PPM Pro instances that are linked to Planview Admin are encouraged to use the new notification service. Notifications routed through Planview Admin are recorded in a notification log for 30 days along with other notifications generated from connected Planview solutions. Once enabled, this replaces the Alerts in your PPM Pro Home page.
Note: This notification service is a platform-level mail service that does not include any additional configuration for PPM Pro notifications/alerts.
In order to receive notifications in your inbox, your IT administrator must safelist the following domains:
The notification log will display a log of all the notifications sent to your PV Admin user in the last 30 days. The records will be removed automatically after 30 days. Date and time stamps are based on your browser's location.
This will open the notification contents in a panel on the right side of the screen.
The table will be sorted according the column you selected. You can select any column to sort the table.
The table will display notifications that match the filter. To clear your filter, open the filter panel and click Clear filters.
Note: This notification service is a platform-level mail service that does not include any additional configuration for PPM Pro notifications/alerts.