Associations define a relationship between entities that is useful for navigating between those entities, as well as for generating reports on entities that participate in a relationship. Entities that support associations have either an Associations tab or section in the entity's UI. These Association tabs/sections contain sub-sections for each entity type the current entity can be associated with. For example, the project Associations section could contains subsections for requests and hierarchy units.
Please note the following permission requirements:
Read on to learn more about:
Entity... | ...Can Associate With |
Asset | Portfolio |
Financial Entry | Task |
Project Log/Issue |
Request, Task |
Portfolio See Adding Portfolio Components - Projects and Hierarchy Units for information about portfolios. |
Asset, Project, Sub-Portfolio, Unit Note that sub-portfolios are not created with associations, but by specifying the parent portfolio in the child portfolio's Parent field. See Creating Sub Portfolios. |
Project A project can be associated with more than one portfolio, and each association can be for a specific percentage of the project. See Associating Portfolios to Projects and Hierarchy Units |
Portfolio, Request, Unit |
Request | Project Log/Issue, Project, Task |
Task |
Financial Entry, Project Log/Issue, Request |
Unit |
Portfolio, Project |
The following screenshot shows a request that is configured to support associations with project logs, tasks, and projects:
The screenshot below is for the task entity, which can be associated with other tasks, issues, requests, and financial entries. You can expand or collapse the sections separately if you need more room. Use the Project filter to limit the list of tasks to a specific parent project, or show tasks from all projects.
Once you have added the entity, you can view or or edit it in a new tab (provided you have View or Edit permission on the entity, respectively), or remove it. This gives you a quick way to see, or, if you have edit permissions on the target, to update the entity. For example, you can provide initial role demand on a project associated to the request.
Associations cannot be deleted from finally-approved requests, however, permitted users can add/edit associations for finally-approved requests.
You can report on associated entities by including fields from the Children folder of the target entity. For example, if you want to report on all the associated entities for a request, you would:
The example report is shown below:
You can determine the columns that appear on the grid of the modal/page for managing Associations. For example, navigate to a task and select its Associations tab. Open one of the association sections, like Project Logs and you'll see the gear icon. Click to display the Configure Settings dialog, where you can add/remove fields, and reposition them. The available fields include those columns configured to be available on the entity's Grid view. For example, if you open a Task associations tab and click
, you'll see a dialog like the following:
The set of fields available fields match what your organization set up for grid columns on the Task entity.
Note: The complete set of available columns for the project grid under Portfolio associations will include the configured grid Project fields plus 11 default fields: Project Title, Owner, Type, Status, Start Date, Target Date, Complete Date, Percent to Include, Budget Hours, Budget Cost Total, and Budget Revenue (if applicable).
You can add/remove columns in the Association tab by clicking in the column header and selecting/deselecting columns in the Columns menu.
To add columns to the grid, open the Configure Settings dialog and select the fields in the Available Fields pane and then click the right-arrow. To remove columns, select them in the right-hand panel and click the left-arrow. You can display 20 columns max. The list of fields available in this dialog is determined by the request category, which is configured by an PPM Pro Admin.
You can select one or more columns to remain "locked" to the left of the screen in the non-scrolling region, preventing them from scrolling out of view. The Title field for an entity is locked by default. To lock an additional column, select the field and click the Lock button. To move a column into the scrolling section of the grid, select it and click the Unlock button (appears once you select a locked column other than Title).
You can move columns to any position in the grid by simply dragging the column header in the grid. Or, you can change their position by clicking the Configure Settings icon and using the Move Up/Move Down buttons to reorder the columns.
To sort a list, simply click on a header. An arrow pointing up indicates ascending sorting; down indicates descending. Alternatively, click your cursor in the header to display the sort menu and choose the sort order - ascending or descending.