Managing Users

What Can I Do on the Users Screen?

Administrators can use the Users screen in Planview Admin to manage Planview Admin users, including the following tasks: 



Future Planview Admin releases will add functionality such as adding new users for each available product; for now, continue adding new users directly in the appropriate product environment.



Users Screen Elements

The following table describes the screen elements and the tasks that administrators can perform on this screen.

Element Description
Filter Click the Filter icon, which allows Administrators to filter users by name, email, users assigned to specific products, role, status, if the password required option is activated, and last login date. 
Add user Click the Add user button to add a user manually.

Unless otherwise noted, the following options in the Actions menu affect the users selected with the check boxes on the left side of the screen:

  • Add product environments: Add users to a product environment.
  • Edit user: Modify details of one selected user.
  • Reset password: Resets the passwords for the selected active users.
  • Resend invitation: Resends the invitation email to the selected inactive users.
  • Promote to admin: Promotes the users to Planview Admin Administrator.
  • Remove admin role: Removes Planview Admin Administrator rights from the users.
  • Delete userDeletes the users.
  • Export usersExports all details for all Planview Admin users to a CSV file, including the name, email address, and status for each user; whether they are an administrator; and which products they have access to. This option exports all users regardless of the check box selections.
  • Import users: Allows users to create or edit users by importing CSV file.
First name The user's first name.
Last name The user's last name.
Email The user's email address.
Role The role assigned to a user regarding Planview Admin.  (Administrator, User)
Password Required Identifies which users must sign in using a username and password.  When SSO is not configured, all users will have a check in this field.  When SSO is configured, only users with the 
Require password (bypass SSO) setting enabled will show a check in this field.
Products The Planview product environments that the user has access to.


Active indicates users who have accessed Planview Admin.  By default, users who sign in using SSO are automatically set to active

Pending indicates users invited to Planview Admin, but have not yet accepted the invite and created a password.  

Last Login

Displays the date the user last logged in to Planview Admin, specifically.

NOTE:  This does not surface or log product-specific last login dates.  The date a user last logged into a product will be displayed in the product-specific user grid.



action menu.png

Click the action menu (action menu.png) for an individual user for the following options:

  • Edit userModify details for the user.
  • Reset password: Reset the user's password.
  • Resend invitation: Resends the invitation email.
  • Promote to admin: Promotes the user to Planview Admin Administrator.
  • Remove admin role: Removes Planview Admin Administrator rights from the user.
  • Delete user: Deletes the user.



Adding a User Manually

You can add a user to Planview Admin, but you will not be able to map that user until a corresponding user in the product environment (with matching email address) has been created.

  1. On the Users screen, click the Add user button.
  2. Enter the First name, Last name and Email. 
  3. Require password (bypass SSO) is disabled by default, and should only be used if your organization uses SSO and the user will bypass the SSO system.
  4. Click Add.

Once you create a corresponding user in the product environment (if one doesn't already exist), the users will be linked by matching email addresses at the next sync.  



Adding Existing Users to a Product Environment

If you need to add an existing user to a product environment for Roadmaps or Planview.Me in Planview Admin, you can do that from the Users screen.

To add existing users to a product environment for Roadmaps or Planview.Me:

  1. On the Users screen, check the checkbox next to each user that needs to be added to the environment(s).
  2. Open the Actions menu in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Add product environments.
  4. In the modal that appears, check the box for each environment you want to add the selected users to.
  5. Click Add.

You may not see the results immediately. You will receive an email when all selected users are added to the selected environments.



This option cannot be used to remove users from a product environment.




Deactivating Users

You can deactivate a user from Planview Admin; they will now appear in the Deactivated users tab of the Users screen, and will not be able to access Planview Admin. Deactivated users will be removed from their product assignments in Planview Admin they will no longer be able to authenticate with Planview Admin. Note that you will still need to deactivate users in the product environment to free up licenses and terminate resource(s) so that they will no longer be considered to have capacity. Deactivated users may be either Reactivated to regrant their access to Planview Admin, or Deleted to anonymize and remove their user records from Planview Admin.

To deactivate one user:

For the user you want to deactivate, perform one of the following steps:

  1. Click action menu.png > Deactivate user. The Deactivate User? confirmation window will appear.
  2. Click Deactivate user to confirm, or No to cancel.

To deactivate multiple users:

  1. Click the checkbox on the left side for each user you want to deactivate.
  2. Click Actions > Deactivate user. The Deactivate User? confirmation window will appear.
  3. Click Deactivate users to confirm, or No to cancel.



