FAQs Dashboards

Q. Will my legacy dashboards be migrated/copied into new dashboards?

A. There will not be any migration from legacy dashboards to new dashboards. The two features are extremely different, and there really is no way to convert old into new. We have provided some instructional help - see Dashboard Cookbook (coming soon), Dashboards - Then and Now, and Dashboard Overview.

Q. Why don't I see the new Dashboards navigation icon?

A. You need to have permission to view at least one dashbaord to see the new dashboard section. Similar to the new requests, the current user needs permission to see the top tab/access the feature.

Q: Why is there Latin text in my dashboard preview pane?

A: The Preview Pane uses sample ("dummy") data for top-level entities (such as displaying Project 100001 for a project title) in order to offer the most performant experience. For data that likely won't affect performance, we use your actual data. For example, column data drawn from lists is using actual data because it is usually a small enough amount that it won't affect performance. If the field doesn't have a list behind it, we generate the data from scratch - lorem ipsum for text fields, random number generator for numeric fields. Dates are also randomly generated.

Q. I'm trying to create a drilldown to a dashboard, but I can't see the dashboard I am looking for in the list of available dashboards?

A. The Dashboard you select must be available on the entity grid that matches the report topic. For example, if the report Topic is Project, then the dashboard you configure to drill down to must be available on the project Dashboards grid. In fact, the list of dashboards in the target droplist will only be dashboards that are on the matching grid; if you create a Resource report but have no dashboards available on the resource Dashboards grid, the droplist will be empty. So if you don't see the dashboard you are looking for in the list, check that it is accessible on the correct entity grid.

Q. Why can't I change my filters when viewing my dashboard? I don't see Edit Variable Properties in the report component menu?

A. If you do not see Menu > Edit Variable Properties in your rendered dashboard, then no "Allow changing" settings are configured (for filters or time series settings). If you want to be able to change filters or time series settings, let your PPM Pro administrator know.

Q. If you have a dashboard scheduled for publication, and one of the reports on that dashboard is updated/changed in some way, will the dashboard automatically reflect those changes? 

A. Yes, the dashboard will reflect the updated data at the next scheduled publication.

Q. Do I need to refresh the dashboard to get updated data?

A. There is no caching with new dashboards (like legacy) - any dashboard you run is current. Remember this is for unpublished dashboards. Published dashboards are a snapshot and are not updated until they are either republished manually or with a schedule.