Last Updated: | Applicable Hub Versions: Cloud
Planview Hub Cloud is a SaaS application with a web UI and is accessed via a browser. Planview Hub Cloud provides integration with customer repositories via publicly available APIs provided by the repository tool vendors. Customers provide access to their repositories by creating a separate user account that is used by their Hub instance. Access to the Hub Cloud application is managed by customers. Planview only provisions the initial administrator account, which is used for subsequent access management.
All operational data belonging to a customer's Hub integrations are contained within a PostgreSQL database. Based on the nature of our product, data is kept as long as integrations are configured. If an integration is deleted, the corresponding data will also be removed from our systems.
The diagram below shows how Planview Hub Cloud connects to a variety of repositories: on-prem and cloud.
Note: The arrows in the diagram show the direction of how communication is initiated, and not the direction of data flow.
If you'd like to learn more about Planview Hub Cloud's architecture, please contact customer care.
Learn more about Hub on-prem's architecture here.