Q&A from Best Practices for using OKRs in AgilePlace - Sept 22th, 2022

Question Answer
Is there a way to link the KR to Epics for example so the progress from the Epics contribute to the KR progress? The Epic could be either in E1 or JIRA You will be able link KR to epics in the form of cards (on an AgilePlace fka LeanKit board) or projects (in Portfolios fka E1). However, this link is for alignment and traceability. The work progress of the Epics does not contribute to KR progress as work progress is different than value progress. However, I will consider in the future how to better show the underlying work progress to an OKR.
In the AgilePlace/LeanKit solution, can we share Key Results between different Objectives? No, Key Results can only belong to one Objective.
Are the OKRs attached to an existing Board, or are they their own Board? OKRs are attached to a board, but its own view.
Is there any thought to updating key result progress via completion of activity cards?  The work progress of the Epics does not contribute to KR progress as work progress is different than value progress. However, I will consider in the future how to better show the underlying work progress to an OKR.
Is there a way to make "value" in the key result a non-requirement?  Not all key results have a value.  Most key results should have a value. There may be more boolean OKRs to represent a key result that either happened or it didn't (eg: By end of Q2, select a service provider). In this case, you can use boolean values (0 and 1) in the start and target values.
Can you clarify how the OKR cards are calculating progress? For a Key Result you provide the start value and the target value. The metric can either be in a positive direction or a negative direction. For example, if the aim is a higher number (positive) vs lower number (negative). Then over time, you can enter progress updates. The KR % will then calculate the percent to target based on the latest update.
Do you have a confidence vote option "value" when creating OKR? Not yet, but I am considering this in future roadmap.
Can one objective be a "child" to more than one, higher level, obejctive? No, an objective can only have one parent objective.
How do you determine the Target value and Progress Value?  Its a good thing to collaborate and agree on goal achievement as a group.  It may take a couple cycles to draft the right level of OKR. So your target value may be an educated guess! But you can refine over time. Here are some examples: https://www.whatmatters.com/get-examples