Using the Project Gantt Chart

When you click the gantt_button.png button to show the Gantt chart (or choose Show Gantt Chart from the Gantt menu), the Gantt tools become active. 


Gantt Settings

Click the settings icon gear_icon.png to display the Gantt Settings dialog. The configure columns tab is where you choose the fields to display on the projects list. You can reorder the fields here, or simply drag and drop them on the grid.

The Gantt Settings tab is where you configure different aspects of the Gantt chart; each setting is described in the table below.

Gannt Milestone Options.png


Gantt Date Range Select the date interval to display.
Color By Field

Select the field to drive the color coding of the Gantt bars. For example, if you color by Project:Type, then each project type is displayed in a different color. Use any column configured on the Gantt Columns tab that represents a discrete list of values.

The "Color by Field" value is displayed in the rendered Gantt chart to the left of the interactive controls - it shows the current setting, if any, and can be changed on the chart itself.

Show 'Color By' Legend Check if you want a legend to appear below the project Gantt to show the value represented by each color.
Show Summary task phases

Check to display summary task phases in the Gantt chart.



In order to see the task phases on the Gantt chart, the following prerequistes need to be met:

  • Summary tasks must have a value in their Task Phase fields.
  • The Task Phase lookup list must be configured with values and colors. The chart references these colors to display the phases.


Show Milestone tasks Check to display Milestone tasks in the Gantt chart.
Open Task Icon Select an icon to represent open tasks in the chart.
Proposed Task Icon Select an icon to represent proposed tasks in the chart.
Closed Task Icon Select an icon to represent closed tasks in the chart.
Milestone icon color by Select a field to establish the color coding of the milestone icons.
Gantt Bar Label Select a field whose value will appear as a label to the right of each bar. Use any column configured on the Gantt Columns tab.
Show % Complete based on Select any % field to display a darker shade on top of each Bar #1 to represent the % complete of that field's value. The darker shade gives each bar the appearance of a progress bar. Remember that the field you choose to base % complete on must appear in the projects list grid. This feature is for treating the Gantt bar like a progress indicator, and can be based on any % field, as well as Project % Complete.

Project Gantt Chart Elements 

Edit section The following list describes the project Gantt chart elements

  • blue arrows - soft dependencies (project to project, no automatic date updates)
  • black arrows - hard dependencies (cross-project task dependencies)
  • thin gray bars - complete date
  • bar color controls by Color By field
  • bar labels controlled by Settings dialog
  • details appear when you hover cursor over bar

These are called-out in the screenshot below:
