Advanced Reporting API: Card Lane History Endpoint

GET /io/reporting/export/cardpositions

Returns all the cards the authorized user has access to, with history of when and where cards were moved.

Resource URL

GET https://{accountname}

See Export Parameters for more information on specifying response formats and other options.

Example Request



Column Description
Card ID  
External Card ID  
Card Title  
Lane Entry Date  
Lane Exit Date  
Lane ID  
Lane Title  
Board ID  
Board Title  

Example Response

"Card ID","External Card ID","Card Title","Lane Entry Date","Lane Exit Date","Lane ID","Lane Title","Board ID","Board Title"
"10112913458",,"1",2016-06-27 04:06:25 PM,,"10112913867","Finished As Planned","10112913759","Sample Board 1"
"10112913459",,"2",2016-06-27 04:06:25 PM,,"10112913867","Finished As Planned","10112913759","Sample Board 1"