Approving Timesheets

If you are a final approver, you will be approving timesheets as a whole. If you are a PM approver, you will be approving project time entries for your projects only; after all project time entries have been approved (perhaps by multiple PMs if time is logged to multiple projects), the timesheet as a whole is sent to the Final Timesheet Approver. If any project time entries have been rejected, the timesheet is returned to the user who can update the unapproved entries (as well as add new entries) and resubmit the timesheet. Approved entries are not editable.

The Timesheet Approvals page allows you to approve or reject timesheets/project time entries, send an email to a user who submitted a timesheet, or open a timesheet that is awaiting approval. If you are interested in seeing a list of all resources for whom you are responsible for approving time, navigate to your Resource Info page and scroll to the section: "Timesheet Approver for the following Resources". That section contains the list of resources for whom you are the final approver. (Project owners can look at their project Team page for to see the resources they are responsible for.)

Approving All Timesheets

The Home/Timesheet Approvals page has an Approve All button. The timesheets to be approved are based on the "Show" selection.


PM Approval/Rejection

PMs approve/reject individual timesheet entries - they are only presented entries for projects they own. If any entries are rejected, the timesheet is returned to the user to revise and then resubmit. Note that users can revise only the entries that were rejected, however they can also add new entries. Once all entries have been approved, the timesheet will be sent on for final approval.

Reversing Timesheet Approval

Any time a timesheet is in a fully- or partially-approved state (for example, some PM entries have been approved while other have not), the Time Admin can reject the timesheet to put all entries back into an unapproved, editable state. This is helpful is a user realizes he or she need to modify a timesheet entry that as already been approved (and as a result is no longer editable). After edits are made, the timesheet can be resubmitted.

To approve/reject timesheets

1.      Navigate to Home/Timesheet Approvals (or click the link from the email alert you received when a resource submitted a timesheet for approval).

2.      Depending on your role, click the My Final Approvals tab or My PM Approvals tab. If you are a PM approver only, then you won't see any tabs, but just a list of project time entries awaiting approval.

3.      Select one or more timesheet (shift-click to select range, ctrl-click to select intermittent rows) or project time entry (if PM Approver) and click Approve or Reject.

4.      Enter an optional approval/rejection note in the confirmation modal that appears, then click the Approve (or Submit) button.

To delegate final timesheet approval to another resource

You can give another user access to the timesheets of the resources for whom you are the Final Timesheet Approver. Note that the alternate can approve your resources' timesheets, but no further delegation is supported.

Note: You specify the alternate timesheet approver on the resource record of the primary approver - not the records of the people whose timesheets are being approved.

1.      Navigate to your resource record (click your name in the top-right corner of your screen - this assumes you are the final approver). If you are not the final approver, go to the Resources tab and locate the resource who is the final approver.

2.      Once on the Resource Info page, choose Menu > Edit and locate the Alternate Timesheet Approver field.

3.      Enter the name of the resource who will give final timesheet approval in your absence. The assigned Alternate Timesheet Approver can log in and approve timesheets, but will not receive any email alerts indicating that timesheets are awaiting approval.

To delegate PM approval to another resource

You can give another user access to the timesheets of the resources for whom you are the PM Timesheet Approver. Note that the PM alternate can approve your resources' timesheets, but no further delegation is supported.

1.      Navigate to the Settings page of your project.

2.      Locate the Alternate PM Timesheet Approver fields and enter the name of the resource who will give PM timesheet approval in your absence. The assigned Alternate PM Timesheet Approver can log in and approve timesheets, but will not receive any email alerts indicating that timesheets are awaiting approval.

3.      Click Save.