billing Code Alpha-numeric field for entering billing codes.
Budget Cost (Cap) The sum of all capitalized Summary Tasks' budget costs for the Project
Budget Cost (Non-Cap) The sum of all non-capitalized Summary Tasks' budget costs for the Project
Budget Cost (Total) The sum of all Summary Tasks' (capitalized and non-capitalized) budget costs for the Project
Budget Hours The sum of all Summary Task budget hours for the Project.
Budget Revenue  
Business Objective ID Representation of Business Goal
Can Be Template Enable to allow current project to be used as a template. Template projects appear in the New Project wizard, where the user can choose the template and select include some or all elements from the template project. 
Category The category of the Project. Categories determine the fields that are available on a Project, and are defined by your PPM Pro administrator.
Completion Date The actual date the Project ends. Setting a Completion Dates sets the project % Complete field to 100%.
Confidential Project When set to Yes, information related to this project can be viewed by the project owner, project team members, and Admin users only.
Conversion for Tasks-Hours per day Specifies the number of hours in a work day for your organization. This value will be used to convert task duration, when specified in days, to the correct number of hours.
Conversion for Tasks-Hours per week Specifies the number of working hours in a week for your organization. This value will be used to convert task duration, when specified in weeks, to the correct number of hours.
Create Date Date the Project was created.
Created By User who created the Project.
Currency The currency used in displaying and collecting a Project's monetary values.
Default Project Log Category Default category to use when creating Project Logs.
Default Task Category Default category to use when creating Tasks.
Demand Cost Sum of (unstaffed allocation total hours X role internal rate) and (staffed allocation total hours X resource internal rate)
Demand Hours Sum of all staffed and unstaffed resource allocations. Rolls up to the role totals on the Staffing screen.
Department The Department under which the project falls
Description Supplemental information describing the project.
Division The Division to which the project belongs
Effective Base Calendar Specifies the base calendar currently in use for this project.
Enterprise Enterprise to which the project belongs. Projects have 2 parents: Divisions and Enterprises (Accounts)
Estimated Hours The sum of all Tasks' estimated hours for the project
Estimated Revenue Sum of the estimated role hours times the role rate associated with tasks that have a task Billing Type of Time & Materials or Not to Exceed, plus the estimated expenses associated with those tasks, plus the budgeted revenue on fixed bid tasks, plus forecasted inflows.
Health Profile The health profile in use for this project.
Hours To Comp The sum of all Hours to Complete values for tasks in the project.
ID Unique system generated project identification number.
Implied Status The Implied Status (Proposed, Open, Closed)
Investment Type ID Representation of Investment Type
Last Modified By Resource who last modified this project.
Last Modified Date Date and time this project's details was last modified. Does not include modifications to child entities, such as issues, tasks, and so on - they have their own last modified date.
Latest Note Date Most recent date a note was added to the project.
Legacy Request ID of the source request if this project was created from a request
Legacy Request Score  
Material Expense Estimate The sum of all Task level material estimates and financial entry forecasts for a project.
New Tasks Determines if new tasks are manually or automatically scheduled by default. After a task is created, you can switch its scheduling mode.
Notes: Latest The most recent date a note was added to the Project.
Office The Office where work on the Project is occurring. This is a customer-maintained list and can be repurposed to your Organization's needs.
Office Region The Office Region where work on the Project is occurring. This is a customer-maintained list and can be repurposed to your Organization's needs.
Phase ID Representation of Phase
PMO Locked If enabled, the Project Settings page is read only. Edit rights are granted to members of the PMO Team only.
PP Closed Cards Projectplace closed cards.
PP Open Cards Projectplace open cards.
PP Percent Closed  
Priority ID Representation of Priority
Project Manager The resource managing the Project. The resource has full rights to the Project and can perform project-level Time and Expense approvals.
Project Score  
Projectplace ID  
Requires Rescheduling Field is automatically set to Yes whenever a change is made to the Org Calendar. The project manager can manually reschedule a project that has this flag set to Yes to update the project plan to incorporate changes to the project calendar.
Resource Planning Mode Determines how Resources are allocated to the project. Use 'Project' for performing high-level initial estimating of roles and resources and anticipated Start and End Dates and estimated allocated hours.
 Use 'Task' if your primary focus is on planning tasks and scheduling resources to tasks. If Task is selected, roles and estimates are added directly to Tasks and allocations are created automatically (the Staffing screen is read-only in Task mode).
Risk ID Representation of Risk Type
Schedule From Date The date that determines a task's Start Date. If you need to change the project start date, change it here and tasks will reschedule using the new date. Manual tasks must be adjust by hand.
Scheduled Hours Sum of all hours that resources are scheduled to all the tasks in a Project
Scoring Is Locked When set to Yes, prevents changes to existing scores, or the addition of new scores.
Scoring Profile The scoring profile assigned to the project.
Start Date The earliest summary task Start Date in the Project.
Status ID Representation of Status
Sync with Projectplace When selected, triggers the PPM Pro - Projectplace integration to synchronize updates project with its equivalent.
Target Date The latest summary task End Date in the Project.
Tasks Critical If Slack Days Less Than Or Equal To Slack is determined by the earliest date the task could finish and the latest date the task could finish without affecting the project target date. The difference between the early finish and late finish dates determine the amount of slack. Enter the value against which a task (or its predecessors) will be measured to determine if it is critical.
Title The title of the Project
Total Actual Cost The sum of all task level expense entries, project level cash outflow actuals, and timesheet labor costs for a project.
Total Actual Cost (Cap) The sum of all capitalized task level expense entries, project level cash outflow actuals, and timesheet labor costs for a project.
Total Actual Cost (Non Cap) The sum of all non-capitalized task level expense entries, project level cash outflow actuals, and timesheet labor costs for a project.
Total Actuals Entries The sum of all project actuals entry amounts
Total Estimated Cost The sum of all task level material estimates, project level cash outflow forecasts and scheduled task role estimates for a project.
Total Estimated Cost (Cap) The sum of all capitalized task level material estimates, project level cash outflow capitalized forecasts and scheduled task role estimates for a Project.
Total Estimated Cost (Non Cap) The sum of all non-capitalized task level material estimates, project level cash outflow non capitalized forecasts and scheduled task role estimates for a project.
Total Forecast Cost The sum of all task level material estimates, project level cash outflow forecasts, and allocated demand for a project.
Total Forecast Entries The sum of all project forecast entry amounts.
Treat all Finances as Operational Expenses (OpEx)  
Type The Project type
Unit The Organization Hierarchy Unit of this Project