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RPM Dashboard STR103 - Strategic Planning & Analysis (Administration)


Functional Prerequisites for Using this Dashboard

The Strategic Planning and Analysis dashboard is Strategy or Planning Portfolio dashboard that has the following Planview Enterprise functional and data prerequisites:
  • In order for this dashboard to strategy areas of Planview Enterprise must be configured and in use, with financial management data at leaf level of strategy (programs) and at parent levels in the strategy hierarchy and the use of Investment and Capacity Planning to approve strategic programs
  • The map visual relies on there being a financial planning line attribute on the revenue account(s) that will require mapping to a geographical data table. Currently this mapping can only be done via a back end script, with assistance from Planview Consulting.
It is recommended that customers seek assistance from Planview Consulting to provide assistance in preparing and deploying the essential prerequisite configuration and to apply the customer specific dashboard configuration required to enable the dashboard. For information on the configuration process refer to the RPM Analytics - Report Configuration topic.

This dashboard can be used on either a strategy or planning portfolio ribbon.
When used on the planning portfolio, the planning portfolio definition MUST be based on strategy


Overall Configuration Rules

The report layout is not customer configurable - all dashboard widgets must be used, specific widgets cannot be removed or moved within the dashboard.


User Parameter Configuration (Information for Planview Administrators)

Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Currency Display currency It is only possible to change currencies in a multi-currency environment. 

Currency selection is manual via the parameter drop down.
Defaults to users currency in
Financial preferences
Aggregate Financials By: This parameter determines the period of time that financial and effort information will be broken down by in the report Possible values are:
  • Fiscal Month: month (default)
  • Fiscal Quarter: quarter
  • Fiscal Year: year
Analytic allows selection of two FM versions that are used for calculations.

Parameter can be adjusted to compare different versions.
Defaults to versions marked as forecast for the selected model (see financial model) if syntax equals zero, is empty, or no syntax entry is provided.

To change the forecast version add the below syntax followed by the version ID 
  • demand_version_id=Version ID
Version IDs are listed in the ADM01 report.

Until overridden, the version will default to version marked as forecast for the financial model selected.
Target FM Version: Analytic allows selection of two FM versions that are used for calculations.

Defaults to versions marked as forecast and marked as baseline. Can be adjusted to compare to (for example) compare to a different baseline. 
Defaults to versions marked as baseline for the selected model (see financial model) if syntax equals zero, is empty, or no syntax entry is provided.

To change the baseline version add the below syntax followed by the version ID 
  • target_version_id=Version ID
Version IDs are listed in the ADM01 report.

Until overridden, the version will default to version marked as baseline for the financial model selected.
Attribute for Analysis: This parameter defines the attribute that is used for the Time phased Analysis visualization (bottom middle) This parameter determines the alternate structure that is used for the Time Phased Analysis visualization.
  • analyze_attribute=
This entry does not use the attribute ID because it could be an attribute that’s available for both strategy and work (which would be two different attribute ids) whereas the structure name would be the same.
  • I.e 'wbs28' instead of 'wbs28_plan'
In the configuration entry you must precede the structure name with:
  • “bla|” if it’s a budget line attribute
  • “ent|” to indicate entity
  • analyze_attribute=ent|wbs28


This attribute must be a Strategy alternate structure (or shared with strategy) AND it must be either a financial line attribute or an analyzable attribute.

If using an entity attribute (not a line attribute) AND the target structure is work, the attribute must be shared with work.


General Parameter Configuration (Information for Planview Administrators)

Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Financial Model Ability to control the financial model used for the Financial Planning data displayed in the report.

For additional information refer to the Using Financial Management Data in RPM Analytics topic
The financial model for this report can be changed from the Model marked as default to a specific model ID.

Model IDs are listed in the ADM01 report.
  • Example: model_id=3
The model_id must be a mega-model (uses the same FM model across multiple primary structures) since it’s used by several entities.
By default this parameters doesn't exist in the configure structure but can be added to override the financial model

Until overridden, the model will default to the work model.
Region Attribute This is parameter is used to configure the Revenue by Region map.   This parameter determines the alternate structure that provides the category data for the Revenue by Region Map.

region_attribute=attribute ID

The attribute defined MUST be a budget line attribute in the financial model.
Revenue by Status Chart Colors

☑ Added in RPM Analytics v2.5.3
This parameter sets the two colors used in the Revenue by Status Chart.

When run against a strategy portfolio, data will be classified as:
  • Approved - if it is "Accepted" or "Conditional"
  • Unapproved - for all other values
When run against a planning portfolio, only data that is above the line will be included. Data will be classified as:
  • Accepted - (configuration for approved)
  • Conditional - (configuration for unapproved)
Note:  Accepted and Conditional values will change if values set for Investment Approval (OpCapAppr) status SequenceID values WBS27$ACTP and WBS27$COND are updated.
A default can be set using:
  • unapproved_color=
  • approved_color=
Available values for selection are:
  • Any Hex value
  • Any CSS color name
The default RPM configuration is set to:
  • Blue
  • Gray
Expressed in the parameter defaults node of the RPM report configuration structure as:
  • unapproved_color=5d89ac
  • approved_color=Gray
Report Title Configurable report title that appears at the top of the report. If a longer report title is required, then create additional report_title=xxx entries and these will be concatenated together based on the order in which they are listed in the configuration structure. report_title=Strategic Planning and Analysis