Simple Project Financials Comparison

This report compare simple financial measures across a set of projects. For example, see an area chart showing Budget and Total Cost, for all projects in a portfolio. You can build this report using the design settings in the table below. Alternatively, you can download this report definition and upload it to your PPM Pro instance.

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Design View Selection Comments

Topic: Project

Type: Area: Basic

Title: <enter a meaningful title>


Other report Types that work well include Bar: Basic, Column: Basic, Line, and Spiderweb.

If the selected financial data fields do not overlap, then the Area: Stacked, Bar: Stacked, and Column: Stacked may also be of interest.


Bottom Axis: Title

Left Axis: <up to 10 financial fields, such as Budget Cost, Total Actual Cost, Actual Revenue, Total Capitalized Costs, Total Non-Capitalized Costs, and so on>

Per above, if the selected fields are complementary and do not overlap, you could use a Stacked report Type. Else you would want to use a Basic report Type.

Display Set desired Display options.  
Variable Settings

Scope: Portfolio

Filters: optionally include a project filter


Selecting the Portfolio Scope will cause this report to be available on Portfolio Report grids so it can be run for associated portfolios. You can select other Scope options if you want this report to be show in other entity grids as well.

As needed, you can also include Filters.

If you want to allow the user to change to a different Scope and/or Filter before running the report or when viewing the report, select the relevant checkboxes for Allow changing.