Importing/exporting tasks

You can import tasks into PPM Pro from the latest 2 releases of Microsoft Project (MSP). MSP data is converted to PPM Pro data, as listed in the table below. Conversely, you can export PPM Pro data into MSP; see the corresponding table for exported data. You might want to take a look at Microsoft Project (MSP) and PPM Pro before you begin.

All imported tasks will result in new tasks in the PPM Pro project. In addition, tasks schedules can be automatically created in PPM Pro for MSP Tasks with assigned resources. On import, the application suggests best match mapping based on resource names, but the user can override suggested resource mapping. For example, even if a match is found, you might decide to give all of User A’s tasks to User B or even exclude these task assignments.

Please note if importing task schedules:

Importing and Dates

Please note the following:

For the most straightforward approach to importing MSP projects into PPM Pro, set the Schedule From dates the same in both systems and set calendars up identically. This will help keep dates and durations aligned.

MSP and PPM Pro Field Mappings

Below is a table detailing what data are currently supported by the task import function.

MS Project Task


PPM Pro Task




Project Start Date


Schedule From




Start Date

Note: if you wish to preserve the MSP Start/Finish dates upon import into PPM Pro, select the option "Import All Tasks as Manually Scheduled (MSP controls scheduling)" in the import dialog


Start Date

Finish Date

Note: if you wish to preserve the MSP Start/Finish dates upon import into PPM Pro, select the option "Import All Tasks as Manually Scheduled (MSP controls scheduling)" in the import dialog


Target Date

Actual Finish Date


Complete Date

Outline number






Constraint Type


Constraint Type

Constraint Date


Constraint Date




Task Mode


Manually Scheduled?









Resource Schedule



Scheduled Hours

% Complete -->

If you are using the Manual Percent Complete or Manual Percent Complete (Weighted) method, then the % Complete value from the lowest leaf task in MSP is imported. Parent tasks % complete will be calculated based on the PPM Pro % Complete method used. 

Organization standard group members, project owners, and project team members with the appropriate edit tasks permissions can import tasks.

Note: If you import an allocated resource that has the same name as a terminated resource in PPM Pro, the Staffing screen will display the allocation, but the resource name will be crossed out (indicating the resource has been terminated). If you float-over the allocation with your mouse, the termination date will be displayed. Capacity and demand reports will show the resource's capacity as 0 as of the termination date, although the resource will still be allocated to the project.

Importing tasks

  1. Navigate to the MyProject/Tasks.
  2. Choose Actions > MSP Import. The Step 1 of 2 modal appears.
  3.  Select the parent for the tasks you are about to import (the project or any task), then click Next. Note that you can use the ad hoc filter at the top of the modal to narrow down the displayed tasks.


The Step 2 of 2 modal appears.


  1. Select the .mpp file you wish to import by clicking Select File and browsing to it on your computer or network resource.
  2. Select the Task Category to use for the tasks you are about the import. If you have only one task category, the category field will not be available.
  3. Select values for the required Task Billing Type and Task Status fields for the tasks to be created in PPM Pro.
  4. (Optional) Select any of the settings in the Options section shown in th the screenshot above.
  1. Click Save when you are done.

The selected .mpp file will be uploaded to PPM Pro (this may take a few minutes if the file is partic­ularly large). Once the file is uploaded, the tasks will be created and the status indicator will display the progress of the import. Once the import is completed the status window will close and the task list will refresh to display the imported tasks.


The task export function allows you to export an PPM Pro task plan for use by Microsoft Project. Any user who has access to the task plan in a project can export Tasks.

Exporting is performed in two steps: first, PPM Pro generates an XML file with the project data that you can save to your local machine. Second, you open the XML file in MSP.  

Because of how Microsoft Project automatically adjusts some fields, certain values in the table below can vary depending on the state of your project. While PPM Pro does not have control over the logic that Microsoft Project uses, this table can help you determine why fields may not reflect exactly what you thought would be exported.

Please note the following:

PPM Pro Task


MS Project Task




Task Name





(Not a mapped value) The active working time between the scheduled Start Date and Finish Date of the task. 

Start Date




Target Date



Note 1: This field is calculated by MSP based on MSP Start Date + MSP Task Work & Resource Assignment Work Units if that data is available in the task

Note 2: This field is calculated by MSP based on Actual Hours + HTC if that data is available in the task

Complete Date


Actual Finish Date

Note 1: If a Complete Date is present in PPM Pro, the MSP Finish Date will be the same as PPM Pro Complete Date.








Predecessor Type (e.g., Finish-to-Start)




Predecessor lag

Constraint Type


Constraint Type


Constraint Date


Constraint Date


Manually Scheduled?


Task Mode










Resource(s) (From Task Schedule)


Resource Names


Scheduled Resources and Hours


Assignment Work

If Actual Hours are present, this is set to PPM Pro Actual Hours + Resource HTC




This is a sum of Scheduled Hours for all resources on the task, unless Actual Hours are present, in which case this is set to PPM Pro Task Actual Hours + Task HTC

Scheduled Resource's Capacity Hours


Assignment Units


Actual Hours


Actual Work


Hours to Complete


Remaining Work














Note: As described above, exporting from PPM Pro to MSP works by exporting an XML file from PPM Pro to your browser that can then be saved and opened in Microsoft Project. By default, Internet Explorer does not allow downloads of files from web sites without first accepting this (a warning bar appears below the URL line in your browser), making the export a multi-step process. To enable downloads in Internet Explorer:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  3. On the Security tab, click Custom Level.
  4. In the Downloads section of the list, under Automatic prompting for file downloads, click Enable.

Exporting tasks

Note: Microsoft Project does not support brackets - [] - or commas - , - in resource names. If your export file contains resource or role names from PPM Pro that contain these characters, you will get an error message when opening the file with MSP. Select OK to open the file. MSP will have removed the disallowed characters.

  1. Navigate to the MyProject/Tasks.
  2. Choose Actions > Export Tasks.
  3. Select the fields to export.
  4. Click Save when you are done.

An XML export file will be created and downloaded to your computer (this may take a few minutes if the file is partic­ularly large). Some browsers may block or prompt for permission to download the file. If so, allow download, and in some cases you may need to repeat steps 3-6 again.

  1. Open the file with a supported version of Microsoft Project.