How are users counted in Hub?

Last Updated:   |  Applicable Hub Versions: All


At Planview, we take a per-user pricing approach to determine the cost of your contract. This means Planview charges based on the number of users at your company. In Planview Hub version 22.1, we introduced the User Count dashboard so you can easily determine how many user licenses you will need to purchase upon renewal. You can learn more here.

What is a User?

A user is one of the following persons: Customer or Customer’s Affiliates’ employees or Authorized Subcontractors who (1) write, submit, or otherwise enter in, or are referenced by, any data or information that is received (manually or in an automated fashion) by or from Planview Hub, or (2) access or use Planview Hub.

Users who log into Planview Hub directly to make configuration changes are considered users. However, users seen in person fields as artifacts synchronize can also be considered users. We try to ensure that each physical person is counted at most once in the user count. For example, while a person might be logged into five different repositories and be seen in artifacts in those five repositories, that person is counted as a single user for licensing purposes. In order to do this, we provide User Count Configuration in the product to help exclude and deduplicate users, since Planview Hub alone is not able to determine that a user in one repository might correspond to the same physical user in another.