Reactivating Users

You can reactivate a user from Planview Admin; they will now appear in the Current users tab of the Users screen and be in the applications they were assigned upon reactivating them. Once a user sync runs, the remainder of their product access will be returned to them. 

To reactivate one user:

For the user you want to reactivate, perform one of the following steps:

  1. Click action menu.png > Activate user. The Activate User confirmation window will appear.
  2. Select the product environments to reassign their access to once they are reactivated.
  3. Click Activate to confirm, or Cancel to cancel.

To deactivate multiple users:

  1. Click the checkbox on the left side for each user you want to deactivate.
  2. Click Actions > Activate user. The Activate User confirmation window will appear.
  3. Select the product environments to reassign their access to once they are reactivated.
  4. Click Activate to confirm, or Cancel to cancel.



Deleting Users

You can delete a user from Planview Admin once they have been deactivated; they will no longer appear in the Deactivated users tab of the Users screen, their PII will be anonymized, and they will no longer be able to be reactivated. 

To delete one user:

For the user you want to delete, perform one of the following steps:

  1. Click action menu.png > Delete user. The Delete User? confirmation window will appear.
  2. Click Delete to confirm, or No to cancel.

To delete multiple users:

  1. Click the checkbox on the left side for each user you want to delete.
  2. Click Actions > Delete user. The Delete User? confirmation window will appear.
  3. Click Delete to confirm, or No to cancel.



Modifying User Details

Administrators can edit the names and email addresses of users in Planview Admin.

To modify a user's details:

  1. Click action menu.png > Edit user, or click the checkbox for the user on the left side, then click Actions > Edit user.
  2. On the Edit user screen, change the First name, Last name, Email, Require password (bypass SSO) and check the box for each environment you want to add the selected users to in Product environments.
  3. Click Save.



Configuring a User to Login with Username & Password

If your organization has SSO configured and turned on, Planview Admin supports the ability for certain users to login with username and password instead of SSO. The main use case for enabling a user to login with password is if your organization routinely interacts with or needs the ability to add users that are external to your organization. When the require password (bypass SSO) setting is enabled for a user, that user will receive an account creation email from Planview Admin.



Resetting User Passwords

To reset one user's password:

  1. For the user whose password you want to reset, perform one of the following steps:
    • Click action menu.png > Reset password.
    • Click the check box for the user on the left side. Then click Actions > Reset password.

The user's password is reset immediately and an email is sent to the user.

To reset multiple users' passwords:

  1. Click the checkbox on the left side for each user whose password you want to reset.
  2. Click Actions > Reset password.

The users' passwords are reset immediately and emails are sent to the users.



Make and Remove Planview Admin User Administrator Rights

You can make additional users Planview Admin Administrators:

  1. For the user whose role you want to change, perform one of the following steps:
    • Click action menu.png > Promote to admin or Remove admin role.
    • Click the check box for the user(s) on the left side. Then click Actions > Promote to admin or Remove admin role.



Exporting User Details to a CSV File

You can export a CSV file with details about all users in Planview Admin, including the name, email address, and status for each user; whether they are an administrator; and which product environments they have access to. The export automatically includes all users; individually selecting users does not affect the export.

To export a CSV file listing all users in Planview Admin:

  1. Click Actions > Export users.
  2. Select a location to save the exported file.
  3. Click Save.



    Exporting users is a full list action. The entire list of users will be exported regardless of checkbox selection.



Importing User Details with a CSV File

You can create news users or edit existing user details by importing a CSV file created from a template that you can download from Planview Admin. Details you can import include the name, email address, and status for each user and whether they are an administrator. You can select which product environments they have access to during the import.

To import a CSV file to update users in Planview Admin:

  1. Click Actions > Import users.
  2. (Optional) If you do not have a CSV prepared, click Download template to download a CSV you can fill in.



    The import feature is very specific about what fields can be included. If you exported a CSV using Actions > Export Users, you must remove fields that do not match the template from this step.

    However, if you are using the import process to update user email addresses, you must add the User ID column from the exported CSV.


  3. Click Choose File and select a CSV file to import.
  4. Select the product environments you want the imported users to have access to.
  5. For products with different subscription types, select a subscription type for all users that will be imported.



    If there are not enough subscriptions of your selected type, the users will not be imported. 


  6. For products where you can assign a product role, select a product role for all users that will be imported.
  7. Click Import.



    If you attempt to upload a file larger than 20MB, you will receive an error message when importing it. If your file is larger than this, please break it up.


Your CSV import will begin processing. You can continue working in Planview Admin while the import processes. You will receive an email notification when the import is completed.